Nalanyu was stunned.

To be honest, kid, she never really thought about it. I can't even think about it. I'm afraid when I think about it, I can't help thinking about the wrong things I did to him.

"Wait for your family to accept me." She thinks it's a bit early to talk about children.

"It's only a matter of time before we accept you, but it's better for our children to accept you sooner rather than later." Lu tingchuan knew that she had a knot in her heart. That's when she drugged him.

She didn't ask about it all the time. He knew that she had guilt in her heart, so she had no shame to ask. But he didn't want any knots in her heart. Even if he can't have children in his life, he won't have any grudge against her.

So, he wants to untie the knot in her heart.

"But Is your body unaffected? " Nalanyu looked up at him.

In my heart, I still can't face him calmly.

Lu tingchuan stroked her hair with a big hand and said to her, "Lu Qing said that it's not suitable to have children within half a year. It's been three months, and we can consider it soon."

"Really?" Nalanyu was surprised and couldn't believe the answer. He was worried that he was comforting himself.

"I have a checklist, or the next time you meet Lu Qing, ask her. She can't talk nonsense about such things. "

With his words, nalanyu believed it. The guilt and remorse hidden in his heart can be solved at last.

"If you don't talk, you agree."

Nalanyu Nuo mouth, "I'm only 21 years old." Is it too small? I'm still in college at this time.

"So." This sentence asked, tone low a few degrees, the face is also heavy.

Nalanyu knew that he must be unhappy. She could tell from her tone that she turned over and lay on his chest. She seemed to think about it seriously, "at least next year."

Sure enough, Lu tingchuan's face was even more ugly, but after he opened his mouth, his tone was much calmer. "If you postpone one year, you will have one more. You can do it yourself."

“…… How many more, as you say? " It's scary.

"There are two minimum standards. If you decide to have children in the next year, there are three

“…… What if I don't get pregnant? "

"Why not?"

"I mean in case."

"There's no just in case, unless you don't want to have a baby."

"Your mother doesn't recognize me as a daughter-in-law now. Who will take care of the baby?" Anyway, I haven't thought about children's problems, so I'll make excuses.

"Even if my mother recognizes you as a daughter-in-law, she can't be expected to take care of the children."


"She didn't have children. The only time I was taken, I was left in the swimming pool and almost dried. "

“…… What's the situation? " I feel so pathetic.

"She took me swimming, but the guests took her to play cards and forgot me."

"What a tragedy." Nalanyu sympathized with him. At the same time, I got to know my future mother-in-law again.

It was many years ago. Lu tingchuan said very easily, "my brother is worse than me. He was lost twice and used the whole city police to search."

“……” Mom, so bloody, "where did you find it in the end?"

"Sleeping in the closet at home."

“……” Nalanyu is thundered again. Such a mother, it is really not reassuring.

"But I can take care of it. After all, I'm a very child loving person." Lu tingchuan is serious.

"You?" This word is full of doubts.

Lu tingchuan black face, "how, don't believe?"

Looking at his face, she would never dare to shake her head and say "no", but it is necessary to say, "I should record your words."

"What do you mean?"

"In case you don't admit it."


Pull the light!


The next day.

Nalanyu got up early, making breakfast in the kitchen and preparing the food for her lunch.

Granny Lin said that the old man's favorite is spareribs. She decided to make the steamed spareribs with glutinous rice that she just learned yesterday. I tasted it yesterday. It's really good. It's soft. It's the most suitable for old people.

She also prepared a steamed deep-sea cod section. Snow fish has no spines, high nutritional value, and is also suitable for the elderly. But because it's seafood, it's not suitable to eat too much.

Also prepared a vegetable, a chestnut chicken soup. Three dishes and one soup should be enough.

When Lu tingchuan came down, the first thing he heard was the Ping Ping sound from the kitchen. In the past, when cooking in the kitchen, if you dare to make such a sound, you don't have to ask him to say anything, and then go away.

Now when he heard such a voice again, he was not annoyed. On the contrary, he thought it was special Nice to hearYes, it sounds good.

Think about how lucky it is to spend three meals a day in such a voice.

He came to the kitchen door, looking at the busy little figure inside, did not go in to disturb, just leaning on the door, quietly looking at her.

Even just looking at her like this is a very interesting thing.

After all, nalanyu has only learned for a few days, and some of the steps, materials and time are not accurate, so she carefully wrote down every dish she learned these days.

I'm not sure how long the ribs will be stuffy, so I'm reading it with my little book. Too attentive, and a little nervous, she didn't notice that someone at the door was staring at her.

Seeing what she was looking at, Lu tingchuan said that she was very curious, so she went to see what she was looking at.

Did not expect to walk behind her, she still did not respond. It shouldn't be. In his opinion, this woman should always be very sharp.

Absolutely should not be in this situation, but also imperceptible.

In order not to scare her, he stretched out his hand from behind her and put it around her waist. Na Lanyu was stunned, turned his head and laughed, "wake up?"

"Well." Lu tingchuan put her chin on her shoulder. Eyes swept her hands of the small book, the dense words above, let him some moved.

When he saw the ribs and cod fillets on the table, he thought it was a nutritious breakfast for himself. "Do you make such a rich breakfast for me in the early morning?"

“…… Sorry, these are not for you. " Nalanyu smiles.

Lu tingchuan face a black, "that is for who do?"

"Of course, it's for the old Buddha in your family. I told you yesterday that I'll deliver dinner at noon today. "

"It's noon, and you'll do it now?" It's still eight in the morning, OK? She's not afraid to get cold when it comes out?

"Now it's preparation. We'll do it later." Nalanyu is worried that it's too late, and he's not proficient. Don't miss it any more.

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