Nalanyu quietly looked at the old man and saw that his face looked better. Then he felt relieved at the bottom of his heart.

Open other dishes as well. Today, she made a fried shrimp with broccoli, which looks very beautiful and nutritious, and a steamed egg with abalone and beef stewed with potatoes.

The old man looked at the dishes with good coloring, fragrance and taste, but he also had an appetite.

Nalanyu stood by and saw that the old man was satisfied with his food. He was relieved at last.

She withdrew and went to the balcony to get back the clothes she had washed yesterday. It's not the nurse here. I don't know which room it is.

She took the clothes back, folded them and sent them back when the old man was still eating them.

"Why did you collect the clothes?" The old man saw her with clothes in her hand and asked.

"Oh, I'll bring it to the delivery man." Nalanyu put his clothes at the head of the bed.

The old man didn't think much and continued to eat his food.

Later, the nurse came to take the temperature.

"Old Lu, why haven't you eaten yet?" The nurse asked.

This point, under normal circumstances, has passed the meal time.

"Well, I had a little accident today. I sent it a little late."

"Oh, no wonder." The nurse smiles, eyes inadvertently a skim, noticed the red on nalanyu pants, "beauty, your pants are dirty."

"Ah?" Nalanyu didn't respond for a while.

The nurse pointed to her trousers at the back. This move, let the old man also saw.

Nalanyu gasped and his face turned red. He covered his buttocks and rushed out.

It's killing me.

It must be that I didn't pay attention when I was running just now.

She quickly found a bathroom to deal with it. Fortunately, I'm wearing dark trousers, I can't see it. It's just soiling the borrowed work clothes.

It seems that I have to tell them to take them back to wash them and bring them back tomorrow.

Originally, I wanted to show myself well in front of the old man, but I was late again and made such an embarrassing scene. I really lost myself.


Nalanyu hid in a place where he could see the old man's room. After he left, he went to collect the tableware. Otherwise, he was really embarrassed.

After collecting the tableware, she hurried home again.

Her trousers were dirty. Although she couldn't see it, she had to stand all the way to keep the seat clean.

When she got home, she didn't care about anything. She rushed upstairs, took a hot bath and changed into clean clothes.

It's a pain in the neck.


Lu tingchuan was feeding a few kids in the backyard. When she came back, she saw the lunch box on the table and knew that she had come back.

"I'm blowing my hair." Nalanyu answered and turned on the hair dryer to blow his hair.

When Lu tingchuan went upstairs, she saw that she had taken a bath and was blowing her hair.

"How do you come back and take a bath?"

"I got that on my pants." Nalanyu is honest. She didn't feel embarrassed in front of him.

Lu tingchuan frowned and was not allowed to go tomorrow.

"Why? I'm not bored, are you? " Nalanyu glanced at him.

Lu tingchuan went over and took the hair dryer from her hand. It was natural for her to blow her hair.

"Can you do it?" Nalanyu is not sure about his technique.

"Don't move!"

The rain stopped in Nalan. If she had known he could blow her hair, she should have moved a stool to sit down. Standing all the way, my waist and legs are sore.

"Come on, come on, stop blowing. I'll sit down and have a rest." Nalanyu can't hold on.

I've been busy since the morning, so to speak, I haven't sat down to have a rest. The main reason is that the body is inconvenient.

Since the last miscarriage, every time I come to the holiday, I feel uncomfortable.

Lu tingchuan turned off the hair dryer, picked her up and put her in bed.

Nalanyu touched the soft bed, directly paralyzed. Finally, I can straighten my waist and rest my feet.

"Was it the same before?" He sat beside her, holding her hand.

Nalanyu shook his head, "I didn't feel so bad before. Since the abortion, it's not so good."

"Abortion?" Lu tingchuan twisted her eyebrows and fixed her heavily, "did you say you had an abortion that time?"

Nalanyu pursed her lips, trembled her eyelashes and drooped her eyelids.

In his mind, he thought that she had killed the child on purpose. He was so angry that he wanted to kill her. Up to now, she still feels afraid.

"Speaking, what's the matter?" Lu tingchuan pinched her shoulders and fixed her eyes.

Nalanyu raised his eyes, and looked at him dimly. "I didn't want to kill the child. It was I who started with them unknowingly and hurt the child by mistake."This is not only his heart hurt, but also her pain.

If she knew that she was pregnant, she would not easily fight with those people. Maybe the child would not

In fact, even if we didn't do it that time, the child couldn't survive.

Smell speech, Lu tingchuan eyebrow heart a jump, eyeground accumulates heartache and chagrin, "why not tell me early?"

He was annoyed to find out the truth. At first, he almost killed her because of it.

Nalanyu smiles, pulls him over and sits beside him. She leans into his arms and closes her eyes. Just want to sleep for a while, don't want to turn over those past scars.

Seeing that she didn't want to mention it, Lu tingchuan didn't quarrel with her any more. The big hand stroked her soft hair and looked at the bottom of her eyes.

Such a big thing, she alone in the bottom of my heart so long. Even if she was misunderstood by him and almost killed her, she never told the truth.


For the next few days, nalanyu arrived at the sanatorium 15 minutes ahead of time every day. Change your clothes and wait at the door. When it's time, you'll send the meal to the old man.

These days, the old man's attitude to her is particularly good, every time also chat with her, talk and laugh.

After chatting with the old man for a while, nalanyu went out to collect clothes for the old man. When she came back, she saw a familiar figure. She stirred her spirits and quickly turned to leave.

"Ah, third sister-in-law..." Lu You's eyes are so sharp that he recognizes her immediately.

The main reason is that nalanyu takes off her mask when she comes out of the door, so it's easy to recognize her face.

"Yo Yo, are you wrong?" Lu Mu did not see nalanyu. Besides, how could naranyu be here?

"No, it's the third sister-in-law." Lu youyou has walked towards her.

It's recognized. Nalanyu is not easy to walk away. After all, Lu youyou was accompanied by Lu's aunt.

The impression of the Lu family on her is not good. If she left in front of her elders, wouldn't it make the impression worse.

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