80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 810: show you the way

After that, Chen Ming listened to his advice and went to live in seclusion in Jin City, not far from his hometown. In fact, few people know that the culprit of the trouble between Chen Ming and Ouyang Bin was just a small snuff bottle.

Chen Ming got it first, but Ouyang Bin read it again, and asked someone to give Chen Ming a message, asking him to take the initiative to send the snuff bottle over.

Of course, Chen Ming hasn't really cultivated his mind over the years. How could Chen Ming forget the hatred between his wife and son?

And he couldn't forget that it was also his son, and the son who wanted to give him old age and death, the revenge of murdering his son was undeniable!

He and Chen Ming had already figured out that the reason why they couldn't fight against Ouyang Bin was because they were not from that circle, so Ouyang Bin could crush them into mud, and no one would speak for them, because they For that circle, it's just a dispensable little scoundrel!

If you die, you can't find another one. Huaxia has nothing but a lot of people!

So if they want revenge, they must find a real backer!

And this backer can't be found from that circle. He had thought about looking for Miss Feng before, but he was disappointed because Miss Feng was also from that circle.

She has the unique commonality of people in that circle, the kind of superiority that radiates from her bones and is superior to them at the grass-roots level!

This sense of superiority has been deeply ingrained into their bones, so these people will not really take their grass roots in their hearts. Rao is that Miss Feng has a very close personal relationship with him, but when it comes to life and death, they will not Will really come out for him.

Therefore, they have to cultivate their own backers, and the backers they cultivated with their own hands can be truly reliable!

That's why Yan Mingshun was selected by Chen Mingxiang, and after nearly four years of investigation, he was recommended to him. He was also very satisfied with Yan Mingshun, which completely conformed to his vision and even exceeded his standards.

The air in the room was stagnant, and only the breathing of the two of them could be heard. Yan Mingshun didn't dare to speak first, and sat up straight and waited for Brother Cheng to speak first, and he was a little uneasy in his heart.

He didn't know why Brother Cheng suddenly stopped talking. He was worried that he had said the wrong thing. Don't look at this brother Cheng, who was scrawny, but he was fat. Uncle Ming had a much stronger aura. Yes, but there are still concerns.

Although Brother Cheng was reminiscing about the past, he had been observing Yan Mingshun secretly all the time, and was very satisfied with his calm temper. Brother Cheng drank the cup of tea, clasped his hands, and wore an emerald green on his left thumb. Wrench, especially expensive.

Brother Cheng finally spoke, speaking very slowly, "Chen Ming and I are from the same town, and we have had friendship since wearing open-crotch pants until now.

Yan Mingshun was calm on the surface, but he was shocked inside. The friendship between Brother Cheng and Uncle Ming was even deeper than he imagined. This guy is really good at pretending.

Brother Cheng continued: "Chen Ming appreciates you very much, so he really wants to help you, and I hope I can give you some pointers."

Yan Ming Shunwu said respectfully, "Thank you Uncle Chen for your guidance."

Brother Cheng smiled, "Don't be too busy to thank you, the road I let you walk is not a sunny road, but the rough road you have to walk is always stronger."

Yan Mingshun acted upright and listened attentively, but Brother Cheng did not continue to speak. He changed the subject and asked, "Are you and the little princess of the Zhao family good friends?"

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