After all, before Fu yarou opened the safe, the family was expelled by the court staff.

On the bus to the hotel, Fu yarou's face was not very good: "Siyuan, you can't be too careless about this. My safe can't be opened. It's no coincidence that our family was driven out again."

Now, Fu yarou is worried about the jewelry she put in the safe.

The last time she sent Gu Wanzhou away with a set of fake jadeite jewelry, Fu yarou felt guilty and deliberately locked all the jewelry left by Lin'an, together with her precious jewelry, into the safe, in order to prevent Gu Wanzhou from jumping off the wall and buying servants to steal the jewelry left by her mother.

Recently, because of her brother Fu Rui's family, she was in a bad mood and didn't go out to socialize, so she didn't wear those jewelry again, and the safe hasn't moved.

What I never expected was that someone did it.

If Sheng Yu or Gu Wanzhou really did it this time, now all the jewelry in her safe will probably be brought to a nest by Gu Wanzhou.

Shen Siyuan didn't believe it: "not necessarily. Maybe you just think too much. Besides, there are too many thoughts about the safe after all, and it's inevitable that there are problems."

Fu yarou didn't recognize his words, but he knew that Shen Siyuan was also upset, so he stopped talking.

However, the sixth sense still told her that this time it was not easy.

Shortly after Shen Siyuan and his family were driven out, Sheng Yu's people immediately arrived, directly opened Fu yarou's safe, swept away the jewelry inside, and then sent it to the hospital where Gu Wanzhou lived.

Last time, Shen Siyuan lied that the genuine jade jewelry had been buried with Lin anzhen.

Many of these pieces of jewelry are familiar to Gu Wanzhou. In the past, when she looked at her mother's photos at her grandmother's house, she could often see her wearing jewelry.

Now she compared the photos, picked out the jewelry that originally belonged to her mother and herself, and planned to save it by herself.

Finally, only two sets of Tiffany diamond necklaces were left for Fu yarou. They were in recent years and could not be his mother's things. Therefore, Gu Wanzhou didn't want them and returned them to Fu yarou as usual.

Taking back his mother's relics, Gu Wanzhou was relieved. He thought that when Lin anzhen opened the safe again, he would probably faint with anger?

At first, she colluded with Shen Siyuan, fooled herself with a set of fakes and made herself dumb.

This time, Gu Wanzhou also treated him in his own way, so that Fu yarou could taste the taste of suffering, being robbed and not daring to speak out.

Of course, Sheng Yu didn't go abroad on business.

Recently, the event of the flourishing age has just ended. He has been idle for a long time, so he has been accompanying the evening boat in the hospital.

He sat on the sofa and looked at Gu Wanzhou. "So, when will you allow them to go home, Mrs. Sheng?"

"No hurry", Gu Wanzhou smiled, "let them stay in the hotel for half a month."

Fu yarou is not a fool. She didn't take these jewelry away. Even if she lives in a hotel, she must be uneasy. Let her heart hang for a while.

Just like before, her mother's relics were in Fu yarou's hands, and she was always worried that Fu yarou would destroy her mother's relics in order to revenge her.

Now, she also let Shen Siyuan and Fu yarou have a taste of this fear and uneasy sleep and food.

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