80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 927: Washing the marrow and cutting the tendons

The immortal grass that Qiuqiu took out two years ago was soaked in good water from Xishan. Just like the medicinal wine, the water turned green, and she took a large glass bottle to hold it.

Although the old man Zhao and the old lady were treated every year, the available amount was very small. After two years, the bottle was still full.

Meimei poured the water from the kettle into the cup, dropped three more drops of the potion, shook it gently, and mixed the potion and tea evenly. She planned to give Yan Mingshun these to drink.

In the past, she thought that Yan Mingshun was in good health, that he was young and could not take care of his body, but now that he has trained so hard, if he doesn't take care of it, he is afraid that his body will break down.

"The male master's physical fitness is very strong, and the amount of the potion can be doubled. Drinking the potion every three days for half a year can wash the marrow and cut the tendons, which is good for him." Qiuqiu said suddenly.

Meimei was embarrassed, "I can't see Brother Mingshun often, and I can't control the time!"

Qiuqiu gave her a disdainful glance, and spit out a thumb-sized jade bottle from his mouth.

"This is a good jade bottle. It can maintain its medicinal properties for a month. I can always meet once a month, right?" Qiu Qiu said angrily.

The male host and the hostess are so tired that they don't see each other for a month?

It's a bet with its **** that it won't last for a month, and the two will find a way to get together!

Meimei smiled brightly, put away the jade bottle, added three drops of potion, and prepared to feed Yan Mingshun with water.

She thought for a while, took a big mouthful of water, kissed Yan Mingshun's lips, and crossed in like this.

That way it won't leak out!

Her potion is very precious!

Girl, you can wait for your male ticket to wake up before drinking it, and it will save trouble and will not be wasted. Why rush at this moment!

Yan Mingshun, who was half asleep, felt the girl's soft body approaching, and his face was getting closer and closer to his, because he felt the girl's fragrance and warm breath.

Yan Mingshun's mind is actually not too clear. He knows what Meimei is doing, but he doesn't even want to move a finger, so he enjoys it passively.

When the girl's soft and sweet lips pressed against his, Yan Mingshun sighed softly, his whole body felt as if he was floating in the air, so comfortable...

I really like sneak attacks like Meimei, it seems that he can pretend to sleep a few more times in the future!

Immediately, he felt that there was more cool and sweet water in his mouth. It was obviously just ordinary tea, but he felt it was fragrant and sweet, and all the water he had ever drank was sweet.

Is it because Meimei feeds him?

But Yan Mingshun quickly noticed the change in his body, UU reading www.uukanshu. com seemed to have a burst of warmth pouring into the whole body, crisp, numb, warm... The whole person became lazy.

This time he really fell asleep, breathing longer and longer.

The light wind blew slightly, Meimei couldn't help yawning, and let Qiuqiu and Chacha keep watch. She snuggled up to Yan Mingshun and fell asleep.

This sleep was particularly sweet. It was the most beautiful sleep Yan Mingshun had had in the past 19 years. The pain and stiffness in his body disappeared, as well as the feeling of fatigue and drowsiness. His spirit was excellent. Good enough to kill a cow.

Yan Mingshun raised his wrist and looked at his watch, and was surprised that he had slept for nearly four hours, and it was already noon.

He looked at Meimei, who was still sleeping soundly beside him. The girl's sweet sleeping position was like a real-life Bardoll, which made him want to kiss Fangze.

Yan Mingshun stretched out his hand to brush the girl's cheek, but was surprised to find that his bare arm was covered with black sludge. Although it was only a shallow layer, it couldn't hide his eyes.

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