On the sofa in the living room, Ji Ling, holding her beloved baby and a packet of potato chips in her hand, is lying on the sofa watching TV. When Xu heard the news, she turned her head and looked at it.

"Song Qingcheng, are you willing to come back at last?" Ji Ling put potato chips in her mouth, and she opened her mouth in a strange way.

"Yes, I didn't come back all night. I was homesick." Song Qingcheng also heartless back.

As soon as Ji Ling heard that she took this place as her home and said it naturally, she jumped up from the sofa and said, "it's really flattering to say you're shameless. Did you enjoy hanging out with men last night? Gu Feng, who lingers with women all day, should be very powerful in some aspects, right? Well, did you have a good time last night? "

Ji Ling said as she walked to song Qingcheng. Raised the corners of his lips, a sarcastic smile on his face.

Song Qingcheng was not as open as Ji Ling. It's hard to avoid embarrassment to hear such words. But she felt a thump in her heart. How did Ji Ling know that she was with Gu Feng last night?


"Ji Ling, if I guess correctly, you should have done everything yesterday?" Although it's a question, it's also a confirmation.

Yesterday Gu Feng said that she sent him a message to meet him at the ice bridge. And she never sent such a message. So the biggest possibility is that Ji Ling used her mobile phone to send a message to Gu Feng yesterday and cheated him out.

Then someone sent her a fake message and cheated her to the ice bridge. Finally, the result of her and Gu Feng's relative resentment at the ice bridge was staged.

"Don't be so ugly. I'm just testing you. If you don't have that heart, why do you want to keep the appointment? " Ji Ling did not hide, but generously admitted.

Song Qingcheng gritted her teeth, "mean, shameless!"

Ji Ling is not angry, but is proud to smile, "Song Qingcheng, my brother already knew you were fooling around with men last night, wise, leave my brother as soon as possible, don't dirty my brother's life reputation."

Song Qingcheng frowned, "what do you say? How did your brother know? "

When you ask, you are obviously nervous. It's just What are you nervous about?

It's just a contract marriage between himself and him. Even if he knows what happened last night, it probably doesn't matter. What's more, there is nothing between Gu Feng and himself.


That sentence: one night, changed a mobile phone

"My brother has a lot of powers. It's easy to check your movements." Ji Ling's words interrupted her thoughts.

So Is that man watching her?

"Ji Ling, the reason why you do this is that you want me to leave your brother and your Ji family, right?" Now is not the time to tangle with Ji Zhengting, but to deal with the woman in front of her.

"You still know yourself." Ji Ling snorted and laughed.

Song Qingcheng's eyes were sharp, "then I tell you, I can't go. I'm going to stay at the sweatshop at 12 o'clock every night, but I don't want to change my mind

Her tone was firm, and when she came to the end, she was even provocative.

Ji Ling's mother and daughter are trying to make her disappear in Ji's house! In that case, she was not as good as they wanted. Even if a little cold, a little wronged, she will appear in front of them every day, do not kill them, will not let them better!

Ji Lingqi's hands clasped tightly in the palm, a pair of fierce cold eyes staring at her, as if to stare her through. Then, it seemed to think of something, "what did you just say? Are you going to work part-time in a sweat shop? "

In hindsight, Ji Lingzhen suspected that she had heard wrong.

"That's right. I've made an agreement with the boss of the steam shop. I'll go to work tomorrow night." Song Qingcheng didn't intend to hide it. He knew it and couldn't hide it.

She goes to school with Ji Ling every day, finishes school together, and does part-time jobs. No one can deceive her, but she can't.

"Song Qingcheng, do you know where the steaming hall is? If you dare to go to a place where men play, I'll sue my grandmother now. " Ji Ling ran into her angrily. It seemed that she was going to complain.

Song Qingcheng quickly blocked in front of her, more powerful gas field, "Ji Ling, I advise you to think twice. My present status is related to your Ji family. If you dare to reveal my whereabouts, don't blame me for smearing your brother's face. "

The reason why song Qingcheng first told Ji Ling about her part-time job was that she was worried that she would talk nonsense in front of the old lady. If the old lady asks, she can't explain.

No matter how much Ji Ling dislikes song Qingcheng, she can't let her brother's reputation be destroyed in her hands. And if my brother knew she was going to work in that kind of place, he might not want her.

"Song Qingcheng, you are born to sell. Married into the quarter, but also dare to go out to do those shady things, if my brother knows, he will never let you go Ji Ling gave her a ferocious warning.Song Qingcheng doesn't care what Ji Zhengting thinks of her. Of course, she will never let Ji Ling know, "so you'd better keep this secret for me. What's more, my work is just service. Don't use your dirty thinking to smear the work of service industry. "

Ji Ling just thought it was ridiculous, so she hummed and laughed, "there is a saying that those who are close to the ink are black. Have you ever seen a pure jade girl come out of the kiln? "

This is also true. After all, most of the people who visit the steam parlors are male guests, and the former "steam and sauna" has a profound negative impact on people's minds, so even the formal steam parlors today will be discriminated against and rejected.

This is also the main reason why she hesitated when she was standing in the steam shop.

Of course, she has already inquired about the regular service of that steam house, so as long as she stands up straight, she doesn't care what others think.

Song Qingcheng didn't entangle with Ji Ling any more and went upstairs.


In the bedroom, Ji Zhengting has washed well and sat on the sofa in a black Nightgown to read the papers.

Black itself gives people a sense of oppression and mystery. Wearing it on a man who can't be seen and guessed will only make the mystery more profound and alienate.

Song Qingcheng stood there and took a look at him. He took himself as the air, but he didn't ask for nothing. I went into the cloakroom, took a set of pajamas and went to the bathroom.

When she came out, the people on the sofa were still there, but it would be a phone call.

I can see that he is really busy.

Song Qingcheng didn't want to disturb him when he called. He closed the door and blew his hair inside. Ten minutes later, she blew her hair and came out. Ji Zhengting's phone call was over.

Some words need to be made clear.

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