"Yes, I'll try." The landlady has nothing to do with her. It's not easy to deceive the guests. Don't make the guests unhappy when song Qingcheng leaves.

"Not as much as possible, but definitely." Song Qingcheng is really stubborn.

Landlady speechless, "you this wench how so stubborn!"

Song Qingcheng didn't make a sound.

She doesn't want to, either. The key is that if you live in a family, you have to abide by the rules of the family, otherwise you will not get along with yourself.

When song Qingcheng turns around, he just bumps into Lu Youlin coming out of the bathroom. The two of them look at each other and don't have much communication. Song Qingcheng leaves first.

But after just two steps, it stopped. She was not sure whether Lu Youlin intended to help her son with the incident just now, but at the end of the incident, it was because of his words that the incident subsided. Therefore, he helped himself just now.

"What's the matter?" Lu Youlin washed her hands and found that she was still standing there, looking hesitant.

"Well, thank you just now." The tone of song Qingcheng's voice was a little unnatural.

Because the last time he asked her to serve in his private room, she didn't go. I don't know if this person remembers revenge.

"For what?"

"Thank you for helping me out."

Lu Youlin was really trying to get out of the siege just now, but it was not purely to help her. Therefore, he only gave her a sentence at the end, "you think too much."

“……” Song Qingcheng was stunned.

Think too much?

Maybe they don't want to help you, but they think you disturb others' interest.

Well, this time she's being amorous.


The next time, song Qingcheng can be said to be counting the time spent.

Just when she couldn't help looking for the landlady, Lu Youlin hung up the phone and suddenly stood up, "ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry. There's something urgent in Lu's family. I can't stay with you all night tonight. But please rest assured that all the money Lu won tonight will be dedicated here, and you can enjoy it. "

"That's not good." Yang said hypocritically.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's Lu tonight. Excuse me first. This consumption should be paid. Another day, Lu will compensate for his brothers. Then we will have a good time together. "

"Then let's not embarrass Mr. Lu. It happens that my brothers are tired of playing and want to steam for comfort."

"Whatever you like, Lu will leave." Lu Youlin said hello to everyone and left alone in a hurry.

After that, several big men came into the sweat room. The landlady just took the opportunity to come out and lead song Qingcheng downstairs.

"Landlady, I'm so sorry about today. I've made you feel aggrieved for me." Song Qingcheng apologizes to the landlady in the elevator.

"I was wronged because of the money, not because of you. I don't want this to happen again today. " The landlady's attitude will be cold.

"As long as the landlady does not arrange male guests for me to serve, this will never happen." Song Qingcheng was choked with breath.

If the landlady didn't turn around and let her serve these people, it would not have happened today.

"I won't arrange for you to go to other male guests, but these people don't have money. Good service, their tips are very high. I don't want you to earn more." On the contrary, the landlady was kind-hearted and was regarded as a donkey's liver and lung.

"I appreciate the good intentions of the landlady, but I just want to earn my share of the income, and I don't want anything else. So, in the future, the landlady should arrange for other colleagues to go. " Song Qingcheng was determined not to receive the favor.

She would not feel secure with the money she got for nothing.

The landlady is too lazy to talk about it.

To the bar, the landlady will pay her today's wages.

Sixty yuan, 80% commission, and 200 overtime pay. That's 340 yuan.

Song Qingcheng had never taken so much money one day. Although she deserved it, she still felt a little uneasy.

As she was in a hurry to go back, she was not polite to the landlady. After taking the money, she went to the dressing room in a hurry to change clothes.

"Qing Cheng made a lot of money tonight. He made hundreds of money without doing anything. I really envy him."

"Well, I'm lucky to meet a big boss."

"It's said that President Lu came to Qingcheng yesterday, but she refused at last. It seems that she didn't give up and came again today."

"It's said that I helped the city out just now."

"Men are really cheap. The more things they can't get, the more they want to get. At the beginning, when Mr. Lu took a fancy to our sister Xiaoqin, he also ran here every other time. It seems that now he is going to change the target. "

"You can't be heard by Xiaoqin, or she will be sad."

"What's so sad about that? The guest is a passer-by. Don't you think sister Xiaoqin is so stupid that she is attracted to President Lu? ""General manager Lu is so handsome and young. I don't think that girl in the shop will be dazed by him."

A few waiters around the bar, you a word, I a hot chat.

When song Qingcheng changed his clothes and passed by, he just listened to these words. No wonder that when Lu Youlin came to see her that day, sister Xiaoqin treated her like an enemy.

Seeing her today, she is also indifferent. It turns out that there is such a complicated relationship.

But What do you mean she made hundreds of dollars without doing anything?

She had been busy all night, serving tea, pouring water, cutting fruit, preparing snacks, and even suffering from a bellyful of grievances. Her hands are still hot and painful.

Although song Qingcheng thought so, he didn't stay for a moment, otherwise he would really sleep on the road tonight.

When she just ran across the road, when she wanted to take a taxi, a sports car slowly stopped by the side of the road. She thought they were going to stop, so she gave way. As a result, the car stopped in front of her.

Song Qingcheng was depressed, and immediately the side was empty. This man just wanted to stop in front of her and couldn't get along with her sincerely.

But as the window rolled down, she froze again.

Lu Youlin was sitting in the driver's seat, looking sideways at her.

"Why are you?" Song Qingcheng was a little surprised.

"Who do you think it is?" Lu Youlin didn't mean to get off.

“……” Song Qingcheng was asked dumb, not angry to give him a, "I thought it was a hooligan."

With that, she went to the side of the road in front of her, trying to take a taxi.

"Hooligans have tied you to the car for a long time. There's no need to talk to you like this." Lu Youlin moved slowly.

"Haven't you already gone?" Song Qingcheng suddenly remembered that he said there was something urgent at home.

"If I don't leave, can you get off work smoothly?"

“……” Did he just say something temporary to give her a chance to get off work?

I have no friendship with him. Why should he help himself so much?

"Then I have to thank you?" But in fact, he did help himself.

"It must be." Lu Youlin is not polite.

“……” The Song Dynasty was silent. For the first time, I met someone who didn't know how to be polite at all. "It's too late today. I'm going to go home in a hurry. I'll ask you to do a sweat steaming some other day."

Tonight, she's really in a hurry.

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