80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 1004: Reading is useless

Wu Chao was stunned for a while, looked at Meimei suspiciously, and asked her what was going on with his eyes.

Her brows were secretly happy, but she pretended not to know and said, "It's funny, what does it have to do with me if you can't read? I'm not your parent, Wu Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Chao nodded vigorously, "Yes, what does your study have to do with Meimei, don't put everything on Meimei!"

Wu Yue pointed at Meimei angrily and complained, "It was her idea to make my stepfather not allow me to study, and let me go back to sell fish, Zhao Mei, what's in your mind?"

Meimei shrugged, "It's funny, I don't even know your stepfather, why should he listen to me, Wu Yue, you also said that he is your stepfather, not your biological daughter, it's already very good for you to read Gao Besides, your grades are so poor, it's no wonder your stepfather made such a decision!"

Several classmates from the countryside who used to be in the same class as Wu Yue couldn't help but nod their heads.

"Yeah, with grades like Wu Yue's, where can I study in our country? Either get married or go back to farming. If I hadn't passed the exam, my parents wouldn't be able to study for me." A woman The classmates sighed.

The other girls also nodded, but this is not the case. It is really difficult for girls in rural areas to study.

Because the old people think that sooner or later, the baby girl is someone else's family, and no matter how much she reads, she is reading for others.

Female classmates like them who can come to study must have a pair of enlightened parents, and their family background is decent.

Most importantly, they have to get good grades.

If the grades are not good, they don't have the face to ask their parents to pay for it!

Therefore, they are extremely disdainful of Wuyue. With such poor grades, how can they still stay in one?

What a shame!

And they are also ashamed to be in the company of such scumbags!

Wu Yue heard the discussion of these female classmates, turned her head and scolded: "What's the matter with you bastards? Don't you have better grades? Hmph, from a rural area like you, even if you go to college, you can't get a good job. What are you doing in front of me?"

In the past three years, Wu Yue has become more and more serious, and has been gradually brainwashed by Ouyang Shanshan. Needless to say, she has the idea that reading is useless.

I just think that no matter how good reading is, it is better to cast a good child!

Parents who are capable, don't have to worry in this life, if they meet parents who are not capable, no matter how good they are, it will be in vain.

He Biyun has been abandoned, but she still has Wu Zhengsi!

As long as she can return to Wu Zhengsi, with Wu Zhengsi's financial resources, what books will she use?

And she has another way out - Mei Shuhan~www.readwn.com~ But Mei Shuhan is now her second spare tire, and behind him is Heliance who makes her tremble. Mei Shuhan didn't dare to touch his hand.

And now Wu Yue is ambitious and high-minded.

Since talking to Huang Yulian, Wu Yue's goals have expanded, and she wants to marry a better man, such as a high-ranking official like Ouyang.

She is confident, her appearance and character are not bad, and it is human, why can't she achieve her goal?

Wu Yue's words made all the rural students in the cafeteria turn pale, their faces were very ugly, and they looked at Wu Yue with anger in their eyes.

Rural students like them have no backers and no way. The only way to get out of the countryside is to go to university and get a good job in the future.

This way they can become city dwellers and make their parents look proud and proud.

But Wu Yue said that their studies were useless, and she kept calling them buns, how could they not be angry?

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