Half an hour later, a silver helicopter landed slowly, circled on the airport runway for several times, and finally stopped.

The door of the cabin opened and Gu Wanzhou appeared at the door.

Gu Wanzhou is particularly dressed today.

A well cut red Chanel high set dress, with a ball head at the back of the head, a delicate diamond hairpin, and a prada handbag in the arms.

She was accompanied by a rope wearing a black pure leather suit.

Behind them was the Lin servant who helped them with their suitcases.

"Dad", Gu Wanzhou looked at Shen Siyuan, smiled, bowed his head, stepped down the steps and walked towards him.

Shen Siyuan was very happy to see his daughter go home. He immediately put aside Fu yarou's hand, walked quickly and hugged her: "well, the boat finally went home."

Then he turned back and looked at the mother, son and daughter behind him: "these... You all know..."

Gu Wanzhou's eyes fell on Fu yarou, smiled and shouted, "aunt, you're all right."

The mask of Fu yarou's virtuous wife and mother is very firm. In front of Shen Siyuan, her personal equipment has never broken. Even if she wants to cut Gu Wanzhou, the smile on her face is particularly gentle and kind:

"Xiao Zhou, I'm so glad you can come back. Your father often thinks of you. He hasn't forgotten you for a moment for so many years."

Gu Wanzhou listened, but smiled. He turned back and took soso's hand and introduced to Shen Siyuan: "Dad, this is my cousin soso. In grandma's house, my cousin has the best feelings with me. So I brought her back together and wanted her to stay with me at home for a while."

Shen Siyuan naturally promised: "well, there's enough House at home. Live casually. Get in the car and get ready to go home."

The Shen family's villa is located in the suburbs. It was built by Shen Siyuan himself when he married Lin anzhen. It is a pure European villa with a courtyard in front and a garden in the back. It is very luxurious.

The villa has four floors. The top floor is the study and office, the third floor is the master's bedroom, the second floor is the guest room, and the first floor is a series of facilities such as kitchen, video room and swimming room.

Further down, there are underground garages and wine cellars.

Twenty years ago, it was already a very avant-garde mansion.

From the appearance, it is somewhat similar to the luxury house of the Lin family on Wangjing island. Obviously, Lin anzhen asked the designer to design the villa after her mother's house.

Unfortunately, after the completion of the villa, Shen Siyuan and Fu yarou have lived here for the longest time.

Shen Siyuan took them to the third floor and opened a room. It was a newly decorated Princess Room, covered with light pink wallpaper and even an indoor swing used by the little princess.

Fu yarou enthusiastically acted as a tour guide and led them in: "Xiaozhou, your father thought you were a little girl in those years, so the decoration is also according to your preferences in those years. However, it doesn't matter. If you are dissatisfied with anything, just tell your aunt and she will help you improve."

Gu Wanzhou looked around and said, "everything is very good". Then he turned and looked at the rope around him: "cousin, do you like this room?"

The black super sunglasses on soso's nose haven't been taken off since she entered the house, which makes her whole person look cool and exudes a super big aura.

It is precisely because of this aura that Fu yarou and Shen Yiyi's mother and daughter feel unnatural. Gu Wanzhou seems to have brought a vicious dog to the Shen family.

Especially for Fu yarou, any person or thing related to Lin anzhen in this villa is a thorn in her eye.

Whether Lin anzhen's daughter or Lin anzhen's relatives.

"It doesn't matter," soso said, "if you arrange for me to live here, I'll live here."

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