Weiya's accident is not a small problem in any crew.

Especially when there was an accident, Gao ran was still filming at an altitude of more than ten meters. When he fell, the whole person was unconscious.

Because the filming place is in the mountains, the ambulance can't drive to the scene at all, so it can only drive to the home stay, and then send the unconscious high combustion to the ambulance.

The crew temporarily set up a simple stretcher, put the unconscious high flame on it, and the four carried it to the B & B.

Cheng Zhuofei also went to the B & B with the crew. He looked at her pale face. He was so scared that he subconsciously shook her hand: "burn, burn, hold on, burn..."

He murmured her name as if he could keep her from leaving.

The crew was fast, and soon sent Gao ran to the ambulance. Cheng Zhuofei also sat on it. He looked at the doctors and nurses for her emergency treatment. His faces looked puzzled, and his heart suddenly cooled.

After getting on the ambulance, everything was much faster, and Gao ran was quickly sent to a nearby hospital for rescue.

Gao Shao's injury came suddenly, and there was no time to block the news. It soon began to ferment on the Internet and was once popular.

Gao Ran has been banned for a long time, but after all, he has also been popular. He is a familiar face in the entertainment circle, and there are many passers-by fans. In addition, the shooting injury of female stars has always been a topic captured by the media, so by the evening, the hot search of this topic has reached the top.

Many people are paying attention to this matter, and fans are praying for it, hoping that their love beans will wake up as soon as possible.

Lu Chenyi always doesn't care much about the news in the entertainment circle. In the past, he used to watch it occasionally because Gao ran was mixed in the entertainment circle. Now Gao Ran has been blocked, and he is too lazy to watch it.

But when I finished working overtime and was ready to turn off the computer and leave, I was startled by the news in the lower right corner of the computer:

Popular actress Gao ran was injured during filming, and millions of fans burst into tears

Lu Chenyi was stunned and subconsciously went in. She didn't bother to read the text, but only picked up the pictures.

The photo was taken while Gao ran was lying flat on the pusher bed and moving forward at a high speed, so the content was a little mushy, but from the facial contour, you can still recognize that it was Gao ran.

She lay there motionless, not even bloodstained——

This is what worries Lu Chenyi most. When he was trained in the magic knife League in his early years, he knew that there was no blood on the surface of falling injury, which means that there may be internal bleeding, which is more serious than ordinary trauma.

With a slight shake of his fingers, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed Gao Ran's number.

Although she can't answer now, the mobile phone should be kept by an agent or assistant. It's no use just watching the news on the Internet. He must know the exact situation!

Soon, the phone was connected, and Cheng Zhuofei answered: "hello? Lu Chenyi?"

When he saw the number Gao ran gave him, he said it was brother Lu, so he naturally thought of Lu Chenyi.

Lu Chenyi didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He asked bluntly, "where's Gao Yan? How's the situation?"

Cheng Zhuofei was in a low mood: "he was still in the rescue room and didn't come out, but the situation was serious..."

From the doctor's words, internal bleeding is 100%. If it is not handled properly, it may cause severe brain injury, or even become a vegetable, and will never wake up.

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