Gao ran listened to his words, lowered his head, kicked the pebble under his feet and asked, "why do you need a reason to invite you to dinner?"

"That's not what I mean," said Lu Chenyi. "I think you're in a good mood today. Is there anything happy? Let's share it!"

"OK, it's not a happy event. Hey, I'll invite you to dinner. Do you want to come?"

Lu Chenyi smiled and said, "big star, please have dinner. It's a treat no one else has. Of course you're coming. But will you wait for me for five minutes first?"

"OK", Gao ran answered brightly and said, "I'm waiting for you in the western restaurant opposite Lu's building. When you're finished, come to me!"

"OK, that's it. Hang up first!"

Hang up the phone, Gao ran listens to the beep in the receiver, and then walks to the western restaurant opposite Lu.

She had something in her mind and was absent-minded when she walked. When she crossed the road, she was almost hit by a red Ferrari. Gao Huo quickly dodged back and fell to the ground without paying attention.

The owner of Ferrari is Lu Yusheng, Lu Chenyi's cousin.

Although Lu Yusheng spends a lot of time outside and has made countless girlfriends, Lu Yusheng is still a gentleman for the women he met since childhood.

Especially Gao ran, they met since childhood. Even though a lot of things happened later, the relationship between the two was pretty good. When Gao ran first made his debut, Lu Yusheng put the Navy on the Internet to support her

So when he saw that Gao ran into her, he hurried down from the Ferrari, walked three steps and two steps, and helped her up: "sister ran, are you all right?"

When Gao ran came out today, he was wearing a pair of flat bottom scoop shoes. It is estimated that if he wore high heels, he would certainly sprain at this time.

She moved her bones and then said, "it's all right, but why are you driving so fast? Fortunately, it's me today. If you meet a villain, you'll wait to be bumped by others!"

Lu Yusheng smiled and was a little complacent: "so, life is good. I've driven a luxury car for so many years and I've never been hit by porcelain! It's not easy to hit people today, but it's still burning!"

Gao ran looked at him happily and sighed that he was really just a simple, idle dandy.

Now Lu Chenyi is back. Seeing that half or even more of his huge family property should have belonged to him, it is estimated that at this time, Lu Yusheng's parents are going crazy, but he is still in the mood to drive a sports car and wander around.

But it's also good. It's hard to be confused in life!

It's much better for him to be happy every day like now than for him to become a selfish, cold and resourceful man!

Gao ran looked at the woman sitting on the co pilot of the luxury car again, and his gossip heart suddenly said: "Hey, I seem to have heard that you took a fancy to a woman a few days ago, but others didn't bird you? Is it true?"

Lu Yusheng's face was a little unnatural. Although he felt very shameless, he was too lazy to deny: "why do you want to expose my black history?"

"I can help you", Gao ran looked at him and blinked: "after all, I'm also a woman. I know what women like and don't like. With my help, you can step less on thunder and get twice the result with half the effort!"

Lu Yusheng shook his head: "different, she is really different from you!"

"Why is it different?"

"You say that a woman should have something she likes when she lives in the world? Or she likes beautiful clothes, precious jewelry, or money, but she doesn't seem to like anything. Even her name is strange..."

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