In the Gao family's villa, a young man with beautiful faces is chatting with the Gao family's parents.

When Gao ran came in, he also stood up and said hello politely: "Miss Gao, you're back..."

Gao ran was surprised to see him, but he still said hello to him politely: "hello..."

Then he looked at his parents: "Dad, mom, this is..."

Such a strange man suddenly came to the family. Gao ran was very strange and wanted to know his identity.

Gao ran knew all her family and friends, but she had no impression of this man. An idea suddenly came into her mind:

Isn't this the blind date her parents found for her?

Sure enough, Mrs. Gao has opened her mouth with a smile: "burning ah, let me introduce you. This is Song Yi, who graduated from a famous American school and now works as an executive in an investment bank. She is young and promising. Xiao Song, this is my daughter, her career, you should know very well!"

Song Yi smiled: "yes, of course I understand. Besides, I'm also a fan of Miss Gao!"

Gao ran never dreamed that he would be urged to marry by his parents one day!

What she hates most is the blind date. The two people set out their own appearance conditions, picked each other, and almost got married. It's like random pairing. She would rather be single for 800 years than blind date!

Upstairs some day in the future, the high flare could make complaints about the phone call to Amy, "I thought my parents were very forward. I didn't expect that they would join the marriage rush one day and start to urge me to get married."

Amy is at home and has a bath and mask. When he heard the high temperature, his eyes lit up: "what kind of man did your parents introduce you? They have a very good view. Should they not introduce what is wrong with the melon and jujube?"

"I don't think it's very good. It looks white and tender, like a little white face. Standing with me, I have no CP feeling. I really don't know what they think!"

Amy listened and smiled, "who do you have CP feelings with?"

High combustion: "...."

After thinking about it, she said, "I think the actors I have worked with all seem to have a CP sense, so I once thought my temperament was versatile. As a result, when he came here, er, I think we are at odds..."

Before the voice fell, Mrs. Gao's voice sounded outside the door: "burning, how are you?"

"My mother is knocking at the door. I won't tell you first!"

Gao ran hurriedly hung up the phone, went to the door and opened the door. He looked at his mother with a bit of anger: "Mom, where did you get such a man to introduce me?"

Mrs. Gao smiled: "I think it's good that my friend introduced it. Why, don't you like it?"

"I don't like it, but I don't like it very much." Gao ran went back to his cloakroom, picked out his clothes and said, "I'm in the rising stage of my career now. It's not suitable for falling in love and getting married at this time. You don't know. Why introduce me to a boyfriend?"

"But this marriage will be married sooner or later. Even if it's for your career, you can also consider hidden marriage. You said yourself that many female stars in the circle are hidden marriage, and you can learn from them. You can't delay your life in order to make a film?"

"Then I don't like the man downstairs," Gao ran muttered while changing his clothes. "We don't fit at first sight, and he's obviously not the one I like!"

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