94 Diagon Alley

Chapter 233: Festival

    And you brought me good news about Harry and the children. Tell me, Alastor, what happened? "

    From a room downstairs, there was a loud taunt, as if he couldn't stand Dumbledore's sympathy for a moment.

    Mad-Eye's eyes twitched, and he squeezed the wand in his hand. But after a moment, he opened his mouth and decided not to pay attention to yet another Dark Lord in the house. "Not all goblins are under the new regime," he sneered. "A few goblins who knew Bill gave us a back door and ended up running with us. Cedric was placing them in the Some safe house. They should be thankful that, just minutes ago, You-Know-Who killed all the goblins left in Gringotts."

    Dumbledore shook his head, not intending to comment on the thousands of years of conflicts and struggles between goblins and wizards, "Where's Harry? Tell me about what they did?"

    "They took something from Lestrange's vault," said Mad-Eye, "and chopped it with Gryffindor's sword."

    "You saw it with your own eyes?" asked Dumbledore, sitting up straight, staring at Moody. "You saw them destroy it with your own eyes?"

    "My own eyes and my magical eyes saw it," Moody said unhappily, "but the sword was taken by the goblin."

    "Um..." Dumbledore leaned back on the pillow, closed his eyes, and muttered, "This is a little different from what I expected. I was going to keep them with the sword. — but it’s not a big deal, there’s always another way.”

    "Aren't you still going to tell me what they're up to?" Mad-Eye asked with a cough.

    "No need, Alastor." Dumbledore opened his blue eyes, "That was Harry's job, he was destined to do it himself...his destiny. And I don't want to. Put all my secrets in one basket, especially one that hangs on the arm of the enemy a lot of time." Then the old man looked up at the ceiling as if he were counting something. "The diary, the locket, the ring, the gold cup... The serpent is by his side - only Hogwarts, Alastor."

    Mad-Eye saw the old man who had been lying on the sickbed for almost a year suddenly in good spirits, and looked at him like a pair of eyes were on fire from behind the half-moon lenses.

    "What did Ollivander bring me?" Dumbledore almost jumped out of bed, "Let's see."

    Moody pulled out a long, narrow cardboard box from his inner pocket and handed it to him.

    Dumbledore held the wand in his hand, and the dazzling light of gold and red illuminated the whole attic, and Black's old house became bright and warm. "I didn't expect," Dumbledore looked at the wand in his hand, "that I would still have a good Ollivander wand at the end of my life. Reminds me of when I was a freshman in school - only selling for It was Garrick's old father who gave me the wand."

    "Don't feel the past, Dumbledore." Mad-Eye said impatiently, "What shall I do next?"

    "Forgive me, Alastor, I'm old after all." Dumbledore squeezed his wand and felt it carefully, "You have to contact Kingsley, Remus, and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix. Members of the - don't call Tonks, her baby has just been born. I have a hunch we're all going back to Hogwarts."

    Mad-Eye snapped his neck and made a clicking sound. "It's finally here. As for Nymphadora, I'm afraid I can't stop her." After that, he limped down the stairs, his hand holding the wand shaking with excitement.

    Next, Dumbledore snapped his fingers and summoned Dobby.

    "I beg you to bring me a letter," said the old wizard to the small, thin elf in front of him, "hope to save a noble soul. To Gwen Ollivander, you Know where to find her."

    Dobby bent down, took the parchment, and snapped her fingers and disappeared.

    "Next." Dumbledore's pale face turned a long-lost red, "Kreacher."

    The old elf with a bald head, but still clean and tidy appeared in front of him. He grunted in a hoarse, low voice like a bullfrog.

    "I beg you to take Sirius Black to Hogwarts," said Dumbledore. "I'm afraid we're about to have a big battle - against the dark wizard who killed your little master."

    Kreacher's body began to tremble, and his large eyeballs turned red with blood. "Master Sirius cannot leave Black House."

    "He has to get over." Dumbledore was firm this time, not swayed by the elf's worries, "If you want him to recover, let him get over, Kreacher. But You can hide him first and find Dobby, he knows what to do."

    To be honest, Kreacher probably doesn't want Sirius to change back to the way he used to be, and he obviously prefers the current Sirius to the deviant bad boy - but what Dumbledore said next The faithful servant of the Blacks changed his mind.

