Song Qingcheng said nothing more and turned out of the room.

She was just about to get ready to take a bath when the phone on the sofa rang again. She was surprised, thinking, could he call back?

When I think about it like this, the phone has been taken over. However, it's not what she thought.

It's Su Yu.

So, she thought too much!

How can people think of the beauties for their romantic birthday?!

She raised her lips bitterly. Then, he picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Su Yu."

"Qingcheng, why did it take so long to answer the phone?"

"Oh, I was just dressing the baby in the room to sleep." Song Qingcheng casually pulled a cover.

"Trouble to go to bed so early?" It's not nine after all.

"I played in the zoo all afternoon this afternoon. Maybe I was tired. When I got home, I yelled to go to bed."

"Well, I won't come up. I bought some food and wanted to give it to you. "

Song Qingcheng looked out of the window. "It's so cold outside. Don't run around. Go back early."

"Your voice seems a little hoarse to me. Do you have a cold?"

"No, maybe I just choked on water." Song Qingcheng knew that Su Yu was more careful. If she knew she was uncomfortable, she would stay here all night and would not go back.

"Such a big man, drinking water can choke." Su Yu's tone was a bit of a reproach to the child.

Song Qingcheng pursed her lips without making a sound.

"By the way, what's the matter with your work?"

"Er..." Song Qingcheng suddenly made a bold decision in his mind, "well, I'm going to try Ji's group."

"Ji Shi?" Su Yu was a little surprised, but then laughed, "in fact, I also intend to recommend you to Ji's; it's better to say that there's more treatment, which will be of great help to your future development, and it's close to where you live now."

"That's what I thought, so I decided to go there."

"Congratulations on your new job ahead of time."

"Thank you

The call is over. Song Qingcheng didn't think about anything, so she went directly to the bathroom to take a bath. Put a tank of hot water, ready to take a bath, the heart of the fire were forced back.

Lying in the bathtub, a person was in a daze for a long time.

In fact, she didn't think about anything when she went to work for Ji. It's just like being angry.

Didn't Ji Zhengting let her go to Ji's?

Then she is what he wants!

I work under the eaves with him every day! He doesn't feel uncomfortable. What's she got to worry about?

Do you think she can't let him go and dare not work with him?

Then he was wrong. She not only worked in front of him, but also made the work better. She would never let him see a joke.

The more song Qingcheng thought about it, the more angry she was.

I don't know how long it took to find that the water in the bathtub was cold. She sneezed, rubbed her nose, and then sneezed.

Oh, no, it's not really a cold, is it?

She came out of the water and wiped her body. I have to hurry into the bed for a while, or I'll get a bad cold.


The next day.

Song Qingcheng gives the steamed stuffed bun to Xin Yue, and goes directly to Ji to register.

To her surprise, the person who received her was Gao Xin.

"Miss Song, please come inside." When Gao Xin saw her, he treated her politely.

"I'm so sorry to ask your secretary to come down in person." Song Qingcheng said half jokingly to him.

Gao Xin smile, opening is also very easy-going tone, "you must not say so. If you come today, there is really no suitable person to entertain you except me. "

"What do you mean? I'll come, and I need a special host? " Song Qingcheng joked, "I can make it clear that I am looking for a job today, not a guest."

"Of course I know you're looking for a job. If you were a guest, you might have gone for nothing today."

"Why, your president is not here?" Song Qingcheng asked out the words and regretted it. Why did she come up and ask if he was in?


Gao Xin looked at her. "I just got the call. There's something special about the boss. I won't come here today."

Song Qingcheng pursed her lips and laughed unnaturally. She didn't speak any more.

It's a little special

Have you not recovered from his fiancee's happy birthday? Do you want to have another warm day today?

Ha ha

Song Qingcheng, what do you want to do with this? None of this has anything to do with you.

As they walked and chatted, they soon came to Gaoxin's office. Gao Xin took her a form. After Song Qingcheng filled it out, Gao Xin took her directly to the personnel department to go through the entry procedures.It took half an hour to get everything done.

When Gao Xin came out with her, seeing her sneezing all the time, he asked, "why don't you come back tomorrow? I don't think you feel very well

She just sneezed a few times, and her eyes were a little red, as if she had a cold.

"It's OK. It's just a little cold. Just take some medicine later." Now that she has been employed, how can she be too casual?

"Well, I'll show you to the office." Gao Xin hoped that she would be employed soon. I'll tell the president the news later. It must be a big surprise.

Song Qingcheng nodded and agreed.

She felt very lucky. When she went to the United States, Su Yu took special care of her. He would help her with any problems she didn't understand or strange places. Now I come to Ji's, it can be said that it's a completely strange place, but with Gao Xin to help her take care of everything, she feels that she saves a lot of trouble.

However, watching the elevator go up one by one, she was a little strange. How can Gao Xin press the top floor?

Isn't that Ji Zhengting's office?

"Well, did you press the wrong floor?" Song Qingcheng was sure that he was used to pressing the top floor, so he kindly reminded him.

“…… No, "he said On the contrary, Gao Xin was a little confused by what she asked.

Song Qingcheng glanced at the number he pressed, "you pressed the top floor."

Gao Xin just understood her question, "Oh, it's like this. The company just adjusted a little bit a while ago. Now we have reconstructed several offices on the top floor, and a person in charge of each department is arranged to work on the top floor, so as to facilitate daily meetings. That is not to waste time, if the president is looking for someone, the efficiency can also reach the fastest. "

“…… I've been assigned to work on the top floor Song Qingcheng, make sure. At least, she thinks so.

However, she is not the leader of the design team. Why arrange her to come up?

"The last Office of the design group was occupied by the new designer yesterday, so I can only hurt you to work on it for a while. But don't worry. I'll take one for you as soon as I have a free office

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