80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 910: not my business

Before Meimei could speak, Xiao Se said coldly, "Xiao Wei, you don't know anything, why are you interfering?"

Xiao Wei didn't have her younger brother Xiao Jingxing's palace, and her face turned cold in an instant, and she reprimanded: "Xiao Se, do you understand the superiority of elders and youngest? You have to call me aunt."

"I don't understand, my tutor never taught me." Xiao Se flatly denied it.

Xiao Wei was so angry that her eyebrows stood on end, she was about to have a seizure, but was stopped by Xiao Jingxing.

Xiao Jingxing gave her a wink, although Xiao Wei was her elder sister, she usually listened to her younger brother's words, so she had to hold back her anger, stood aside with a sullen face, and refused to leave.

Mei Shuhan seems to be very different to Zhao Mei. Although Xiao Wei is not very smart, the woman's intuition makes her realize that Mei Shuhan has a strange feeling for Mei Mei.

It makes her very unhappy!

Of course, the object of her unhappiness must be Mei Mei, not Mei Shuhan.

Xiao Wei thinks that Mei Shuhan must have seduced Mei Shuhan. On this point, she shares the same idea with all women, and never blames men for cheating.

The object of Xiao Wei's anger immediately moved from Xiao Se to Meimei, her big eyes staring hard, without covering it.

This kind of emotionally exposed woman didn't take it to heart at all.

She glanced at Hui Shuhan and Wu Yue who were standing, and then at Xiao Wei, and sneered to herself, Mei Shuhan's appearance is indeed very easy to attract women, but Xiao Wei's future is not optimistic!

In the past, there was Wu Yue who had ulterior motives, and then there was Heliance, a pervert, who was staring at him. Xiao Wei was not enough for those two to play!

"Miss Xiao doesn't know the inside story, please be careful, be careful that when lightning strikes the bad guy, you will be hacked together."

Meimei said lightly, Xiao Wei was stunned for a while, she didn't understand it for a while, and it took a long time to understand, with an angry look on her face, she opened her mouth to curse.

Xiao Jingxing grabbed her, gave her a warning look, and said with a smile, "Excuse me, Miss Zhao, take it easy."

Meimei just chuckled lightly and didn't say anything, Xiao Jingxing dragged the reluctant Xiao Wei and left, today is the mother's birthday banquet, they are their own children, if they take the lead in making trouble, the father will not know how to be angry!

Mei Shuhan also stopped the indignant Wu Yue, smiling like a spring breeze, "Mei Mei, Mr. Wu, he is my mentor, the grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a spring, I can't watch my mentor suffer, but Sitting on the sidelines..."

All the guests nodded in agreement~www.readwn.com~ admired Mei Shuhan, a gentle and jade-like young man.

These years, there are fewer and fewer young people who are grateful for the picture!

Meimei looked at him mockingly, a sneer on the corners of his lips, "It has nothing to do with me if you want to repay your kindness, whether you repay it with a spring or promise with your body, it has nothing to do with me at all. Likewise, I also have nothing to do with me. Please don't show up in front of me with this disgusting person in the future, especially when I'm full."

Wu Yue's eyes turned even redder, and she looked at Mei Shuhan extremely aggrieved. The guests also sympathized with her, but she felt that her brows were a bit aggressive.

Mei Shuhan looked at the frosty face, sighed deeply, turned and left, followed by Wu Yue who followed closely.

Meimei looked at Wu Yue's back with cold eyes. If she wasn't afraid that she would wear a gang, she would definitely let Qiuqiu give Wu Yue a cup of the essence of five grains.

This woman never forgets to come to her face to defend herself, it's disgusting!

Xiao Se raised his eyebrows, picked up the ribs she had eaten on the table, and luck bounced out, white light flashed, and Wu Yue threw a plop and fell a dog.

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