Gu Ze insisted for about ten minutes, but he couldn't sit still and poked milasu's arm. However, milasu was absorbed in seeing and didn't respond.

Well, mirasu did it on purpose.

Gu Ze endured for another half a minute, stood up and wanted to find someone to open the door. Mirasu saw him stand up and held him, "what are you doing?"

"Bathroom." Gu Ze lost three words impatiently.

"Over there." Mirasu pointed to the inside position.

Gu Ze wanted to find a chance to go out, but the bathroom was inside. He had to sit down again; he tugged at her and said, "do you have headphones?"

"What do you want headphones for?" Mirasu asked deliberately.

“…… Why ask so many questions? Do you have any? "

Mirasu shook her head. "No."

Gu Ze didn't think about it. He had to endure it.

While mirasu wasn't paying attention, he took a napkin from the table and plugged his ears.


An hour and a half, spent in torment. When Gu Ze came out of the movie hall, he was not in a good state.

"Are you all right?" Mirasu held the popcorn and asked him as he ate it.

Gu Ze doesn't want to talk.

"Say a word." Mirasu gave him an elbow.

Gu Ze's eyes are dim.

"It's not the brain, is it?" Mirasu reached out and shook his hand in front of his eyes.

"Shut up Gu Ze waited for her. He is now in a bad mood, and his ears are filled with the horror sounds of ghost movies.

Mirasou shrugged and did not dare to say.


Coming out of the cinema, Gu Zecai felt that the haze around him had dispersed. Especially seeing the hot sunshine, the whole person seems to wake up.

He took a deep breath to get out of the suffocation.

"Last stop, how about a ride home?" Gu Ze said.

When milasu heard this, he stopped the popcorn and squeezed it with his index finger and thumb. A popcorn was crushed and looked at him, "say it again."

"I'm just making a suggestion. If you have an idea, you can say it. " Gu Ze felt that if he really said what he had just said, he would probably become the popcorn just now.

Ghost films are to see the calm woman, had better not provoke, because she may be more terrible than the ghost.

"I want me to go to the amusement park." Mirasu thought for a moment and made a decision.

"Are you three years old?"

"Three years old is a playground."



It's an hour's drive to the biggest amusement park in s city.

At this point, the sun has set in the west, and there are more people in the amusement park. Adults and children are everywhere.

"To buy tickets." Mirasu commands him.

"Where to buy it?" Gu Ze doesn't know anything about this kind of place.

"Here it is." Mirasu nodded at the door of the dragon.

Gu Ze looked over and was confused.

See the team from the beginning to the end, at least 100 meters.

"Elder sister, can we change the place?" He spoke in a deliberative tone.

"No way." Mirasu has a firm attitude.

"Then you can arrange it yourself." He can't be in line anyway.

The next second, however, was a slap in the face.

"How on earth do you become a boyfriend? You don't want to line up! " Mirasu yelled at him, and then burst into tears.

Her voice is very loud, and there are many people coming and going. They all look at her.

Gu Ze didn't expect that she would come here. She was flustered, "OK, don't cry, don't cry; I'll row, row, row now."

I am defeated by this wonderful woman. One moment, like the female god of war, I am not afraid of ghost movies. One moment, I cry in public without any consideration.

When he obediently went to line up, mirasu immediately stopped. Looking triumphantly at the figure of the obedient queue in the crowd.

I don't believe in you!

Although the five o'clock sun is not so hot, but crowded in the crowd, let alone how manic.

Gu Ze did this for the first time in his life.

I don't know why these men and women in their twenties are as naive as three-year-old children. What's wrong with queuing up here at this time?

Go to learn more techniques to tease girls, and line up for Kung Fu. Maybe it's just doing exercises in bed. There's no need to coax your girlfriend with such boring things as amusement park.

This kind of waiting is suffering, not much better than watching ghost movies. Ghost film is suffering in spirit, queuing is suffering in psychology.

Or his big baby, young, never ask for this and that, feed her, can be at home obediently nest for a day. Like a cute kitten.

Think of the person you like, and unconsciously float a layer of intoxicating smile on your face.One day did not hear her voice, Gu Ze looked at the front of the team, still early. He took out the phone and called the person he was thinking of.

"Gu Ze, you don't pay attention to love?" When the phone was picked up, there came Gu Shui's gentle and witty voice.

Even if it's not sweet words, Gu Ze's smile is about to overflow with honey, and he has to complain first, "baby, don't mention how miserable your man is today, I want to find comfort."

"What's the matter? Abused? "

"More than abuse? It's torture. " As long as I knew how painful it was to fall in love, I didn't agree to fall in love.

"Enmmmm loves you." Gu Shui seems to know what he has experienced now, but he didn't ask in the end.

"Just a word of heartache?"

"What else?"

"Make it up. Kiss one."

"I didn't abuse you. Why should I make it up?" In fact, I have already given him a kiss in my heart.

"I'll make it up to Mickey Mouse?" Are you willing?

“…… You can do it yourself. I don't care. " Even if there are tens of millions of people who don't want to, they still have to fight for face.

"Gu Xiaomao, you said that. Don't regret it." Gu Ze is very angry.

"Well, are you serious?" Gu Shui quickly stops him. It is said that he is miserable enough today. Don't make it worse for him.

"I'm in a bad mood now. You should water me with sweet words. I don't understand such a simple thing?" Here's another sentence: how to be a girlfriend!

"Then tell me, what are you doing now?" Take proper care.

"Standing in line against the sun." Gu Ze looked at the sun in the sky, raised his hand and touched it on his forehead.

"In what line?"

"I'm waiting in line to buy tickets for the childish flower who wants to play in the amusement park." When he said this, he gave milasu a look of hate. But now people are sitting on their chairs playing with their mobile phones, not to mention how exciting it is.

"Well, I love you."

"Do you think she is in pain at leisure? On a hot day, people want to stay at home. She's the only one with brain problems who comes to play in such childish and boring places as amusement parks. I tell you, she's a typical female nerve. "

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