After drying her hair, she came out and saw the two bottles of medicine she had taken back from the table. Seeing this medicine, I can't help thinking about 80000 yuan for two days.

Considering that Ji Zhengting has spent so much money on it. Another debt was added to her without warning.

Think of here, the heart can not control the anger. Although she has been reminding herself from the bottom of her heart that she can't help but recognize the good people.

Outside, there was a faint sound of going upstairs. Did he come back?

She subconsciously went to open the door and wanted to go out to have a look. As soon as the door was opened, she saw a slender hand in the air. It was obvious that she wanted to open the door, but she took the first step.

Two people four eyes to go up, is one Zheng.

I don't know why, song Qingcheng bumps into his deep eyes, and his heart beats faster all of a sudden.

His bright eyes printed with two small themselves, she seems to be able to see his eyes at the moment.

Messy long hair against his white face, because just had a bath, the face is still floating a layer of light red, looks like just picked peach, people want to bite.

As in the past, his outstanding temperament exudes a touch of coldness and dignity, which brings people into a kind of alienation.

He can only be seen from afar and can't be teased.

"It's so pretty?"

Thick and magnetic sound sounded, let song Qingcheng suddenly come back to God.

Eyes flutter, butterfly like lashes tremble a little, it seems that there is no way to say how embarrassed.

"Well, I just want to see if you lose weight?" After a while, I found a bad excuse.

"Because I had a fever last night?" What Ji Zhengting means is that he knows that she came back last night and is still taking care of herself.

Since he still remembers, song Qingcheng has to admit, "yes, I came back last night to get something. I happened to meet you with a fever. I think you are very poor, so I poured a glass of water for you."

It doesn't matter what she said.

How pathetic is he?

Ji Zhengting's face sank and his tone of voice cooled a little. "Is that it?"

Song Qingcheng took a look at him and continued his voice, "and You may have burned your head and kept holding on to me

Although he said that, song Qingcheng was not sure whether he remembered what happened last night.

"And then?" For her recognition, Ji Zhengting is quite satisfied.

This man, is it over or not!

"Then I fell asleep, as if I were asleep." Song Qingcheng is obviously perfunctory.

"Go on." Ji Zhengting's eyeground is a little joyful. It's a dynamic that others can't notice. He leaned against the door with his pocket in his pants, a noble and somewhat lazy posture.

Although it's just a casual and ordinary gesture, it always shows a unique and charming side all the time.

Such a man, really want to not let a woman heart is very difficult.

Song Qingcheng didn't let himself fall in love too deeply this time, so he took back his reason in time, "I went back to the hospital in the morning. By the way, I have one more question for you. "


Song Qingcheng was a little annoyed. She said a lot to pili bala. Just now, she could wait for him for a few words, which would be less and less. She wondered if he would be too lazy to say a word later.

Leave him alone and settle with him.

Song Qingcheng was worried that she would not be able to control her emotions later and startled the people downstairs, so she pulled him in, closed the door, and then angrily asked him, "I ask you, you know I don't have money, why do you want to arrange me in such an expensive ward? Do you know how much I've spent these two days? "

She was angry and distressed at the thought of the eighty thousand yuan.

"Do you think your life or your money is important?" Ji Zhengting's face was embarrassed again.

"My life is important, but it's just common asthma. It's OK to hang up an ordinary ward. It's really not OK. It's OK to hang up an emergency room. But you just hang up a VIP ward. That ward alone costs tens of thousands of yuan a day. What do you want? On purpose, isn't it? "

Song Qingcheng said at the end, the more she said, the more excited she was. For a moment, she took her own words a little too far. But what you say is what you want to ask.

Ji Zhengting's face was covered with frost.

I almost lost my life. Now I dare to question him. Did she know that he was so nervous at that time that he wanted to move the hospital directly to his home.

What special care, VIP ward, all do not enter his eyes. But for Lu Qing's advice, he would have transferred a group of medical teams from the hospital back to Ji's home.

"Why don't you talk? I'm asking you something." Song Qingcheng didn't know what he was thinking, only that he must be angry, but it didn't affect her urging.

"Even if I say so?" Ji Zhengting has a provocative tone."You --" Song Qingcheng was angry, gritted her teeth and threw two words at him, "mean!"

Ji Zhengting's eyes were cold, and his eyes were as sharp as a sword. He put her on the door and said in a calm voice, "I know I have this kind of medical history, but I still go to work in that kind of place. Do you think I have a long life?"

It's not hard to hear that there is light annoyance in his tone.

Song Qingcheng was confused by his sudden temper, so. Labial flap Xi moved a few times, just refute a word, "that is my own business, have nothing to do with you."

Ji Zhengting seemed to be hurt by her words. A flame sprang out of his eyes and said in a cold voice, "yes, from now on, no one cares about your life and death."

After that, he turned and left.

Song Qingcheng felt that what she said just now was a little too much. People sent her to the hospital with good intentions, but she didn't say a word of thanks. On the contrary, she didn't know the good people.

"Wait a minute." Song Qingcheng stops him again.

Ji Zhengting really ignored her, as if he didn't hear her.

Song Qingcheng trots up and around to him. Ji Zhengting's step stops, and her cold eyes fix her. She also took a look at him. The coldness on her face made her talk a little bit more confident. "That, the money spent in the hospital, I will return it to you as soon as possible. But now I don't have a stable job, and I have to study. It may take a little time. So I want to discuss with you and pay you back in installments. "

Ji Zhengting breathes heavily.

Originally thought that she was aware of the mistake, to apologize to himself, even if it is to say two nice words can also. But I don't want to She poured oil on the fire.

She was able to figure out how to repay the money by instalments.

Besides, who asked her to pay back?

Be sentimental!

Song Qingcheng didn't say a word when she saw him. She thought he didn't agree, so she quickly said, "don't worry, I won't delay too long."

"Yes, how long?" Ji Zhengting spoke with a stiff face.

"Well I try to pay it off before the divorce. " She has no confidence in this sentence.

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