The old lady sat up with her bed propped up, and her stepmother helped. She only sighed, "Zheng Ting Ma, do you know who I just dreamed of?"

Outside the door, Ying Xueer just arrived at the door and heard such a sentence. She took back the action of lifting her hand and knocking on the door and listened carefully.

"Who did Ma dream of again?" Asked the stepmother. The old lady has been dreaming about the past since she was ill. After many years of dreaming, Ji Xiaoling realized that her son had died

I'm really worried that the old lady will not make it.

"I dreamt that the city had fallen, and she still held my hand and called me grandma."

The stepmother is taking an apple for the old lady to peel and eat. When she hears the old lady's words, her hand shakes, and the stepmother "hisses". The blade touches her finger, and the bright red blood comes out.

"Oh, what's the matter with you? Call the nurse to have a look. " The old lady became nervous when she saw her hand bleeding.

"Mom, it's OK. It's just a scratch. I'll stick a band aid on it. " The stepmother put down the apple and fruit knife, took out a napkin and wiped her hand. After checking that the wound was not deep, she pasted it on the band aid in the drawer.

"You really don't have to deal with it?" The old lady is not at ease.

"It's OK. I've scratched some skin."

The old lady said nothing more.

The more she thought about it, the more familiar she felt with that figure. Plus the old lady's words Is it true that Qing Cheng has come back?

The stepmother then said to the old lady, "Mom, I just went out for a while. When I came back, I saw a young woman coming out of your ward. I think that figure is really like the city. Is it..."

"Do you really see it? Do you really see the city falling The old lady grabs her stepmother's hand excitedly.

The stepmother shook her head. "I'm not sure..." After all, I didn't see each other's face clearly.

"Oh, why don't you catch up and see clearly?" The old lady clapped her hands anxiously.

"I did, but when I did, I didn't see anything." At this point, the stepmother also sighed, "to tell you the truth, I've had two dreams of falling in love these days, and she came back with a son. You don't know that she and her son are just like us. If only I could have such a great grandson! "

After that, he sighed again.

The old lady also sighed with regret: "if we had not been too strong, we would not have separated the two children. Now that they are married and have their own children, it's too late! "


Ying Xueer is shocked to hear the conversation.

It seems that Ji's family don't know that song Qingcheng has come back. It seems that they don't even know that song Qingcheng's child is the flesh and blood of their Ji family.

In this case That would be better!


Ji Zhengting drove with song Qingcheng all the way to the snow mountain where they were trapped. By the time they arrived, it was already a little late.

After a long time, here is still unchanged.

Because of a heavy snow some time ago, the continuous mountains were covered with a new layer of snow-white clothes. The scenery is beautiful and charming. However, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, it can't wash away the shadow of her fear.

She will never forget the suffering of those two days and nights.

Ji Zhengting will stop the car, holding her hand, came to the highest point, you can see at a glance that they have been in trouble that position.

Song Qingcheng looked at the endless snow peak, beauty is beauty, but a cold wind blowing, she still felt cold. The neck shrank.

Ji Zhengting looked at her head, her nose turned red with cold, and her lips raised. Take off your coat and put it over her shoulder.

"No..." Song Qingcheng wants to refuse. It's so cold here, and it's windy. He'll catch cold without a coat.

"Dress up!"

Two words, it's an order.

Song Qingcheng tried his best to put on the clothes. Anyway, he asked for the cold.

"Remember here?" Ji Zhengting came to see her.

Of course, I remember it, and I will never forget it in my life. But song didn't answer like this, just asked him, "why did you bring me here?"

It must not be as simple as looking at the scenery or blowing the cold wind.

"This is where we used to make love." Speaking of this, Ji Zhengting laughed.

Song Qingcheng looked at his smile, just like the warm sun in the day, just like the stove in the dark, always giving people a warm and charming feeling. All of a sudden she didn't feel cold.

She looked away and landed on the mountain in the distance. Looking back on the scene of their suffering that year, I still feel that it is clearly visible.

If it wasn't for that distress, she might not have been so brave to accept him, and she would not have known that their feelings for each other had reached the point where they could not give up.

She would never know that there is such an excellent man in the world who is willing to protect himself, protect himself, and even die for herAt that time, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world. Even if she died at that moment, she would have no regrets in her life.

But God is not so cruel to them. Let them live, although in the end did not help each other, but they have children, bundle Bo their life.

"It's a beautiful city." Ji Zhengting called her again.

Song Qingcheng put away all his thoughts, drew his eyes back, fell on his face again, and looked at his face through the night. It was as if she had gone back to the night when two people were trapped in the snow mountain. She also looked at his face like this. She couldn't move her eyes, as if she wanted to burn his face into her mind.

She also liked that when he called her name, two very common words, which came out of his mouth, seemed to tell the most beautiful and moving words in the world, which made her throb.

"We made love here. Today, please allow me to find you back here." Ji Zhengting solemnly looked at her, knelt down on one knee, hands do not know when more than a delicate small box, raised in front of her, "marry me, city."

Day, suddenly dark, as if this moment is the same.

Song Qingcheng looked at the glittering diamond ring in the night. For a long time, she was unconscious and thoughtless. Her brain seemed to be hollowed out, but She could feel the heat in her eyes.

She thought that this gorgeous and romantic could never belong to her. After all, Mr. Ji is really not the kind of romantic person, however, this time is obviously unexpected.

"Bang Bang --"

in the dark night sky, countless fireworks suddenly fly up and light up the dark sky.

Gorgeous fireworks in the air, colorful, as if the city are shrouded.

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