80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 813: Fertilizer and water do not flow to outsiders' fields

Zhao Yingxiong and the others came back specially for Meimei's birthday, the old man ordered it, how dare they not come back!

Tomorrow is Meimei's birthday. The old man and the old lady decided to go out with the whole family to have a meal, and have a fun. Meimei and the old lady also reconciled, and they are as affectionate as before.

But she still has estrangement in her heart, and she has reserved a lot of words, and will no longer be as intimate as before. Han Suqin is still as enthusiastic as before, hugging her brows and asking for warmth, like my own daughter.

An Yafang is still the same, cold and cold, and she doesn't talk much. She and Meimei haven't said more than ten words in the past two years. In comparison, Meimei is of course closer to Han Suqin, who is warm and talkative. .

"Our family's eyebrows are really getting more and more beautiful, and I don't know which junior will be cheaper in the future!" Han Suqin said jokingly, her eyes flashing.

Her maiden's nephew, who is most popular with her, is only a few years older than Meimei, and she has nothing to say about her personality or appearance. Only the Zhao family's family background is a little worse, but their Han family is not a small family with no name and name. In terms of face, it is also qualified to match the little princess of the Zhao family.

After waiting for a while, she asked her youngest son Xuehai to help introduce her nephew to Meimei, and then asked her nephew to take the university entrance exam to Tianjin City. Still not worried?

At that time, as long as the couple is consensual, the parents-in-law will definitely not object, and it is useless to object, Meimei herself is willing!

When the others heard Han Suqin's words, they all burst into laughter. Zhao Xuegong and Zhao Xuehai laughed the most. Zhao Xuegong winked and said, "Second aunt, you don't know, we already have childhood sweethearts!"

Her brows and face were burning and red, she punched Zhao Xuegong a few times in exasperation, and Han Suqin's heart sank due to the tenderness of her little daughter, and she hurriedly asked what was going on.

Meimei was shy and coquettish: "Second aunt, don't listen to fifth brother's nonsense, there is nothing, Ming Shun is just my good friend."

Although Zhao Xuegong is right, and she and Yan Mingshun are both privately set for life, how can she admit this kind of thing in front of adults, she can only bite to death now and is a good friend!

At this time, Zhao Yingying noticed that the color of the TV that played the program loudly had changed, so he smiled and said, "Mom, you have figured it out, it should be changed a long time ago. The color TV looks comfortable, right?"

Han Suqin also noticed it, and laughed and joked a few times, but her stomach was full of worries, and she was not as energetic as before.

The old lady smiled and said, "Xiaoyan bought this for me, and he also sent it over himself."

Han Suqin has lived with the old lady for decades, and she knows her mother-in-law's character like the back of her hand. Seeing the old lady's appearance, she knows that she is a hundred satisfied with Yan Mingshun, her heart sinks even more, and the alarm bell rings.

What is this Yan Mingshun's origin? Meimei likes it, and the old lady likes it too. Although the old man didn't show that he liked it too much, he didn't see anything he didn't like, which made Han Suqin very dissatisfied.

"Then this young man is really good. He sent the color TV all the way, and the friendship with our Meimei is really not shallow!" Han Suqin laughed and joked, and observed the changes in the expressions of the old lady and the girl.

The old lady is satisfied and happy, but her eyebrows are shy and proud. Han Suqin, who has worked as a political worker for decades, has a rough idea.

Han Suqin, who didn't think she was in a hurry, immediately decided to speed up. She had to let her nephew get to know Meimei as soon as possible, and fat water must not fall into the fields of outsiders.

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