Lillian touched the head of the little white cat, smiled and said, "this cat is as white as you. How about calling Xiaojing with you?"

Huo Jingjing was unconvinced: "that dog, call Xiao an as you like?"

Liluo'an didn't care: "xiao'an, just xiao'an". He took Huo Jingjing's hand and got up: "it's time to go back to dinner!"

The two entered the room together. Huo Jingjing couldn't help but say, "Wow, it's so rich. It would be a pity if there was no wine!"

Then he ran to the unopened packing box, took out two bottles of red wine, and showed it to Lillian: "look, this is the good wine collected by hosnian. Last time I was the bridesmaid for my sister-in-law, I asked me to take two bottles of red wine with me."

Lillian was surprised: "do you want to drink?"

"Of course, it's necessary for people to have some wine when they have a happy event and move in!"

Huo Jingjing said as he went to get a goblet and a bottle opener, poured two glasses of red wine, one for himself and one for Lillian: "do one, I wish I can get my graduate degree smoothly!"

Lillian has always been very restrained and even afraid of such things as tobacco and wine, which is one of the reasons why he rarely participates in all kinds of entertainment.

Smoke injures the lung, wine injures the liver, and it is easy to delay things!

But because of the joy of housewarming and the pouring of Huo Jingjing cup by cup, Lillian couldn't bear to brush her kindness, so she drank a lot.

As a result, it really missed.

The next day, when Lillian woke up in her bedroom, she saw Huo Jingjing, who was sleeping soundly, rolled up in the quilt. She couldn't help smiling, kissed her hair, and then went downstairs with light hands and feet to prepare cat food and dog food for Xiaojing Xiaoan and breakfast for Huo Jingjing.

Huo Jingjing did a lot of work for her new home a few days ago, so she inevitably missed a few classes. Today, she still has a big class in the morning, so Lillian prepared bacon fried eggs, milk and salad for her, and a full table.

At more than seven o'clock, Huo Jingjing was awakened by the alarm clock. He got up lazily from bed, dressed in pajamas and slippers, and wandered downstairs to find dinner.

After dinner, Huo Jingjing went upstairs to change clothes and took the books he wanted to take to school.

Lillian cleaned up the kitchen and drove Huo Jingjing to school.

Living in a quiet villa, the price is that you have to experience the traffic jam in the morning peak every day when you go to school.

Huo Jingjing sat on the co pilot and stamped his feet anxiously: "won't you be late? Today is the female devil's class. If I'm late, I'll be miserable!"

If you change the small apartment you rented at the beginning, it is estimated that you can run a few steps quickly and step on it to the classroom. It doesn't have to be so late.

Lillian looked at her with a smile and said, "now I find that the villas in the suburbs are not so beautiful for the student party like you?"

"Even if it's not so beautiful, there's nothing to regret!"

Huo Jingjing leaned on Lillian's shoulder: "after all, I have to live in that villa for a long time in the future, and in this school, I can only read books for two or three years!"

In a hurry, Huo Jingjing was still late.

Fortunately, she usually had good grades and excellent character and learning. She was well liked by the teacher, so occasionally she was late, and the teacher didn't embarrass her, so she let her in and sit down.

Huo Jingjing yawns all the time in class. He is obviously out of energy.

Xia Lin, who helped her take the seat, saw her and sent her a note: [what's the matter? Obviously she's out of energy!]

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