However, in fact, Huo's father doesn't know that Huo Jingjing is more willing to stay in the imperial capital than Lillian.

Returning to Shanghai means that you will often see Uncle Huo Dongting. Despite all the years that have passed, Lillian will still be uncomfortable.

He is a person who focuses on academic studies and is not very good at regulating the relationship between people. Therefore, Huo Jingjing hopes that the two can settle down in the imperial capital.

However, the Huo family like to hold a group. Cousin hosnian has been dissatisfied with his uncle because he lives in Southeast Asia and takes care of Gu's group all the year round.

If she is also in the imperial capital in the future, it is estimated that Huo's father will be ten thousand unhappy!

She is the only daughter in the family. Her father usually dotes on her. He can give her an iron order long ago: don't marry far away!

Therefore, this is really a dilemma proposition!

Back in the villa, a cat and a dog who had been bored all morning immediately ran out of the nest and circled around Huo Jingjing.

Huo Jingjing changed his shoes and went into the house. He took cat food and dog food from the cabinet, fed two small ones first, and then went to the study to read.

The study room is very spacious, with more than 100 Ping mu. In addition, Lillian likes reading, so the whole wall near the north is arranged as a book shelf, full of his financial classics.

There are two tables, so the study is actually for two people.

However, when both of them are here, it is difficult to concentrate on reading. Only when Huo Jingjing is alone can he slowly turn over the books and take notes seriously.

It's just that Huo Jingjing's heart is a little confused.

She thought of what her father said to her: Lillian has been wandering outside for so many years. His mind can't be guessed by a little girl!

Your uncle, what kind of hatred do you have with Lillian's parents

Huo Jingjing thought that when two people love each other, although everything is good, they can ignore all gratitude and resentment. There is only her in their eyes and only spoil her!

But, once in the future, the feeling is light, or don't love?

As for herself now, including herself a few years later, she felt that if Lillian calculated herself, she had no ability to parry at all.

He has enough contacts and intelligence to deal with himself!

So how bad can he be to himself when he doesn't love himself and intends to deal with himself?

Huo Jingjing thinks it's funny and even premature to consider this issue now. But today, her father's words made her think about this inevitably.

Then, the more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm going to sink!

In the afternoon, Lillian came back from work.

On his way to work, he happened to pass a vegetable market, so he sold back the ingredients he had to make in the evening.

Put the things in the kitchen and Lillian went upstairs to find someone. There was no one in the bedroom. When he went to the study, he saw Huo Jingjing sitting at his desk, thinking about things with his cheeks.

He went behind her and whispered, "study so hard?"

The voice is gentle, as if it could drip water.

Huo Jingjing made a sound, turned around and hugged his waist with both hands: "you're back from work."

Lillian touched her head and said, "come back and cook for you..."

He likes to cook for her very much. He cuts vegetables and asks her to do it. Then he prepares the meal and eats it with her.

Time just slipped through his fingers, making him feel secure!

But there's something wrong with the little thing today.

Just now, her eyes were obviously not on the book.

So he asked, "what were you thinking just now?"

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