Lu sanshao successfully shifted the topic.

Lu tingchuan smiles and grabs directly.

"Wash your hands." Nalanyu quickly retracts the plate and stares at him. This man's hands are dirty, thanks to him.

"You feed me." He was not shy of waiting to feed.

"Granny Lin is here." How could he have invited a young man to show his love in front of him.

"What are you afraid of? Granny Lin watched me grow up in crotch pants. " What kind of embarrassment have you never seen?

Nalanyu couldn't help laughing. While grandma Lin didn't come out, she took a piece of beef and put it into his mouth. Can't wait for his praise after tasting.

"How's it going?" She can't wait to ask.

Lu tingchuan had a very serious taste. As a result, she said, "no taste, another one."

“……” Is it that light? Nalanyu took it seriously and gave him another one.

Lu tingchuan clearly tasted one and wanted to taste it again, "another one."

Nalanyu saw through that he was intentional, "are you finished?"

Lu tingchuan laughs, "did you do it?"

"Of course, I did it. Granny Lin taught me by hand."

"It's not bad, but it's a little light." Lu tingchuan tells the truth.

"So put a little salt, Granny Lin," she said

"So you made it so quickly?"

"It's not that simple. It's just a dish. Granny Lin said, "you have to master at least thirty or fifty special dishes, otherwise it won't satisfy your grandfather's appetite."

It's terrible to think about thirty or fifty dishes. I don't know when I can master it.

"The old man is so hard to serve?"

"What do you think?"

"Then keep up your efforts." Lu tingchuan pinched her cheek to encourage her.

"Well. There will be a soup and a seasonal vegetable later

"So, I only have two dishes and one soup today?" Even the basic well-off life is not enough.

"Two dishes and one soup is very good. Don't be so demanding." She planned to learn one dish a day, but she learned three dishes in this meal.

"It's not demanding, at least keep up with the well-off life?" Two dishes are not enough for him.

"Don't worry, I'm not hungry." Naranyu came into the kitchen.

Lu tingchuan showed a satisfied smile after the meeting.

A few months ago, this comfortable two person world had nothing to do with him, and even did not survive in his concept; unexpectedly, a few months later, it changed his life in this way; moreover, it was full of all his inner space.


In the evening, nalanyu was alone in the kitchen very early, busy with the evening dinner. And Lu tingchuan is not allowed to enter the kitchen.

Lu tingchuan is bored watching TV. He has always been not interested in TV, quietly came to the kitchen, also found that the kitchen door was locked by her from inside.

I don't know what she's up to. I won't let him see it. The point is, it's been an hour.

Do you want to surprise him?

With this in mind, Lu tingchuan honestly sat back on the sofa, quite a posture of waiting for surprise.


An hour and a half later, nalanyu put three dishes and one soup on the table and called out to the living room, "have dinner."

She went back to the kitchen and served two bowls of rice. When I came out, I saw Lu tingchuan standing in front of the table, confused with the dishes on the table.

"What are you looking at? I don't know the dishes I just ate at noon? " Nalanyu put a bowl of rice in front of him. He sat down and picked the rice in the bowl with chopsticks.

"Why do you still eat this?" Lu Tingchuan glanced as like as two peas on the table, and the handsome face was immediately pulled down.

"I just learned it at noon. Of course, I have to consolidate my skills in the evening. Otherwise, I forget what to do?" Nalanyu took care of himself and added a piece of beef willow to his bowl. "How about you taste tonight? I've been working all afternoon on my own

At noon, although she did it herself, Granny Lin was still there to give advice. She wanted to make it easier.

Lu Shao is deeply aware that many days in the future, he may have to eat the same dishes at noon and evening.

How do you feel It's a pity!


Later, a few days later, they had a new member in their family.

"Woof, woof --"

the barking of dogs came from outside.

Nalanyu is busy in the kitchen learning heart dishes from granny Lin, steamed ribs with glutinous rice. A more difficult dish.

To be exact, it's more and more difficult to learn dishes now. However, she thought it was quite interesting. She didn't feel discouraged or bored.

"Was there a dog barking just now?" After hearing the dog barking, nalanyu asked granny Lin uncertainly.Sounds like I heard it, but how can there be dogs here? And they are the only villas here. Another family, at least two kilometers away.

"It's like it's just outside. Go and have a look." Granny Lin said.

“……” outside?

Nalanyu wiped his hands, came out of the kitchen and changed his shoes at the door. As soon as he came out of the gate, he saw a head standing in the yard Wolf?

Mom, what's the situation?

She was so frightened that she went straight back into the room. Holding his hand in front of him, he said to the giant, "don't Don't come here

The wolf dog looks fierce on the surface. Standing there, he is in fact very confused.

At this time, someone whistled, and the huge wolf dog quickly ran towards the whistle.

It's strange that nalanyu has such a big head A guy like a dog and a wolf.

Lu tingchuan squatted in front of the lawn, touched his head and said something to her.

I almost forgot that Lu tingchuan's former backyard was full of these terrible big guys. So, don't think about it. I know it must be him.

"Hey, you got this guy?" Nalanyu came out. But still ignore them far away, she is more afraid of such a big, seemingly ferocious animal.

"Yes, it will be here to look after our house." Lu tingchuan leads the dog over.

"Well, you make it stand still." When the dog comes near, nalanyu goes back.

Lu tingchuan laughed at her.

I used to think that she was a bold woman, but now I know that she is actually a coward. The kind of people who dare not sleep at night.

He gave the dog a gesture, the dog is very obedient sitting on the grass, wagging his tail.

"You are not so timid as to be afraid of animals, are you?" Lu tingchuan asked her.

"Of course not. It's your animal that looks terrible, isn't it?" Fierce, who is not afraid?

"That's because you haven't contacted him. In fact, he is a very obedient dog." Lu tingchuan looked back at the dog sitting there, his eyes full of love.

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