Forget it, for the sake of his first failure and depression, I don't care with him. Song Qingcheng took the apron into the kitchen and filled three bowls of rice from the electric cooker.

"Please come and help Mommy with the bowl." Song Qingcheng cried in the kitchen.

"Here we are." Small steamed stuffed bun simply answer, ran past.

The president stood in front of the table, looking at the dishes on the table. Aren't they the dishes he just cooked?

He glanced suspiciously at the kitchen side, reached for a piece of broccoli on the plate and wanted to taste it.

"Daddy, you can't steal." Xiaobaozi came out with a bowl. He happened to see that Dabi was stealing food, so he said it impolitely.

“……” The chief executive's hand was awkwardly in the air, not even if he put it down or ate it. Finally, wait for the bun to come over and put it in his mouth.

Stinky boy, let you talk!

"Well..." Xiaobaozi's mouth was stuffed full, and he complained vaguely, "people don't like vegetarianism."

What people want to eat is chicken wings!

Song Qingcheng came out with two bowls and put one in front of Ji Zhengting. He sat down with one. "Hurry up and have dinner. It's very late."

Just inadvertently said the truth, but caused the president's cold words.

In the view of the chief executive, she is changing direction and complaining about his failure.

However, song Qingcheng said she was full of injustice, so she had better eat more vegetables and talk less.

"Chicken wings, chicken legs are delicious." Xiaobaozi is really hungry. He grabs chicken wings in one hand and chicken legs in the other. He takes one bite on the left and one bite on the right and eats like a wolf.

Ji Zhengting saw how delicious the steamed stuffed bun was, and his eyes fell on the chicken legs and wings on the table. Isn't it hard to swallow just now? How can it be so delicious after a while?

He didn't believe it, so he took a chicken wing and tasted it.

Well It seems that the taste is really good. It's totally different from the taste he made.

The one they cooked has a delicious smell of meat, while the one they cooked seems to have only a dry smell of oil.

Therefore, he is not a cook at all; therefore, he can only make more money and invite the best chef back, which is more suitable for him.

I'm probably hungry. It's been a few hours since dinner time. Several dishes on the table were eaten up, and even the soup was drunk up by the president.

After eating, the steamed stuffed bun felt his bulgy belly and belched contentedly.

"Go to watch TV for a while. Mommy will take you to take a bath." Song Qingcheng is talking to her son while cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks.

"Daddy can take me to a bath."

"No, I just had a meal. I can't take a bath until later."

"All right."

Next, song Qingcheng washes dishes in the kitchen, and xiaobaozi and the president toss all kinds of toys in the living room. Xiaobaozi always talks about seeing the real bullets. Ji Zhengting is thinking about it. He really wants to take xiaobaozi to see it later.


Song Qingcheng cleans up the kitchen and takes baozi upstairs to take a bath.

A little late, she simply gave the child a shower, took out put on pajamas, and then put him into bed, "you sleep first, mommy to take a bath."

She gave the baby a kiss on the forehead and went to the bathroom with her pajamas.

As soon as the toilet door was closed, a tall figure came into the door.

Xiaobaozi crawled out of the bed and waved. Ji Zhengting came over and looked at the door of the bathroom. He asked the steamed stuffed bun, "what did you say?"

Xiaobaozi shook his head. "He didn't say anything."

"Know what to do later?" Ji Zhengting is worried about his son's slip of the tongue, so he specially comes to make sure.

"I know," he nodded

"Repeat." The chief executive is still worried.

"Mommy, the trouble is a little man now. A man can't ask his mother to sleep with him. He will be very shy. " Xiaobaozi said seriously.

"There's more."

"Let mommy compare with dad and plug a little sister out."

"Son of a bitch!" The chief executive expressed satisfaction.

"Well, anyway, they are sure to give mommy to Daddy. Kids have to keep their word."

"It's not children who have to keep their word, it's all the time. Don't promise others what you can't do. "

"Oh, all right."

"Go to sleep." Ji Zhengting tucked the steamed stuffed bun back into the quilt.

"Honey, can you help Mommy with her bag?" Song Qingcheng's voice came from the bathroom.

Father and son look at each other. Ji Zhengting sees the little woman's bag on the cupboard, and then gives his son a wink.

Xiaobaozi lifted the quilt, slid down from the bed and took the bag to the bathroom."Thank you." Song Qingcheng took the bag and told him, "go to bed soon."

He also wants to have a good sleep, but mom and dad have so many things to do, and he is also very worried.


Song Qingcheng came out after taking a good bath and saw that the steamed stuffed bun didn't sleep. Instead, he leaned on the head of the bed and said, "why haven't you slept yet?"

She went to the bed and lifted the quilt to go to bed.

"Mommy, you can't sleep with me." The bun pressed down the quilt she had lifted up.

“…… Who does Mommy sleep with? " Song Qingcheng was stunned.

"Mommy should be sleeping with dad. I'm a little man now. I'll be ashamed to sleep with mommy. "

"Who told you that?" Song Qingcheng is very sad. I'm still a young man. I became a young man before I was three years old. Thanks to his imagination.

"Yes..." The word "Daddy" almost came out, but fortunately it was stopped, "I saw it on TV. The teacher said that boys should learn to be independent and self-improvement from childhood. They can't rely on their parents, especially Mommy. "

Song Qingcheng looked at xiaobaozi's words, and suddenly felt that xiaobaozi had grown up, really like a little man. However, she didn't need her mother before she was three years old. She couldn't say how disappointed she was.

"Is that really on TV?" Song Qingcheng was still a little suspicious. In the past, Baozi never was affected when he watched TV. How could he be affected all of a sudden? And it's here.

Song Qingcheng feels that she can't get away from someone.

"Of course." Small steamed stuffed bun guilty, but, will answer very simply.

When song Qingcheng saw that xiaobaozi's answer was so simple, he didn't doubt it any more. Maybe xiaobaozi has grown up, and boys and girls are not the same. He is still small in all aspects, and his father is more, maybe this is the same.

Song Qingcheng touched the child's head and said, "Mommy knows. When Mommy's work is stable, we'll change to a two bedroom house. At that time, you and Mommy will share a room."

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