Lu Chenyi said, "it's clear that Ding is bullying you. Now that I've seen this, I can't sit back and ignore it!"

Gao ran looked at him with a satisfied smile on his small face: "that's why I thank you. I thought I would be alone in the imperial capital, but I didn't expect to meet you here!"

"But I still have a week to go back to Shencheng. I can't stay here!"

When Lu Chenyi finished, he couldn't help frowning: "I'm afraid that Ding can't do it once. He's not so easy to give up the second time. Otherwise, burning, I'll stay with you for a few days?"

"No", Gao ran didn't think about it, so he refused: "it's good to have an agent around me. She's very experienced. You can rest assured with her!"

Lu Chenyi glanced at Amy and smiled: "but today, your agent doesn't seem to have played any role."

Gao ran immediately explained, "that's because you're too impatient, so Amy doesn't have a place to play. Well, it's over. You've played a big game today, and you don't dare to be presumptuous compared with that fat Ding."

Lu Chenyi is not idle in Shencheng. He wants to take care of Lu's group and stay in his current position. Gao ran really doesn't want to drag him down.

Besides, he doesn't love her, so Gao ran would rather be a stranger to him, rather he wouldn't be so kind to her, and don't let her have a little hope of being loved.

Without hope, there will be no disappointment!

"Brother, I really don't need it," Gao ran spoiled her with a smile. "I'm not a child, and I don't need you to escort me on the first day. Really!"

Lu Chenyi looked at her deeply. She still remembered how she looked when she was a child, dressed in a princess skirt and combed her ball head. She was so childish and cute. She was still a little princess who didn't know the world

In contrast, now she is just a person who compromises because of her work, a person who has no choice but to float in the Jianghu!

Lu Chenyi was distressed by her like this. She wanted to take her home immediately and let her live a good life and be the carefree little princess before.

But he still held back. Gao Ran has grown up and has her own ideals and ideas. She is no longer the little girl who runs behind him all day for a sugar.

Even now, she has her own boyfriend.

Her side, more and more no place for him.

Lu Chenyi was helpless, but he still smiled at her: "well, burn, take care!"

"Well", Gao ran watched him get into the car and said, "brother, drive carefully and good night!"

"Good night!"

Lu Chenyi finished, stepped on the accelerator and left the door of the hotel.

Gao ran looked at his back, slowly relieved, turned back and said to Amy, "let's go too!"

They went to a nearby coffee shop together. While waiting for the assistant to pick them up, they ordered something to kill time.

Gao ran wanted to drink coffee, but he was stopped by his agent Amy: "it's too late to drink coffee. I'd better drink some milk to help sleep. Go back to sleep at night!"

Gao ran smiled: "for me, what really helps sleep is sleeping pills and wine!"

Amy looked at her inquisitively and suddenly said, "in fact, you just didn't want Lu Chenyi to leave, did you?"

After hearing this, Gao Huo laughed with self mockery: "can what I hope come true?"

"But he just really wanted to stay with you..."

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