80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 998: Enemies meet with special jealousy

"Hey, there's a new vegetable market here, Mom, let's go there and see!"

Meimei pointed to the vegetable market less than half a mile away from the government compound, and dragged Yan Xinya to the new vegetable market to buy food. She didn't want to go the wrong way on a hot day.

The new vegetable market is very clean and has a complete range of varieties. It looks neat and tidy. There are many customers who come to buy vegetables. Many of them are family members of the government compound. They see Yan Xinya's mother. Ladies, they all greeted each other warmly.

The leading lady and daughter, who would dare not say hello?

"Mom, the clams here are good, let's buy some and fry them!"

There are three fish stalls in the market, all of them are husband and wife stalls, and they are all about the same size. Meimei noticed that one of the stalls had fresher clams, so she dragged Yan Xinya towards it.

"My family's clams are definitely the freshest in Tianjin, as well as shrimps and crabs. Look, all of them are alive and kicking!"

The owner of the fish stall was a man in his forties or fifties. He was short and stocky, with a full beard and shiny hair. He had a warm and wretched smile on his face.

The dress of the mother and daughter looks like a rich family who can afford hairy crabs, so please say hello!

The stall owner's wife squatted on the ground to kill the fish, her hair was disheveled, and there were a lot of white silk. She only glanced at her eyebrows and didn't look at it again. She took a colander and scooped up the clams herself, not letting the man do it.

"Do you want to weigh a few gun crabs, girl? Look, how fresh!"

The stall owner caught only seven or eight heavy gun crabs, and the crabs were showing their teeth and claws in his hands. They looked really fresh, but Meimei saw through his little tricks at a glance.

"Boss, put the crab on the ground and see if it will crawl?" Meimei sneered.

The color of this crab seems to have been dead for a long time. The reason why it can move is because the hand of the stall owner is manipulating it. Because of its fast movement, inexperienced customers are mostly accepted.

The stall owner smiled embarrassingly. Knowing that he had touched a connoisseur, he hurriedly put the crab in his hand back into the water, fished it again, and said sincerely, "This one is absolutely fresh!"

Meimei snorted softly, and didn't want to talk to the stall owner. The most annoying thing is this kind of dishonest stallholder.

Yan Xinya picked out a pound of crucian carp and asked the stall owner to kill it.

"Hurry up and kill the guests, hurry up and slow down, I raised you such a waste snack!"

The stall owner smashed the fish to the ground, kicked it in front of the woman, and arrogantly, but the woman didn't say a word, and it seemed that she was used to being scolded by her husband in public.

"Okay~www.readwn.com~ The woman's movements are very quick, she killed the fish in less than a minute, put the fish in a plastic bag, stood up, and handed the bag to Yan Xinya, looking at each other. At that time, both of them were stunned.


The woman's hand shook, the bag fell to the ground, and the **** fish rolled out, along with the white fat and yellow seeds, scattered on the ground.

Meimei also saw the appearance of this woman, and it was He Biyun.

Unexpectedly, He Biyun and his wife would come to this newly opened market to sell fish, and they happened to touch it!

Yan Xinya's face sank, and before she could speak, He Biyun had a seizure first, and the harsh voice made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Yan Xinya, did you come to see my joke on purpose? Now you're satisfied? I won't sell you my fish, get out of here..."

He Biyun's expression was insane, his eyes were red, he lifted his foot and stepped on the dead fish, trampling the dead fish to a pulp, disgusting.

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