Is that her?

Is it really her?

No! It should be an illusion!

No! It's not an illusion. It must not be an illusion!

Gu Ze was excited to go over, but he just stepped out and fell down with a soft leg.

"Gu Ze..." Gu Shui lost his umbrella and ran over from the rain.

Gu Ze knelt on one knee and tried to stand up several times, but it didn't help. After hearing her voice, his dead eyes suddenly burst into bright light.

Looking up, though separated from the rain, he still saw her tears clearly.

It's really her.

"Gu Ze..." Gu Shui squatted down to help him, "Gu Ze, how are you?"

Gu Ze didn't speak. She watched for a long time. She raised her hand and wanted to wipe the rain off her face. But the rain was falling more and more, and she couldn't wipe it off. He can only hold her in his arms, very tight, very tight.


He couldn't hold on any longer.


Gu Ze woke up three days later. I had a high fever for three days and three nights. I didn't get rid of it until five in the morning. I woke up at ten in the morning.

During this period, Gu Shui has been guarding.

Watching him weaken day by day, she was very anxious. I can't imagine what would happen if she arrived later.

She didn't dare to think, she didn't want to think. Because she thought that he had been waiting there for three days and nights, and that he had been hit by thunderstorms and gales, she hated herself and wanted to smoke herself a few times.

When Gu Ze woke up, he saw that she was right in front of him. His eyes were fixed on her and he refused to move away.

"How do you feel?" Gu Shui asked him softly. And subconsciously raised his hand to try on his forehead. Finally, the fever has really subsided.

Gu Ze took her hand, put it on his chest, closed his eyes, and seemed to want to sleep again.

"You've been burning for three days and nights, and your fever has just subsided. Would you like some water now?" Gu Shui talks to him again. His voice was soft, like a feather passing through his heart. It was a wonderful feeling.

He didn't eat or drink for so many days, and he burned so much that he must have lost a lot of money. He had to replenish water and eat.

Gu Ze opened his eyes again and nodded.

Gu Shui finally smiles. She took the cup, mixed it with warm water, and gave him some water with a spoon.

After drinking water, Gu Ze realized that his sore throat was like a knife cut. It's hard to drink water.

"How do you feel?" Gu Shui didn't dare to feed him too much at once, so he asked him after a few mouthfuls.

Gu Ze nodded. Add some water, naturally feel more comfortable.

"If you want to sleep, just go to sleep for a while. You have porridge in the pot. When you wake up, you eat a little." Gu was smiling on the water.

That smile, like honey, poured on his thirsty heart, let his life have the desire of resurrection at the same time, there is a trace of sweet.

He didn't want to sleep, but he was too weak to hold on. After supporting for about two minutes, he closed his eyes and went to sleep again. Holding her, I would not let go for a moment.

Gu Shui looked at his face. Even after sleeping for a few days, his eyes were still tired. In fact, she is not much better than her during this period.

Back home, they rented a house in the town because the old house in the mountain village couldn't live. She always thought that even if it was separated, at least he would give us an explanation. So I've been waiting for him. Because after going back, her mother still shut her up and cut off all her connections with the outside world.

But Gu Shui knows that Gu Ze has a wide range of communication, and it's not difficult to find a person's identity. However, after so many days, she did not wait for him.

She thought that she really didn't know him well enough. The so-called explanation is just her self righteousness. In the eyes of a person who has never paid his heart, there is no explanation of this word.

She fell into painful despair. Start to sleep all night. I can't help recalling their little time together. The more so, the more painful and unwilling.

In order to get her out of the pain, her mother asked someone to introduce her to her. At first she felt that her mother's action was ridiculous.

Later, she began to secretly plan the chance to escape.

She chose to meet and eat with the man she was introduced to. At first, mother called people in and didn't let her go out. After two meetings, she deliberately showed a good impression on this person, which broke her mother's guard.

The first time she went out to see a movie with her partner, she found an excuse to borrow the phone of her partner and called her former colleague. Only then did she know that Gu Ze was looking for her on the advertising screen of the whole city and had been looking for her for three days.

She was shocked and excited. At that time, I wish I could fly to him right away. But she has no money with her. Mother was afraid that she would run away, so she would not give her a cent.

In desperation, she can only borrow from each other. With a watch as collateral, I borrowed 1000 yuan from the other party, and then went straight to s city.Most of all, God is punishing him and making him suffer such a torment. It is also God's blessing to let her know the news at the critical moment and get to him in time.

Gu Shui saw that he was asleep, and he also fell asleep beside him. I woke up two hours later.

She yawned, sat up and was surprised to find that he was awake. And I'm staring at myself. It seems that he didn't wake up for a while.

"You wake up long ago?" She cut her hair and asked.

"Just woke up." As soon as he made a noise, his throat pulled, and the pain made him frown. The voice is also hoarse.

"Do you feel better? Would you like some more water? " Gu Shui asked carefully.


Gu Shui gave him some water again. "I'll go and get some porridge. You can have some."

For the first time, Gu Ze was still a little unconscious. He felt like a dream and real. But when I woke up this time, I no longer had the feeling of dreaming, but I was very sure that she was there.

Gu Shui brought up the porridge in a big bowl.

Gu Ze sat up with his body propped up. Gu Shui quickly said, "don't move, I'll help you."

She quickly put down the bowl, helped him and put a pillow behind him.

Gu Shui sat down to feed him, gave him a bite, and she ate it herself. That's why she put it in a big bowl.

Two people silly smile out.

In the end, the two succeeded in solving a big bowl of porridge.

"Come up." Gu Ze moved to the other side, patted the position around her and asked her to come up.

Gu Shui knew what he was going to do, so he sat down, took off his shoes and lay down beside him. Gu Ze took her into his arms and lay down so that he could have a sound sleep.

Gu Shui has been taking care of him these days. In addition to his insomnia a while ago, he was tired. He arched into his arms, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

The two men hugged each other tightly and slept in darkness.

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