"I see. You've said that many times."

Xin Yue was aggrieved, "I'm not worried about your wishful thinking. Anyway, my barrister also said that it must be abnormal. He asked me to tell you not to fall into the trap. "

Song Qingcheng nodded, "I know, I will believe him." This sentence is to her and to myself.

Xinyue finally relieved to smile, "that's good. You must have confidence in him and yourself. If you think about it, what should she be? She's not as good-looking as you are, and she's not as good-looking as you are. Seeing that she's out of business with the chief executive, she'll never get a good reward for using such a bad trick. The most important thing is that you still have a steamed bun. Even if she was born ten years earlier, she can't catch up with you in the heart of the CEO. "

When it comes to children, song Qingcheng is more or less confident, and her smile deepened a little bit. "Well, if you don't go any more, the barrister will come up to bind people."

Xin Yue was a little embarrassed, "then I'll really go. I'll bring you breakfast on time tomorrow morning. "

"No, it's too hard for you to run around so early every day. Let's have something to deal with it ourselves." Where can song Qingcheng ask her a pregnant woman to take care of them?

"I'll contact you tomorrow. Don't think about it, you know? " When Xinyue talked to her, she already put on her coat and left with her bag. I didn't forget to tell her again and again when I left.

"I see. You don't have to worry about me." Song Qingcheng sent her to the door.

"Give baozi a good night kiss for me."

"Good." Song Qingcheng nodded.

Watching her enter the elevator, the two waved goodbye before she closed the door.

The moment the door closed, the whole world suddenly quieted down. That kind of quiet, let her hesitation, fear, sad, fragile

Slide down the door, squat on the ground, you can hold yourself.

The warmth in the eye socket rolled down from the eye socket several times and was forced back by her. She can't be weak, she has to be strong.

"Mommy..." In the room, the sound of small steamed stuffed buns came. Song Qingcheng recovered, put away the extra emotion, got up and went to the room.

"Please, Mommy is here." She sat down beside the child, half awake. She held the child's hand and let him know that she was there.

"Mommy, hasn't Daddy come yet?" Xiaobaozi asked her sleepily.

Song Qingcheng's chest was tight. She took the steamed stuffed bun into her arms and spoke to him in a soft voice. "Daddy may be in trouble. Shall we wait for daddy to deal with it?"

"All right!" Xiaobaozi's drooping head, and then asked: "when can dad handle things better?"

Song Qingcheng thought for a moment, "it's about two days."

It should not be difficult for him to deal with such things. In fact, she thought that kind of news would be blocked soon, but she didn't.

I don't know what he thought this time?

No news.

"That father is better than handling things. Will he come and pick us up to see grandma and granddad, and grandma?" She nestled in the bun and asked.

I can tell that xiaobaozi really believed her.

"Do you want to see them?" Instead of answering, song Qingcheng asked the children. All these years, she never mentioned enough people in front of her children except her and Xin Yue.

She thinks it's OK not to mention it. When she mentions it, she always gives her children too much yearning and longing. Always looking forward to meeting those relatives. However, some people may not have a chance to meet in their lifetime, and there is no need to.

But xiaobaozi was naive and honest and said, "of course I want to. They all have grandparents, grandparents and troubles. "

Song Qingcheng looked at the child, sad raised his lips, touched the child's head, promised the child, "well, when your father is busy, let him take you to see them."

It's possible to meet with him.

"Will Mommy go, too?"

Song Qingcheng thought for a moment, then nodded, "yes!"

Xiaobaozi happily nests in her arms. After a long time, song Qingcheng thinks that when the child is asleep, he hears the voice of the child again, "Mommy, daddy didn't come to spend Christmas with us, aren't you happy?"

These words, song Qingcheng can feel the child in the heart for a long time. The child should have wanted to ask her last night, but she was absent-minded all the time last night. After the child came back, he was too tired and fell asleep.

Today, Xinyue was there again, and xiaobaozi didn't ask.

"Is daddy to blame for the trouble?" Song Qingcheng did not answer rhetorical questions.

Xiaobaozi first shook his head, but then nodded.

"What do you mean by shaking your head and nodding your head?" Song Qingcheng asked him.

"I believe there must be something wrong with babe, so I don't blame him. But I still blame him for breaking his appointment." Xiaobaozi said seriously.

Song Qingcheng laughs, "Daddy is because something just break an appointment, so trouble to understand daddy's situation.""All right!" Xiaobaozi mianqiang, "but Dad wants to supply me with a Christmas Eve."

Song Qingcheng had no choice but to take the baby, so he agreed, "OK, when you see Dad, remember to have a Christmas Eve with him."

"Well! I think so, too Xiaobaozi nodded in a serious way.

"Well, go to bed. Mommy is going to take a bath." Song Qingcheng puts the child back on the bed.

Xiaobaozi nodded obediently and got into the bed.

Looking at the child so good, so sensible, gloomy day's mood, always because of the child and turn for the better.

After covering the child, she took her pajamas and bath towel to take a bath.


Ji Zhengting burned all night, repeatedly. The housekeeper stayed up all night with a servant, and the stepmother stayed up until midnight. She couldn't make it, so she was advised by the housekeeper to go back to her room to have a rest.

However, this busy night, also did not bring down the temperature.

Early in the morning, the stepmother came upstairs with serious dark circles under her eyes. She saw that the housekeeper was still busy rubbing alcohol on Ji Zhengting's body.

"What's the matter, housekeeper? Has the temperature dropped a little?" Looking at the burning son, the stepmother asked the housekeeper anxiously and anxiously.

"Retreat is a little bit, but it will rise soon. I've asked someone to inform Dr. Chen. Dr. Chen will be here soon. "

"Oh, how did it burn so badly." The stepmother is a little impatient.

"It's really hard to see that I've turned over my skin this time." It was the first time that the housekeeper saw the old man lose his temper and move his hand.

"No! I don't know how to get so much strength at such an old age. Look at the beating of my son. " The more the stepmother said, the more angry she was. Finally, she sat down by the bed and looked at her son. She was about to cry.

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