"If I had known today, why did I have to step in at the beginning? You know what you're like? " Gu Ze cold eyes lost to all sense of shame, and she was so fierce and harsh. "You are like an unwelcome woodlouse bug. You know you are not happy, but you are still squeezing in. But I tell you, even if it's a bachelor, even if it's a loner, I won't like a woman like you. Go back and tell my mother to find another home for you. But remember, even if no one wants it, at least you should leave some dignity for yourself. You can't get your heart by clinging to it. "

Mirasu's eyes were injured. She didn't know whether it was because she was sad or frightened by his terrible appearance. Her eyes were red.

The lip flap moves several times, has not been able to find belongs to own sound. Chest, heavy, some dull pain.

"In fact, you are not ugly. But have you ever wondered why you are not loved? " Gu Ze didn't seem to be relieved. He continued to ask himself, "you shouldn't come all the way to ask someone to fall in love with you. But since you choose to do so, choose to lower yourself, then you are doomed not to be accepted, not to be loved. So, it's doomed to be the saddest. "

"No No... " The tears in mirasu's eyes suddenly fell out of control. She shook her head, desperately shaking her head, and her mood was out of control. "It's not like you said, I'm loved I am loved... "

At this point, she was in tears.

At the moment, she is no longer that strong, hard mouthed girl, just a vulnerable little girl.

Unfortunately, in front of her are the angry elements who are dazzled by anger; naturally, they will not see her vulnerable side.

Gu Ze sneered and released her hand. "What if someone loves you? The point is, what about the people who love you? Did he hold on to the end? No, So, it's not love, it's just that you can't extricate yourself. "

Mirasu covered her ears and shook her head desperately, choking, "no It's not No It's not like this I have someone who loves I have someone to love... "

She desperately repeated the sentence "she is loved.". Cry sad and sad.

Such a woman, sober people may be able to see at a glance, she is a person with a story.

But Gu Ze won't. He's only angry now, he's only venting. These days will be depressed in the heart of the gas, coupled with the misunderstanding of manic depression are all to vent out.

After venting, throw the door and leave.

Mirasu squatted on the ground, buried her face in her knees, not letting herself cry. Only her trembling shoulders revealed her painful emotion.


Gu Ze drove away, passed the cars and was submerged in the traffic.

It took him a long time to get his emotions down. Pick up the phone and call Gu Shui.

The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

He called again, still not connected.

You already know what happened? So you don't even need his explanation?


Gu Ze laughed at himself from the bottom of his heart. It seems that the relationship between them is not as valuable as a misunderstanding.

He left the phone in the co driver's seat and stepped on the gas pedal harder.

There is no destination, no thought, a blank brain, just go straight ahead.

I don't know how far I've been driving, but my cell phone rings. He didn't hear it until he thought of the fourth.

Slow down and reach for the phone. Because the mobile phone is still in the co driver's seat, it's hard for him to pick it up. All of a sudden, the steering wheel skidded and the car turned to one side, slamming into a roadside sign. He went back to the steering wheel and slammed on the brakes.

When the car stopped at the side of the road, he was rushed out and hit his head on the steering wheel. This was not light.

He leaned back in his chair and relaxed for a while, but his head was still dazed. The phone was still ringing. He thought it would be Gu Shui, so he shook his head to wake up and reached for the phone.

However, it was not Gu Shui's call, but his mother.

Guze didn't want to take the call. Because I can imagine why my mother came. But if you don't answer, your mother's phone will keep calling in, unless he turns off the phone.

However, it is impossible to shut down at this time. So he had to pick up the phone.

"What's the matter?" He picked up the phone in a bad tone.

"What's your attitude? Do I owe you money? " Gu's mother's tone was not good, and her tone of speaking was poor.

"Say anything." Gu Ze is very angry.

"And mirasu? Is she with you? Why is her phone off? "

"Don't ask me about her." Just down the fire, and was lit.

"What's the matter? Have you upset her? "

"Yes, I got rid of her and was scolded by me, that's all."

"Son of a bitch, you've gone too far!" Gu's mother was angry.

"Am I going too far or are you going too far? Inexplicably, get me a woman to add to the traffic. Is this what a mother should do? Besides, if you are in love with her, you can recognize another dry son and let them pair up. "Sometimes he had to wonder whether he was born or not? From childhood to adulthood, it is even more important to ignore him and recognize a dry daughter than his own son.

Just listen to Gu's mother's heavy voice, "Gu Ze, my mother has always thought that you are a sensible and delicate boy. Mirasu is in a special period. Can't you give in more? Even if you can't be a lover, at least you should have compassion, right? Why are you so cold-blooded now? "

"How can I be cold-blooded?" Gu Ze sneered, "and why does she need sympathy? A woman tortured me half dead and half alive. Who needs sympathy

At that end, Gu Mu was stunned for a moment, "no Have you read the email I sent you? "

"What mail? I didn't get any mail at all. "

"About ten days ago, didn't you get it?"

"No, No." Gu Ze is very impatient.

"You wait. Mom will send you another one."

"What on earth?"

"I tell you, if there's anything wrong with mirasu, I'll be the first to let you go."

After that, Gu's mother hung up. Gu Ze grits his teeth and raises the phone to smash it out. But just then, there was a tone.

I did get an email.

He was really not interested, but he ordered it. It was a news report in English. He was shocked when he looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, ten days ago, his computer broke down and took it to repair, so he closed his mailbox. I didn't expect to miss such an important thing.

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