Song Qingcheng is worried now, is there anything wrong with the sweat steaming hall?

She washed up and left the room. When she left, she hesitated to take her room card with her?

The steam shop didn't go to work until nine o'clock, and song Qingcheng had breakfast in the breakfast shop opposite. Sitting by the window, you can just see the situation of the steaming hall.

When it's five minutes to nine, someone opens normally. In this way, there must be nothing wrong with the steam house. We'll see if anything happened to those people last night later.

Song Qingcheng paid and went to work directly.

"Qingcheng, why did you come so early today?"

Song Qingcheng just pushed the door into the shop, the uncle who opened the door saw her and talked to her.

"I work all day on weekends." Song Qingcheng replied. This is her first full-time class, so everyone should be more curious.

"No wonder." Uncle laughed.

"By the way, uncle, do you know when the guests in the VIP room finished last night?" I usually hear that they are very late. The uncle who locks the door should know.

"It didn't end late last night. It was about twelve o'clock."

Usually it's very late, but last night it's very early. Song Qingcheng is even more worried, "it ended so early last night, is something wrong?"

"I didn't hear that. I was very happy when I left. I saw it at the door."

Song Qingcheng was relieved, "does that Lu always go with them?"

"No, I heard that President Lu left first. He was in a hurry."

Did Lu Youlin leave first? I left in a hurry.

Song Qingcheng really doesn't understand what's going on. The people she worried about were OK, but the people she doubted were a little abnormal.

No matter, maybe I think too much.


Eight in the evening.

Ji Zhengting finally came back from a few days' business trip.

Just came out of the airport, he took out his mobile phone, turned it on and called the villa.

"Sir, are you off the plane?" The housekeeper answered the phone and asked with concern.

Ji Zhengting let out a "hum" from his nose, and then asked, "did song Qingcheng go home?"

"Miss Song hasn't come back since my husband's business trip." The housekeeper answered cautiously.

"She didn't go back the night I left?" Ji Zhengting made a decision again and again.


Ji Zhengting breathing slightly heavy, and then the tone of cold mouth a few degrees, "I know, I will go back later."


Ji Zhengting hung up and got on the bus.

Gao Xin came to pick up the plane in person. Just now I heard the president say that I will go back later. Where will I go again?

"President, where are we going now?" Gao Xin has to ask, can't you drive around with your car?!

"Go to song Qingcheng to work."

“…… Good As soon as the president comes back, he can't wait to see his little wife. Has it been a long time?

However, he did not dare to ask.


Because it is the weekend, so business is better than usual, song Qingcheng in a busy day, think time will soon pass. It's already half past eight when she comes here. She's going to get off work and go home on time at ten tonight.

Yesterday, I told my mother that I would go back, but Lu Youlin fooled me. I must go back tonight.

"You are welcome in the VIP room." Just as she was planning, a voice came.

“……” Song Qingcheng was stunned.

VIP room?

It must be Lu Youlin again. She was worried that she couldn't find anyone else. She didn't expect that he would dare to come.

Song Qingcheng rushed up the stairs and came to the third floor in one breath.

Surprisingly, they are very quiet today. Maybe they haven't arrived yet. Song Qingcheng directly pushed the door of the private room to enter.


There's still no one in there.

But the light in the dressing room was on, and there was a tall figure in it. That figure It should be Lu Youlin.

Song Qingcheng blustered over, his hand just fell on the doorknob, and the action of opening the door stopped again.

What if someone changes clothes inside? No, it must be changing clothes inside. I should say, what if people don't wear clothes?

When song Qingcheng is hesitating, the doorknob inside is held by someone. She excites herself and holds the door tightly, so that the people inside can't move.

Shut him up for a while and relieve his breath first.

Ji Zhengting frowned inside and used his hand on the door handle again. Outside, song Qingcheng almost didn't hold it, so he quickly put his hands together.

Ji Zhengting knows that someone is playing a prank on purpose outside, and this person If he guessed correctly, it should be song Qingcheng. Others dare not do such a thing.

But why did song Qingcheng dare to do so?

She had no idea he was here. So, who can make her do whatever she wants?I've only been joking with my guests for a week?

Ji Zhengting suddenly felt in a bad mood, released his hand and turned to the sweat room.

Song Qingcheng saw that the people inside suddenly left, and let go a little. A big man, so easy to compromise?

No, as soon as he gets in, it will take at least an hour. After an hour, she has to get off work, so she has no time to argue with him. While other people haven't come, she has to talk to him clearly.

Qingcheng opened the door again and went in. There was no one in the dressing room. She went directly to the steam room. As soon as she got to the door, she hesitated.

Is it bad to break in like this?

Why didn't he feel bad when Lu Youlin played with her?

So, song Qingcheng walked in rightfully, but the next moment, the whole person was pulled over, and then a strong body came over, she was pressed against the wall, a heavy shoulder, was pressed.

Song Qingcheng recovered from the shock. When she saw the person in front of her, her black eyes widened and blinked.

"Why Why are you It took her a long time to recover from her astonishment.

Ji Zhengting overcast, "who do you think it is?"

"I..." Song Qingcheng didn't know how to answer. In short, even if she was given 10000 brains, she would not think it was Ji Zhengting.

"President..." Two people are stiff, Gao Xin change clothes come in, run into such a scene, his first reaction is to flash back.

"Sorry." Gao Xin apologized, faster than the rabbit.

The atmosphere between the two was a little awkward. Song Qingcheng took a look at him and was just stared at by his cold eyes. She was a little unhappy and said, "can you let me go first?"

This kind of ambiguous pose, do not know what people think they are doing?

Ji Zhengting released her and stepped back.

They haven't seen each other for a few days. When they meet again, they are a little strange and alienated, as if I'm still a little uncomfortable.

"Dong Dong - open the door, open the door."

Suddenly, the door outside was knocked. It's very rude and the tone of voice is very bad. It's definitely not the waiter in the shop.

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