Maybe she got away from the agent and rarely went out to be presumptuous once, so she wanted to eat spicy hot pot.

So Cheng Zhuofei followed her and said to the waiter, "give us two yogurt, one before the hot pot and one after the hot pot!"

Yogurt can protect the gastric mucosa. Drink one before and after meals to ensure that her stomach won't hurt.

Gao ran showed him a big smile: "you are more wordy than my agent!"

"We are all for your own good," said Cheng Zhuofei, unscrewing the lid of the yogurt for her. "Otherwise, you will have stomach trouble when you are young. What will you do in the future?"

Gao ran stretched lazily and said, "you will raise me in the future, and then take me to see a doctor!"

"I can raise you or take you to the doctor, but I can't suffer this crime for you," Cheng Zhuofei said, looking at her delicate and beautiful face. "Many diseases can't be cured with money. Many hardships can't be avoided with money, so you still have to take good care of your body!"

Gao ran tooted his lips: "the style of veteran cadres, now start to keep in good health!"

The hot hot pot was soon brought up, as well as gaoran's favorite fat beef slices and hairy belly. She ate it with chopsticks. Her lips were hot and red. She couldn't help shouting: "it's cool. I like spicy food best, especially hot pot!"

Cheng Zhuofei's taste is light, so he has been eating the bottom of the clear soup pot. After listening to her words, he looked up, looked at her tongue sticking out, and couldn't help laughing: "you look a little like..."

Seeing that he lengthened his tone, Gao ran immediately became alert: "what is it like?"

"A bit like..."

No matter how long the tone was, I had to say, "like a puppy!"

"Cheng Zhuofei!"

Gao Huo was a little angry. He reached out and picked up a fish ball and threw it at him: "you're like a dog!"

Cheng Zhuofei has a strong will to survive: "I'm your licking dog!"

Gao ran stopped and continued to eat his hot pot.

During this time in the United States, their communication was relaxed and happy. For the time being, we don't have to think about Cheng Huazhou's possible suppression on her, or whether the relationship will really blossom and bear fruit. We just spend time with him, go to interesting places, eat delicious food and spend time recklessly.

Half a month later, Gao ran finally prepared to go back to China.

Cheng Zhuofei booked tickets for her and her agent, and then drove to the airport to see them off.

Gao ran sat in the VIP lounge and watched him finish all the formalities for himself. Then he came to him with a cup of coffee. He felt a little sigh in his heart: it's really good to be taken care of and loved by others!

She may not love him, but she is greedy for the warmth he gives her!

She has a boyfriend, so Amy has been a transparent person almost the whole time. She has been sleeping on a single sofa, chasing dramas with a tablet, and sometimes searching domestic entertainment news!

Cheng Zhuofei sat aside with Gao ran and said, "if you return home this time, if there is any trouble in the entertainment industry, you must call me!"

It's impossible that the news about his relationship with Gao ran in the United States can't reach Cheng Huazhou. Her father didn't do anything to her, but Gao ran was her vent.

She has been on the road for so many years, and now she is a little red. It would be a pity if Cheng Huazhou suppressed her at this time!

Gao ran smiled: "why? I'm afraid your father will come to trouble me?"

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