At this time, Gao Jin's phone called again.

Amy didn't hesitate. She hung up and went to the exercise room to burn her calories.

When she was on the treadmill, Amy was a little distracted. She thought of a lot of things in her mind. She remembered the night when she started with Gao Jin

Then she fell on the treadmill because she wasn't careful.

The fall was not light, but extremely embarrassing, because after the fall, the whole person was directly overturned to the ground by the conveyor belt on the treadmill.

Amy felt that this scene happened fortunately in the private sports room of the hotel. If it happened in a public gym with a lot of people, she would be laughed to death!

The knees and calves were bruised and swollen, and they didn't dare to move for a long time.

But at this time, the phone in the living room was still thinking. She limped over, saw Gao Jin's name, hung up again, and pulled him into the blacklist.

I found a bottle of purple potion for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis from the first aid kit and scrawled it on my sore leg, making myself like a spotted leopard.

When he was angry, he received a call from Gao ran: "Gao Jin just called me and said you had a quarrel. You didn't answer his call. He's very worried now. What's the matter? Did you quarrel?"

"No, don't listen to him," Amy said perfunctorily. "It's easy to solve this matter. You don't have to worry. Concentrate on filming your own play!"

Gao Jin was skeptical, but he still said, "well, you two decide your own business. It is estimated that Gao Jin was afraid of turning off your power and doing stupid things, so he called me!"

Amy seemed to be laughed by her: "ha, it's funny. I'm so bored that I look for life and death because of a man? I admire his honey confidence!"

High combustion: "...."

Is it really good to diss her brother in front of her?

Well, people's boyfriends can say whatever they want. Gao Shao didn't bother to worry about them. She gave her a few words and hung up the phone.

Work ended early in the evening. It was rare that there was no night play, so Gao ran quickly took a bus back to the hotel and took Amy to eat local roast duck.

After that, they wandered around the snack street and bought a bunch of string back, ready to be a snack.

I took a taxi back to the hotel. When I first entered the lobby, I saw a young man wearing a black suit - Gao Jin sitting on the sofa over the rest area!

He was looking down at a newspaper.

But when they came in, he looked up and waved to them, "sister, Amy..."

As he spoke, he came over to them and looked at the string they were holding: "Hey, you still eat string, not afraid of long meat?"

When Amy saw him, she thought of what he said to herself during the day. She was unhappy: "children's families are very wide. I like to eat. I like long meat. It's none of your business!"

Gao Jin looked at her: "tut tut Tut, I just said, you just hate me!"

Gao ran was a little worried about being photographed secretly, so he didn't want to stay here for a long time. He just gave them the space to have a good talk, so he quickly withdrew: "I'll go back to my room, you talk slowly!"

"Whoever wants to talk to him, I want to go back to my room!"

Amy said as she followed Gao ran. Just as she was about to enter the elevator, unexpectedly, Gao Jin suddenly reached out and grabbed her: "we don't take this elevator..."

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