    "I promise you, Kreacher. When this is over, I will return Regulus' body to you." Dumbledore looked at it with compassion.

    "You found...you found my little master's body?" Tears streamed down the elf's wrinkled face, as if it were about to die. "From that **** cave?"

    "Yeah," said Dumbledore apologetically. "He's done a lot, Kreacher. I think it's time for him to rest in peace—to the home he loves."

    "I'll take Sir Sirius to Hogwarts." Kreacher whimpered and almost rolled down the stairs.

    "Finally." Dumbledore slowly raised his head and said to Armando Dippet on the portrait, "Old friend, I want to talk to Severus."

    Historic meeting between Dumbledore's Army and the Order of the Phoenix

    It was getting dark. Gwen was still reading Dumbledore's instructions to her over and over again in the room, not understanding what the old man's intention was, he told her that if he noticed something, he must rush to it immediately.

    After thinking and thinking, Gwen decided to follow Dumbledore's orders because he was always right. So Gwen put the white fragrance essence that he had saved for a long time in his pocket, and dug out the two sets of vests made of Voldemort skin that George and Fred sent over. Seems like you forgot something? Yes, and blood tonic - old Garrick took a bunch of blood tonic from the cliff behind the shell hut, and Gwen boiled it into a blood tonic.

    Sudden screams were heard from the streets of Hogsmeade. Gwen covered her ears and ran downstairs.

    "Who triggered the Howling Charm—" she shouted vigorously to Aberforth, pulling a little curtain and looking out the door. "Sir, there are Death Eaters outside!"

    "Shh!" Aberforth opened the back door of the bar slightly, staring outside without blinking.

    "I don't see anyone else, what are the Death Eaters looking for?" The screaming stopped, and Gwen lowered his volume. "They even brought in the Dementors—Merlin! That's—the Patronus!"

    "Meow your cat down, hurry up!" Aberforth said decisively, pushing open the small wooden door roughly.

    Gwen hugged the dog and Crookshanks and sent them out through the crack of the door that Aberforth pushed open. The pretty **** cat was still rubbing and licking against the air. Gwen had to give it a shove so that its paw prints landed on the street.

    A few minutes ago.

    Harry's feet touched the pavement. He saw Hogsmeade Street, which he was sorely familiar with: the dark storefronts, the dark outlines of the mountains beyond the village, the bend ahead to Hogwarts, and the windows of the Three Broomsticks bar. light. His heart twitched suddenly, and he remembered that just about a year ago, he landed here with the help of a dying Dumbledore, and the scene was as vivid as a knife. All of this was felt at the moment of landing - just as he let go of Ron and Hermione's arms, something happened.

    A scream cut through the night sky, and it sounded like Voldemort's cry when he found out that the golden cup had been stolen, the sound tormented Harry's nerves, and he knew immediately that it was them. Just as he looked at the other two people under the Invisibility Cloak, the door to Three Brooms suddenly opened, and a dozen or so cloaked and hooded Death Eaters rushed into the street with their wands aloft.

    Ron raised his wand and Harry grabbed his wrist. There are too many enemies to use the stun spell, and even trying it will reveal their location. A Death Eater waved his wand, and the screams stopped, but still echoed in the distant mountains.

    "The Invisibility Cloak is flying!" a Death Eater shouted.

    Harry grabbed the cloak, but it didn't mean to slip away: the Flying Charm didn't work on it.

    "So you're unwrapped, Potter?" shouted the Death Eater with the Flying Charm, then to his comrades, "Be careful to spread out. He's here."

    Six or seven Death Eaters ran towards them, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione backed quickly and turned into the last side street, only inches away from being hit by them. They waited in the dark, running to and fro listening to footsteps, and the Death Eaters searched with their wands raised, streaks of wand light streaking across the street.

    "Let's go!" Hermione whispered, "Apparate now!"

    "Good idea," said Ron. Before Harry could answer, a Death Eater called out, "We know you're here, Potter, you can't escape! We'll find you!"

    "They were ready," Harry whispered, "with that spell, we sounded the alarm. I think they must have done something to keep us here, sleepy. it's here-"


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