But it doesn't matter. Gu Wanzhou thought that the future will be long.

She doesn't believe it. She can't help Shen Siyuan today and still can't help him in the future.

Now, Gu Wanzhou feels more and more that he should learn from Sheng Yu. No matter how angry he is, he looks like a light wind and clouds.

Only in this way can we better hide ourselves.

The book says that only a patient hunter can lay a perfect trap and make his favorite prey unable to escape.

Fu yarou smiled heartily: "Xiaozhou, you don't know. Your father loves you most. You moved out and kept the room for you. You won't let others in."

Gu Wanzhou listened and looked back at her.

Because she is at home, Fu yarou looks gentle and quiet in a white literary and artistic cotton and linen embroidered dress.

She also wears a pearl necklace around her neck. It looks like the latest style

For these rich families, kuota's jewelry can be divided into two categories, one of which is pearl and diamond sold on the market. It has novel style and attached brand value, which shows its wealth.

But there is also one kind, which belongs to antiques and has been handed down for several generations. Most of them are jadeite or gold and silver. Of course, they are not as precious as Chanel Cartier.

Because you can buy valuable jewelry in circulation with money. However, most of the antique jewelry is handed down by family, which requires the wealth and heritage of a family for generations.

Generally speaking, it is an aristocratic family.

Fu yarou has lived a rich life for 20 years, and he is willing to learn. Of course, he knows that antique jewelry is more precious.

But she knew that Gu Wanzhou was coming today, so she didn't dare to wear any of the antique jewelry left by Lin anzhen in her jewelry cabinet for fear that Gu Wanzhou would recognize it.

It's also annoying to think about it. The jewelry I've worn for 20 years seems not to be my own overnight.

But even so, she will not let these jewelry fall into Gu Wanzhou's hands.

She can pass it on to her son and grandchildren - anyway, the jewelry is in her own hand, and Gu Wanzhou can't live forever.

When she gets old and dies, no one will know who the original owner of these jewelry is.

Gu Wanzhou looked at her with a smile: "yes, I locked my room. It's an imported lock. Ordinary people should not open it?"

As soon as they said this, Shen Siyuan and Fu yarou felt extremely embarrassed.

Shen Siyuan, in particular, looked at Fu yarou angrily and blamed her for being talkative. She obviously wanted to sell a good girl, but she was beaten in the face.

Gu Wanzhou's words can be regarded as a hidden needle, which is tantamount to telling everyone plainly: her room, whether she lives or not, is hers, and others can't covet it.

Shen Siyuan secretly pinched his sweat and vaguely felt that the daughter didn't look so simple and cowardly on the surface.

At least, unlike Lin anzhen, she believed everything he said.

Fortunately, the servant came over and said that dinner was ready and invited them to have dinner together. This relieved Shen Siyuan's embarrassment. Please come to the restaurant together.

Since they entered the house, Shen Yiyi never showed up. It is said that she had a headache, so she didn't eat dinner.

However, her actual situation is that she has committed red eye disease.

Shen Yiyi really doesn't want to see Gu Wanzhou. She has robbed Sheng Yu. Now she has to go back to the Shen family and become a guest of the Shen family. This is really a kind of torture for Shen Yiyi. She would rather cowardly choose to escape.

However, before Gu Wanzhou's meal was eaten, the light in the restaurant suddenly went out.

She was startled: "power failure?"

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