80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 993: Between hope and despair

He Biyun looked indignant, because of her hard work and unsatisfactory life, she was getting old too fast, the hoarfrost in her hair was very obvious, and the fine lines at the corners of her eyes had formed deep ravines. (..)

Because she is too thin, her originally round face has become pointed, her cheekbones are high, her eyes have become triangular eyes, and the corners of her mouth are drooping, which is a bit more mean and philistine.

Whenever someone passed by, He Biyun would always look over there reflexively.

And when she looks at people, she always looks sideways, first looking at the shoes of her feet, and then looking quickly, within ten seconds, she can accurately estimate whether this person is a rich person who can afford hairy crabs, or just a The pauper who can buy some dead fish and dead shrimp.

Seeing He Biyun's actions, Wu Yue was even more disgusted. She responded impatiently and urged He Biyun to hurry back. If her classmates saw her in a while, what face would she have?

"Mom, I see, you can go back and sell fish, I still have something to do here."

Thinking of the fierceness of the man at home, He Biyun couldn't help shaking her body. The man only gave her two hours of leave. If she exceeded it, she would be beaten again.

"Okay, Mom, go back first, don't spend too much time wandering outside on a hot day, go home early to read, Yueyue, you have a good foundation, as long as you study hard, you will definitely pass the test..."

He Biyun started talking again, she had been struggling with Wu Yue's retention for a summer vacation.

Wu Yue impatiently sent He Biyun away and ran to stand in the shade under the tree with a cold sneer on her face.

What's the use of reading?

In this day and age, no matter how well-read the underprivileged children are, they can't compete with those from good families!

No, she can't stay here with He Biyun anymore, although material life is not too bad, not enough, more than enough, but she is not satisfied.

The fishmonger's daughter...

It's embarrassing to say it!

She has to find a way to get back to Wu Zhengsi. Wu Zhengsi is now the general manager of Brother Shuhan's company. He has a car and lives in a garden house...

Also in business, her father is now hundreds of times stronger than his stepfather who sells fish!

But Wu Zhengsi didn't recognize her, and the alimony was not less than a hundred yuan a month, not much, not a lot, and it would be credited into her bank account at the beginning of the month.

She never used any of the money, she kept it all, and there was usually pocket money that Mei Shuhan gave her. Wu Yue's small treasury was not thin, which also gave her a little more confidence in front of her classmates.

Wu Yue didn't see Meimei and the others~www.readwn.com~ She leaned against the tree, lowered her head slightly, thinking about something, racking her brains to think about how to get Wu Zhengsi to lead her home.

Now Wu Zhengsi hasn't married that fox spirit. If the fox spirit has entered the door and has another son, Wu Zhengsi will not miss her!

Meimei only left the school after He Biyun left. She glanced at Wu Yue, who was dressed in a fashionable and beautiful manner. She was in stark contrast to He Biyun, and she didn't look like a family.

As long as Wu Yue stayed by He Biyun's side for one day, this **** would not be happy for a day!

Therefore, Meimei did not take any major action against Wu Yue in the past three years, because staying in that house where the smell of fish was everywhere was the biggest punishment for Wu Yue!

Of course, how could she let Wu Yue go so easily?

The days are long, give Wu Yue a little hope, and then give her deeper despair... Let her sink between hope and despair, just see how long Wu Yue can bear it!

Not long after Meimei left, Ouyang Shanshan also came out with a cart. Seeing Wu Yue who was still leaning against a tree, Ouyang Shanshan's eyes lit up and she took the initiative to walk over.

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