Thinking of him, I can't help thinking about what happened to his going to the hospital yesterday? And yesterday, when he left, he vowed to let her prepare toiletries for him. But yesterday, it seemed to disappear out of thin air. Until now, there is no news.

This person, as before, is always elusive.

"Mommy, didn't the godmother say that mommy could go to work at babe's?" Suddenly, another sentence came out of the bun.

The Song Dynasty witnessed a slight earthquake.

It's like something came to mind. Last time, Xin Yue said that except for Ji Zhengting, she was afraid that she could not find a job

What does this sentence mean?

Is it because of Ji Zhengting that she can't find a good job?

It must be!

Otherwise, how could Xin Yue say that?

In a rage, song Qingcheng directly picked up his mobile phone and called Ji Zhengting.

If it really had something to do with him, she would

"What's the matter?"

She didn't finish thinking, the phone had been answered, so that she forgot what she had just planned.

"Speak up." His impatient voice came again.

Song Qingcheng frowned, she did not delay for a long time, OK? It seems that he is not in a good mood today.

"I work, is not the ghost?" The tone of song Qingcheng was not good.

"You have two choices now. 1、 When I come to work in the company, I will send someone to take care of the children. Second, I don't care where you work, but I have to take care of the children. "

"You take care of me?" Song Qingcheng raised the epilogue and sneered, "do you know what children like and don't like to eat? Do you know what time he usually gets up, what time he takes a nap in the afternoon, and how long he sleeps? Do you know what you need to do, learn and eat every day? Do you know what kind of Bath Gel he uses to bathe, what kind of toothpaste he uses to brush his teeth, what stories he needs to listen to at night before he can fall asleep, and what time he will go to bed? "

Song Qingcheng asked a lot at a time, each sentence was aggressive.

Why does he always have to take care of the child? Why don't you consider her feelings and ask for her opinions?

On the other side of the phone, it suddenly became very quiet. That kind of quiet, people feel uneasy inexplicably.

Song Qingcheng is holding the hand of the telephone, unconsciously tight. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but his silence made her feel angry.

When she was about to speak, his voice came from the phone, "do you just need to give me one or two now?"

"Ji Zhengting, you are going too far!" Song Qingcheng is biting her teeth.

"I know." He replied calmly, "but you don't have a better choice. I won't allow you to leave my son in the care of anyone, not for a second. "

There is no room for negotiation!

Song Qingcheng was angry, angry and ridiculous, so he laughed directly, "Ji Zhengting, don't you think it's ridiculous for you to say this now? For three years, do you know how many people have taken care of your son? I tell you, I can't remember myself

On the phone, there was another silence.

"I just hope you can help me share some of the work." When he spoke again, his voice was low, not like a joke or a compulsive attitude.

“……” Song Qingcheng was stunned.

Share in Is it really from his ability and strength of the super good population? But why did she feel that something was wrong?

Is there something on his mind?

"You can think about it, or next week."

His voice came again, as if with a trace of weariness.

Is there really something wrong?

But, song Qingcheng, why do you still think of others at such a time? Shouldn't you think about yourself?

Just as she was about to speak, a woman's voice came over the phone. It's like talking to Ji Zhengting. The voice is very nice. It's a bit like Ying Xueer.

"Nothing else." Ji Zhengting's voice came again.

Song Qingcheng takes down the phone and hangs up directly. All of a sudden, a small hand stretched out faster and grabbed the phone in her hand.

"Daddy, I miss you so much. I haven't seen daddy for nearly two days. " Xiaobaozi grabbed the phone and called to the phone.

Song Qingcheng couldn't stop him. She could only stare at him.

"Dad's thinking about you, too." Xu is to hear the voice of the child, his tone of voice all follow soft several degrees.

Song Qingcheng was listening. He was really a little upset. How can you talk to your child gently, coldly or domineering?

"Why do you come to see me and Mommy? Will you come tonight? Mommy and I haven't eaten all day Xiaobaozi said that he was very pitiful.

Song Qingcheng glared at him again. Did you have noodles at noon?"That's how she raised you?" Speak again, the tone is not very good. Of course, it's also bad for a woman.

"Mommy said it would save money." Xiaobaozi knew that this sentence would suffer, so he ran away first.

"What would you like to eat in the evening?"

"Hot pot!" Xiaobaozi answered without hesitation.

"No, children can't eat that all the time."

"I don't always eat. I eat once every 22 days in two years, eight months. "

“…… Besides hot pot, you still have two and a half hours to think about what to eat in the evening. Dad's going to work now. "

"That is, I can see daddy in two and a half hours, can't I?" Xiaobaozi is ready to fly happily.

"If there is no accident, it is."

"Oh, long live Dad!" Fly straight up.

Song Qingcheng looked at the excited strength of xiaobaozi. He could not be angry or scolded.

However, just now she clearly heard a woman's voice, and it was Ying Xueer's voice. How could he talk to baozi like this in front of his girlfriend?

It can't be that she heard wrong!

Women are the most sensitive creatures. Especially for the women who care about themselves, they are more sensitive. Sometimes a person's eyes, a voice, can easily remember.

That kind of remember, not deliberately want to remember, but inexplicably remember.


On the other hand, Ji Zhengting is still looking at the phone after the call.

Ying Xueer made a cup of coffee by herself. After he hung up, she came to sit down on the sofa next to him.

"Finished?" She asked.

Ji Zhengting said nothing and put the phone away.

"Your son is lovely." Ying Xueer sips her coffee and puts the coffee cup on the tea table.

Ji Zhengting looks at her. The eyes, it seems to ask: how do you know?

"Don't look at me like that. I heard that." Ying Xueer smiles.

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