Lu Yu glanced at Lu you beside her and finally laughed. Without waiting for her to figure out how to answer this sentence, someone has already been angry.

"Who do you think is naive?" Lu youyou immediately got up from the sofa and walked up to Lin Xin, "have you ever seen a 22-year-old man who is still childish? Or are you 22 years old and childish like a kid? "

Lin Xin was embarrassed by her aggressive questioning.

"Yo Yo, how can I talk to my second sister-in-law?" After all, Lu Qing is older than them. She will teach Lu you a lesson as her sister.

"Who said she was the second sister-in-law? Are you married? Have you got the certificate? Did my brother get her back? " Lu youyou always has something to say. In her anger, she doesn't give her face.

Lu Qing stares at her one eye, turns to smile to Lin Xin, "Lin Xin, long you, she is a straight temperament, you don't care with her in general."

"Of course not. I'll be a family and have nothing to worry about." In other people's eyes, Lin Xin is always a well-educated lady. No one can see her true side.

In other words, her magnanimity, gentleness, easygoing, all superficial phenomena are her real side in other people's eyes. Only in Lu You's eyes.

Looking at her hypocritical face, Lu youyou just feels sick.

"In other words, sister Xin and her second brother haven't got the license yet?" Lu Yu said again.

Lu Yu's seemingly unintentional words, for Lin Xin, are insulting her in disguise. Of course, Lu Yu and Lu youyou both have the word "Lu" on their heads. Naturally, they are standing on the same line.

She just said with a smile as usual, "I was going to get it, but later something was delayed. However, when Lu Xiao came here today, he discussed with me and said that he planned to take time to get the certificate next week. If it's a wedding, we all agree not to do it any more. "

Lu Yu nodded, "yes, it takes a lot of effort to have a wedding. I'm not going to have a wedding in the future. I'm going to travel to get married. "

"Being young is good. Unlike us, we are hindered by work, and many wishes have not been realized." Lin Xin said regretfully.

"Don't worry, my second brother will be here in the future. I promise that I will help you realize it one by one." Lu Yu followed with a perfunctory.

And Lu You can't sit still. Hearing Lin Xin say that they have discussed going to "get the license", she immediately went to ask Lu Xiao.

They're going to get a license


When people don't notice, Lu youyou goes to the side hall.

In the hall, besides Lu Xiao, Lu Cheng and Lu Youlin, there are also very senior people. No matter the elders or Lu Xiao, they have to admit that Lu's genes are really good.

It's absolutely a beautiful scene for several men with different styles to sit together.

Lu youyou stood there, looking at it, absorbed in it. Especially when his eyes fell on Lu Xiao, it was hard to pull away.

Although she lives with him every day, she never stares at him like this. Because I dare not.

Lu Xiao was talking about business with us when he was talking. Raising hands and feet exudes the charm of a mature man, as well as his consistent coldness and seriousness.

Especially when it comes to work, he is extremely serious and devoted.

Such a man, no wonder in the business world alone - Sao.

After his words, his eyes inadvertently turned to see her at the door. Xu is four eyes have no sign of bump into, Lu You is startled and hastily draw back the vision.

It's like doing something bad, a little guilty and nervous.

In the hall, Lu Xiao said to everyone, and then he got up and came out. Lu youyou stood at the door, looking like he was waiting for him.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

Lu youyou looked at him, hesitated, and then said, "I have something to ask you."

"Ask The tone is cool.

Worried about affecting the people inside, Lu youyou pulled him to the side and said, "I ask you, are you going to get the license with Lin Xin?"

Lu Xiao Mou bottom a Zheng, but soon return to normal, "marriage all knot, get a certificate is not very normal?"

"Your marriage is not formed at all. There is no legal protection." Lu You is a little excited.

"With a license, there will be legal protection."

Lu youyou's emotion just now suddenly went down, "so, you really plan to go directly to get the license, no longer do the wedding, right?"

"These are not things you should think about." Lu Xiao's tone became colder and colder. It seemed that he had been violated. He was very dissatisfied.

"You know I'm not going to let you do what you want."

Lu Xiao cold face, "Lu You, don't let me hate you more and more."

"It doesn't matter. You've never liked me anyway." Lu youyou shrugged and said nothing.

"It's hard to like you like that." Leaving the words behind, Lu Xiao turned and left.

"Then how can I make you like me?" Lu youyou asked him in front of his back. However, she did not wait for an answer. Just watching him disappear in sight, silently sighed.In the corner, a pair of eyes were peeping at them, listening to their conversation just now.

Lin Xin thinks that Lu You is really annoying. But being stupid is also stupid and lovely. The reason why she said in front of Lu you that she discussed with Lu Xiao to obtain the license is that she just wanted to use Lu you to pass these words to Lu Xiao.

She can't ask for the license in front of Lu Xiao. But it's different to mention it in front of him by Lu youyou. Lu Xiao wants to get rid of Lu You's idea of him. Lu You mentions it. He can't get the certificate if he wants to.


Lu youyou has been in a bad mood ever since he found Lu Xiao. A person holding a small thing on the balcony sullen.

The little thing seems to see that she is not in a good mood, has been jumping on her body, and then will make her happy.

Lu youyou takes the paw of the little thing on her shoulder, and has no mind to play with it. However small thing wants to look for her to play, the claw of it retreats, it lifts up, still gather to kiss her.

Lu you was made helpless by it, so he had to compromise. He held it up and talked to it: "little thing, why are you in such a good mood every day? Don't you have anything sad? Well

Lu youyou holds it and shakes it.

The little thing seemed to be upset by her, and called at her.

"I won't let you down. Who let you annoy me first?" Knowing that little things are afraid of heights, Lu youyou deliberately raises them high.

The little thing shivered and didn't dare to make a sound.

Lu youyou smiles, "you dare to provoke me in the future."

When the little thing behaved, she put it down. But as soon as it was put down, the little thing let out a "woof" in a certain direction.

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