Gao ran didn't bother to go: "Mom, I'll be ready soon. I'm afraid I don't have time to go shopping with you. In this way, I'll buy you what brand of clothes you like!"

Mrs. Gao was stunned: "burning, why do you have to work? Aren't you on vacation?"

"You can't take too long off during the holiday," Gao ran said. "Otherwise, if you lose popularity and show up again in the future, you won't have much attention!"

Mrs. Gao sighed and said, "burning, in fact, my mother thought that a few years ago, because of the reasons at home, I asked you to give up your studies and come back from abroad to break into the entertainment industry. My mother always felt sorry for you. Now the conditions at home are good, and my mother hopes you can stay at home and live a good life!"

Gao Huo slowly drank the porridge in the bowl and said: "Mom, don't always mention the past. I'm also very good in the entertainment industry. In addition to making money, I've also gained a lot of other things. Besides, don't forget that at the beginning, I wanted to study acting and enter the film and Television College. You didn't let me take the exam, but you pressed your head and let me apply for the finance department. Now I'm finally an actor. You should be happy for me!"

"Burn burn, mom now hopes that you can have a good home!"

Mrs. Gao looked at her daughter who was drinking porridge. Her eyes were gentle: "burning, Chen Yi is a good person, very steady and kind. Moreover, your grandpa Lu has always been interested in promoting this marriage, so mom doesn't want you to continue in the entertainment industry. Woman, no matter how big your career is, you will finally return to your family!"

Burning high and lowering his head, the sweet and delicious milk porridge in his mouth seemed to become bitter.

If she can, she also thinks that marrying Lu Chenyi is a good destination for her. Who doesn't want to marry her childhood sweetheart?

But it happened that man didn't love her and didn't mean to marry her!

Everyone is not stupid. The two old people have madly hinted that they were almost thrown into the same bed. But up to now, Lu Chenyi has nothing else to say. He just regards her as a good little partner, that's all!

Before, she thought he was a bit dull and straight, so she didn't mind being more patient and taking one more step towards him.

But now, she realized that he didn't understand, but was pretending to be stupid!

She has no way to wake up a pretending sleeper!

Gao Huo's heart was like eating Coptis chinensis. It was bitter and astringent. After a long time, she looked up and said, "what's the hurry? I haven't won the Oscar and the best actress award yet. I don't want to get married and fall in love so early. Mom, please respect my dedication and don't always pimp me. Otherwise, people will think your daughter can't get married!"

What else does Mrs. Gao want to say? Gao Ran has put down his bowl and wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Mom, I'm going to have dinner with my agent at noon and won't come back at night. Don't wait for me!"

With that, the man had hurried upstairs.

He picked up a favorite skirt from the wardrobe and put it on. He put on light makeup in front of the mirror. Gao ran took the car key and left the Gaojia villa in his BMW.

During the afternoon rush hour, Gao ran drove to the agent Amy's house and said he wanted to work and no longer be a salted fish.

Amy put on the mask and said, "Yo, it's not like your style. If I didn't call you, you'd come running. Why, is the Buddha woman a magic woman?"

"Fuck you", Gao ran hit her with a chelizi: "I'm hard-working once. Can you stop hitting me?"

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