"What's going on? Are you two fighting again? " Xinyue asked her anxiously.

Song Qingcheng's nose was sour, and his tears came down from his eyes. She had never been so fragile as she was now. She held Xin Yue in her arms and cried.

Xin Yue holds her in her arms and doesn't know how to comfort her. However, she is anxious to know what's going on?

Yesterday, she called Qingcheng and asked her how she spent Christmas Eve. Qingcheng clearly said that Ji Zhengting had been with her and her children. How could Ji Zhengting have spent Christmas Eve with Ying Xueer in the hotel overnight?

And it's been settled.

This What the hell is going on?

Song Qingcheng cried for a while and put away her emotion properly. Xin Yue helped her to sit down on the sofa and wanted to ask her. Seeing her crying like this, she didn't have the heart to ask.

"Qingcheng, no matter what, I believe Ji Zhengting is not that kind of person. You must not think about it and take care of the children, you know? " After a while, Xin Yue still couldn't help opening her mouth.

Song Qingcheng red eyes looking at Xinyue, eyeground also stored a layer of water mist, she helpless mouth, "I can believe him?"

"You must believe him. This incident has always been a hot fight between the media and Ying Xueer, but it is Ji Zhengting who has not given any response, so it can not be regarded as true. If you think about it, maybe he was also calculated? "

In fact, Bai Jingting asked Xin Yue to say these words.

Xinyue doesn't know much about Ji Zhengting, but she still believes that Ji Zhengting is not that kind of person; plus Bai Jingting's personality guarantee that Ji Zhengting won't do two things, she believes that there must be something strange about it.

"But When I called him last night, it was Ying Xueer who answered. And And they're still doing that. " Speaking of this, song Qingcheng's voice choked again, and his chest was like a knife.

"What What? " Xin Yue was stunned.

Song Qingcheng closed her eyes and forced back the heat of her eyes. She is confused, confused and desperate now.

"Did you hear Ji Zhengting's voice?" Xin Yue seemed to think of something and asked her again.

Song Qingcheng shakes her head.

"That's it. Maybe that woman deliberately misled you with Ji Zhengting's phone? On the other hand, do you think Ji Zhengting will do that? Even if he can do it, he may do that with other women, but also deliberately let you know? This kind of behavior is abnormal to do

"I'm in a mess now." Song Qingcheng didn't know how to face this kind of thing. She was afraid that the child would wake up and ask where daddy was? Why didn't you spend Christmas Eve with him? Why did you miss him again?

She was afraid to face the disappointed eyes of the child.

"I know you're not feeling well now. But it doesn't matter, you don't need to do anything now, waiting for Ji Zhengting to explain to you. If he doesn't explain, there is nothing worthy of your nostalgia. If he explains, there must be a reason for it. "

Song Qingcheng nodded.

Now, that's all.

If Ji Zhengting is really calculated this time, then he must have a lot of things to deal with now. If she still pesters him to explain, it will only make trouble for him.

So, all she has to do now is wait. As Xin Yue said, if he was calculated, he would not find out. If it is true, what can she miss?!


When Ji Zhengting wakes up in a daze. The purpose is strange. Strange, in fact, is not strange, at least, he saw at a glance is the hotel.

There are no children or steamed buns around. It's very quiet.

The brain was blank for a long time. He sat up from the bed and shook his head, hoping to regain some consciousness.

"Zheng Ting, are you awake?"

A woman's voice came and instantly aroused his memory.

Ying Xueer comes over in a robe with a smile on her face.

Ji Zhengting is trying to recall what happened last night Ying Xueer asked him to meet him. He drank a glass of red wine, and then he became confused.

"How are you, feeling better?" Ying Xueer sits down beside the bed and asks him thoughtfully.

Ji Zhengting's face was as cold as frost, and his eyes turned to her. His eyes were sharp as an arrow, as if he wanted to stare her through with one eye.

Ying xue'er's face changed in horror.

Ji Zhengting raised his wrist and looked at the time. It's already nine o'clock. He lifted the quilt out of bed and found that he was only wearing a pair of shorts. He was stunned for a moment, but soon he didn't feel surprised.

By Ying Xueer's mean means, he should have been forced to bow last night. However, God didn't help her, but he was so hard on him that he couldn't wake up.

Ying xue'er just wants to do something, but it's just wishful thinking.

He picked up his trousers from the ground and put them on. He took Ying Xueer as the air."Zheng Ting, you can't go. I'm your man now, and what we did together last night has been exposed by the media. Everyone is waiting for your response. "

Ji Zhengting heard her words, and his eyes were stunned for a moment. He grabbed his phone from the table and opened it. The first thing I saw was a picture sent by the little woman last night. In the photo, she and the child are playing happily together.

Seeing the mother and son smiling brightly in the picture, he tightened his chest. How can he make up for last night's broken appointment?

Obviously, it's not the best time to think about this. He opens the news section and sees the same topics and contents.

He doesn't want to read the details of this kind of news.

In normal times, he might order to block the news directly. But he didn't. I don't think it's worth it.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you choose to be disgraced, I'll help you. " Ji Zhengting talked to her as he buttoned his shirt.

At this point, he glanced at Ying Xueer and added, "besides, I'm not going to be a pig in season."

Ying Xueer breathes heavily, and clasps her hands tightly in her palm. A fury rushed to her head, which made her tremble uncontrollably.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Ying Xueer suddenly returns to her senses and goes to open the door in a hurry.

Ji Zhengting came out and accidentally saw two small bags on the table with small white pills in them.

Ying Xueer opens the door, and a group of reporters rush in from the door. One by one, long guns and short guns are aimed at the people in the room. For a moment, they only hear the sound of the shutter.

Ji Zhengting's facial features are fierce, and his face is evil. His cold eyes swept the reporter who broke in. The reporter who was taking photos and collecting evidence shivered inexplicably.

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