80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 941: cloudy and sunny

The subordinate thought for a while and then said, "Young Master Ce, I have a new discovery. (..

"Speak!" Helianze glared.

His body trembled, and he said hurriedly: "When I went to buy a house today, it was said to be bought for a man named Ming Shao. When will there be a Ming Shao in Kyoto? And this Ming Shao can also direct the people over there. ."

Heliance narrowed his eyes, his eyes were fierce, and said coldly, "Why didn't you tell such important news earlier?"

His subordinates were so frightened that they hurriedly knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "I don't understand and dare not report to Master Ce, and ask Master Ce for forgiveness!"

Heliance kicked him in anger, and scolded: "Let me find out what is the relationship between this person named Ming Shao and Lao Za Mao? Grandma's, any cat or dog dares to call Shao? It must be Lao Za Mao. If you deliberately get it out and do the wrong thing with Lao Tzu, hurry up and check it out, Lao Tzu can't kill him!"

"Yes Yes……"

The subordinates nodded in fear, for fear that they would annoy this evil star and their lives would not be saved.

"What's the matter? Are they ineffective? Don't be angry, eat noodles quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold!"

Mei Shuhan came out with a big bowl of steaming noodles in his hand. Seeing that Heliance was in a very bad mood, he could not help frowning.

Heliance hurriedly suppressed his anger, kicked his subordinates far away, and his subordinates exited the room in panic, secretly relieved, and was very grateful to Mei Shuhan. Will be beaten to death.

"The noodles cooked by Shuhan are delicious and fragrant..."

Heliance ate it in big mouthfuls, full of praise. He really liked the noodles cooked by Mei Shuhan, and it had the taste in his memory.

He remembered that when he was very young, some people cooked pickled vegetables and shredded pork noodles for him. It was such a taste that no one else could cook it. Only Mei Shuhan cooked what he liked. He could eat it every day. never tire.

"I like to eat more, and tell me if you want to eat it later." Mei Shuhan said with a smile.

Heliance raised his head and glanced at Mei Shuhan, who was shrouded in mist. It was vague, and he couldn't see clearly, but it made him feel very peaceful, the kind of tranquility that had removed any desire.

He himself thought it was strange that Mei Shuhan, who was only acquired on a whim, gave him so many surprises and occupied more and more places in his heart.

"You also eat..."

Heliance took a chopstick of noodles and brought it to Mei Shuhan's mouth, looking at him fixedly.

Mei Shuhan didn't want to eat, he was not used to being fed, especially when the other person was a man, but when he saw Heliance's expectant eyes, he couldn't help but softened his heart and opened his mouth to eat the noodles.

"I've already eaten dinner~www.readwn.com~ You can eat it yourself." Mei Shuhan swallowed the noodles in his mouth, and the taste was mixed.

Heliance grinned very happily, lowered his head and continued to eat the noodles, snoring, and in a short while he finished eating a large bowl of noodles, and even drank the soup.

"Delicious... uh..."

Heliance patted his stomach contentedly, burped his stomach repeatedly, his expression was relieved, but his gloom was a little less.

Mei Shuhan hesitated for a long time, but still summoned up his courage and said, "I want to pick a house that I bought today to repair, and move in there when school starts..."

Seeing Heliance's expression turning cold, he quickly explained, "I like the scenery over there, but I don't like it too much here."

Heliance immediately turned cloudy and sunny, "Okay, which one do you like, I'll send someone to repair it for you, and keep it like new, then we'll move in together, I can live anywhere, don't choose! "

Mei Shuhan quietly looked at Heliance who was talking incessantly, and sighed faintly.

Could it be that he and Helianze really want to be involved in this way?

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