Nalanyu came out, just took off the mask, was walking Lu Qing to bump into.

"Nalan?" Lu Qing was surprised to meet her here.

Nalanyu was startled and quickly made a "Shh" gesture for her, fearing that she would be heard by the old man. She hastened to meet her and pulled Lu Qing back toward the other side.

"What's the matter?" Lu Qing doesn't know what she's doing.

"The old man didn't know it was me."

"Yes, how do you dress up?" Lu Qing looked her up and down.

"I've come to deliver food to the old man."

"Delivering food?" Lu Qing suddenly remembered that last time she heard that someone had brought food to her grandfather in youyou's mouth. It turned out that person was her. However, Lu Qing did not forget to tell her, "you can deliver meals at any time. You need to have a rest now. You can't walk around casually."

"I know. So I'm here to talk to the old man today. "

"Well Did you say that? "

"Well." Nalanyu nodded.

"It's hard for you, too." Lu Qing is very distressed to see her. It hurt like that yesterday, but today it's here again. It's just to please the old man.

Nalanyu laughs, "no, I have nothing to do anyway."

"Grandfather is stubborn. You should be patient. Moreover, the third brother, no one has been able to bring him down since he was a child, and everyone in the family has some points in mind. If you say you are against it, you may be mentally prepared to accept it at the same time. "

"Then I'm relieved." With Lu Qing like this, plus the encouragement of her aunt last time, she is more confident.

"You, after talking to your grandfather, go home and have a rest. I went back so late last night and came back so early today. I have to go back to make up my sleep and have an examination tomorrow. "

"Well, I see."

"Then I'll go first."

Nalanyu nodded.

Lu Qing came into the room, and the old man next to the bed at the door said with a smile, "old Lu, your granddaughter has come to see you again."

"Grandfather." Lu Qing calls people.

"Here comes Xiao Qing." The old man turned around and saw her, feeling a little better.

"Mr. Lu, it seems that you can't be on time today. Let's go first." The others have eaten and are ready to go for a walk.

"Go, go, I'll come back to you." The old man said.

Waiting for people to go, Lu Qing to the table of delicious, "wow ~ so many delicious."

"If you don't, you'll eat with me." Did you find an excuse to eat?

"When did the food in the sanatorium become so good?"

"There are chopsticks on the bedside table. Take them by yourself." The old man avoided her topic.

Lu Qing didn't ask much, so she took a pair of chopsticks to eat with him symbolically.

"Well, it tastes good." Lu Qing made an evaluation while eating. She definitely doesn't want to quana Lanyu in front of the old man. It's really delicious.

"Yes, you can eat more, or it will be wasted." The old man doesn't eat much by himself. It's a pity to waste the rest.

"Well, Grandpa, you should eat more. This shrimp is very good. It's very tender. " Lu Qing took a spoon and scooped some shrimps for the old man.

"Have you been in touch with your three brothers recently?" After a while, the old man asked.

"They don't dare to contact you." Lu Qing observes the old man's expression and sighs. She thinks that the old man's heart is not good.

"But there's one thing I don't know if I should say." Lu Qing said again.

"What's the matter?" The old man gave her a look.

"At three or four o'clock in the morning, my third brother came to the hospital with nalanyu in his arms in a hurry. It happened that it was my turn to be on duty. I thought she was in pain and would faint, so I helped her to have an examination, which was quite serious."

"What's the matter?" There was a little tension in the old man's eyes.

"A few months ago, nalanyu was pregnant with my third brother's child, but because my third brother misunderstood her at that time, the child could not be saved; because the abortion was not handled properly, now it leads to polyps in the body, so we have to do surgery to deal with them."

"Is it serious?" The old man frowned.

Lu Qing nodded, "it's a little serious. I asked them to go to the hospital tomorrow morning for a fasting examination. If there is nothing, I will arrange her operation as soon as possible. "

Lu Qing deliberately said a little more serious, looking back to find a chance to tell his grandfather that the dish was brought by nalanyu, so his grandfather would be very moved.

I'm really sincere when I'm sick and I cook so many dishes.

But she didn't know that the old man already knew the truth.

"You are quite familiar with this aspect. Just give it to her." After all, the old man is not hard hearted, plus these two days nalanyu was embarrassed, there is no complaint, is still on time to send food.

Anyway, I did.Lu Qing is not willing to pout a small mouth, "grandfather, I am now a doctor, easily do not give others surgery."

"Is that easy? I don't know who it is The old man is fierce. His sister-in-law, if this relationship does not please her, the old man would like to ask, who can please her?

"You don't approve of her. Why do you care so much?" Lu Qing muttered.

"Why are you becoming more and more stubborn now? The wings are hard, aren't they? " The old man was angry and patted his chopsticks on the table.

"Well, I see. I didn't say no." The old man is more serious. Lu Qing only nods her head quickly.

Grandfather mouth refused to accept nalanyu, in fact, the heart is not so firm. Maybe, my grandfather also knows the third man. From childhood to adulthood, no one can stop what he has identified.

Lu Qing is also happy for nalanyu. All the efforts are worth it. But now it's up to my aunt.


Nalanyu knew Lu Qing was here, so he didn't rush in to collect the dishes. What's more, Lu Qing has been in for so long, and she doesn't know what to talk about with the old man.

After waiting for a while, I saw Lu Qing come out of the room, but I didn't see the old man.

"Lu Qing." Nalanyu came up and called her in a low voice.

"Why haven't you gone back?" Lu Qing turned around and saw that she had come to the front.

"I'm still waiting to get in and collect. What about? Did the old man eat it? "

"Don't worry. I've eaten it all."

"All of them?" Eat so much?

“…… I've got some light, too. " Lu Qing is a little proud with a smile. It's like standing on the cheap.

Nalanyu was amused by her.

In fact, she is not as big as Lu Qing, but among Lu's brothers and sisters, she feels more lively of girls and steady of men.

"By the way, I just told my grandfather about your health, and he cares about you." Lu Qing told her to make her happy.

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