80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 943: perfect body

Yan Mingshun, who returned to the base, had no dreams all night. The next day he woke up full of energy. The cells in his body were full of vitality, and he had inexhaustible strength. Mobile terminal m.

Moreover, he also felt that there was a subtle qi flowing in his dantian, and this qi made his power endless and endless.

Before getting up, Yan Mingshun felt this qi. He didn't get up immediately, but started breathing in bed. When he was a child, he studied Neijia Kungfu for a period of time. It was the master that his grandfather found for him, an old man who was lonely and widowed. A boxer with a very poor life.

The boxer taught him this set of internal skills, and said that if he understood it, he would definitely become a peerless master.

Of course, the old boxer didn't understand it, and he didn't live well at all. He taught Yan Mingshun and died a few years ago.

However, Yan Mingshun did not abandon this mental method. He insisted on breathing and breathing every day, and his body practiced extremely well, but he never felt 'qi' in his dantian, but now...

The ecstatic Yan Mingshun circulated this weak Qi in his body for a big week, spit out the exhaust gas in his body, his body's senses were more sensitive, and he could even perceive the surrounding environment with his eyes closed.

Each of his cells seems to be his eyes, transmitting external things to his brain, just like infrared rays, exactly...

And his body is as flexible as if it was rebuilt. He can easily jump over obstacles more than three meters high, and jump from the third floor without damage, just like the legendary flying eaves and walls...

It was only at this moment that Yan Mingshun realized that the old boxer did not lie to him, that set of mental methods can really make people a peerless master, but——

The premise is to wash the marrow and cut the tendons!

Therefore, the old boxer has been enlightened all his life, but he has not fully realized it, so he can only leave with regret!

If he hadn't met Meimei, he might have been like the old boxer. He would never be able to understand it in his entire life.

Yan Mingshun raised his strong arm and smiled with satisfaction.

Heaven made him meet Meimei, and it also made him stronger, in order to better protect Meimei!

The devil instructor glanced at Yan Mingshun strangely. Yesterday, he was still half tired, but he was refreshed after only one day?

This recovery speed is too fast, right?

Is it true that the power of love is infinite?

The instructor didn't think much about it, he just thought that the young man was in a good mood and it was normal for him to recover quickly. He looked at Yan Mingshun sympathetically, and only hoped that this kid could survive the next snack training!

An hour has passed...

Two hours have passed...

Three hours……

The instructor looked at Yan Mingshun who easily completed his snack training~www.readwn.com~ Although sweating profusely, he did not feel the fatigue of the previous days, and he was still full of energy.

"Boss, did this kid take some medicine?" Other people who saw it with envy envy Wu, and couldn't help but have other guesses.

The instructor actually had the same guess. The black market is selling such stimulants, which can quickly improve various functions of the body in a short period of time, and perfectly complete the high-fun moves that are usually impossible to do.

But as long as the effect of the drug wears off, it will quickly return to its original shape, and it will also cause irreversible damage to the body, which is not worth the loss.

After the training, the instructor asked the military doctor at the base to draw a blood test for Yan Mingshun, but the test results were all normal.

Yan Mingshun's body is so good that he is envious, as perfect as if the emperor had made it himself according to the standard.

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