After dinner, Gao ran picked up his bag and was not ready to go home, but to go to the airport.

She came back to Shencheng in time. Tonight's flight will also fly back to Hengdian to continue filming.

Lu Chenyi was very conscious. Without waiting for Grandpa Lu's instructions, he took the car key: "I'll take you to the airport!"

I don't know why I took the initiative, probably because in his heart, Gao Ran is always the little girl of five or six years old, a little reckless and needs protection.

She was the eldest daughter of the family, so she was always taught to love her brothers and sisters, but no one loved her. She was so angry that she often asked her mother to give her a brother.

Mrs. Gao helplessly touched her head: "there's nothing I can do about it!"

Gao ran angry and ran to Lu's house by car, carrying a small box of snacks: "whoever will be my brother, my snacks will be given to whoever!"

Among the two boys in the Lu family, Lu Yusheng sat on the sofa eating cookies and remained unmoved. Lu Chenyi put down his spider man and ran over. He also raised his hand: "I!"

Therefore, she likes to call him big brother. She looks like a relative!

When Gao ran followed him, he looked at his tall man and sighed!

When he got on the bus, Grandpa Lu sent them out of the window with a stick. He didn't forget to ask Gao Huo: "Huo Huo, eat more when you look back. You look thin. You can run away in a gust of wind!"

Gao ran said with a smile: "Grandpa, I lose weight, but it's you. You should pay attention to rest and exercise more. You can't be lazy!"

Grandpa Lu smiled and said, "I see. Go quickly!"

Grandpa Lu was even a little relieved when he watched the car disappear into his sight.

After all, after so many years of friendship between the Lu family and the Gao family, he doesn't want to break up like this. If Chen Yi and ran ran can be together, the Lu family and the Gao family will be in laws again

The car quickly left the city and headed for the airport.

Gao ran sat on the co pilot, sucked his nose and said half jokingly, "brother, how many women have you carried?"

Lu Chenyi was stunned: "what are you talking about?"

"I didn't talk nonsense, you smell so much perfume in this car, and it's all women's perfume!"

Lu Chenyi smiled helplessly: "your nose is really effective, but to tell you the truth, you're the first one to carry a woman. Moreover, my car is also a new one!"

Lu Chenyi didn't lie. The car he drives now is a new Bentley, which is also a gift from Grandpa Lu.

The seats are made of genuine leather with a faint fishy smell. What Lu Chenyi love most is this smell, so he spray many perfume in the car to cover up.

He didn't study what perfume was, so he bought several bottles at random and spat.

Unexpectedly, it caused such a misunderstanding!

Gao Huo made a noise and then said with a smile, "brother, if you drive such a car and go out to carry other women, you will be misunderstood by others. Moreover, people may not be like me. You will believe it as soon as you explain!"

Lu Chenyi squinted thoughtfully, "really?"

High burn nodding: "yes, there is a woman's perfume on the car, it's really easy to misunderstand! Especially the smell of your car, or mixed, it's easy to think that you have ever had women of every hue in this car!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Chenyi said, "it seems that I should drive to a sauna and taste it again!"

Gao ran turned to look at him and blinked: "brother, are you afraid that some people will misunderstand you?"

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