Luo Weian listened to her words and smiled: "it's not exactly a disease, but she had to do a small operation and needed to cultivate here for a month."

Gu Wanzhou frowns slightly. It's not a disease, but he still needs an operation and needs to cultivate for a month

In addition to abortion, Gu Wanzhou couldn't think of anything else.

She looked at Vivian with some doubts, and her eyes involuntarily fell on her stomach.

If Rowan is pregnant, you need to find a private hospital with good medical conditions and privacy, take a good rest for a month, and then start work.

If she is really pregnant, whose child is she pregnant with?

A cold wind blew over. Rowan hugged her arms and said, "it's windy. I'm afraid of the cold. I'll go back to the ward first. Bye."

Gu Wanzhou looked at her back and couldn't remember for a long time.

She stood in place for a long time, and suddenly she followed up.

Pushing open the glass door of the inpatient building, as soon as he looked up, he saw Sheng Yu and Luo Weian standing at the corner talking. Gu Wanzhou immediately reacted, hid behind the Roman column and listened carefully to their words:

"Are you better? If you have any requirements, you can ask me."

Luo Weian's voice is very light and gentle: "it's much better. I can resume work about next week..."

She stared at the light pink corner behind the Roman column and smiled: "speaking, it's no wonder that President Sheng can only blame myself. I forgot to take medicine afterwards, which added so much trouble to you. Don't worry, I'll never make such a mistake again."

"That's good," said Sheng Yu. "You don't have to worry about work. Take care of your body first. I won't give you less compensation."

Luo Weian nodded slightly: "thank you, President Sheng. Then I'll go up first."

Sheng Yu made a sound, watched her enter the elevator, and then turned around.

Unexpectedly, Gu Wanzhou stood behind him with a pale face.

Sheng Yu was startled. A bottle of yogurt in his hand almost fell to the ground: "boat..."

"President Sheng, you are very considerate of your female subordinates..."

Gu Wanzhou chuckled: "in fact, why do you do evil? Since you are pregnant, it doesn't hurt to give birth to the child. After all, grandma is old and looking forward to her great grandson."

Sheng Yu frowned, "Xiao Zhou, what are you talking about?"

Gu Wanzhou didn't seem to hear Sheng Yu's voice. He was still talking to himself: "you really shouldn't kill this child. Miss Luo is a popular film star and deserves president Sheng. Besides, Miss Luo is the first marriage, President Sheng. You're the second marriage."

"Boat, the child she knocked down is not mine at all..."

Sheng Yu came forward and tried to hug her to calm her down.

However, Gu Wanzhou couldn't calm down at this time. When he leaned over, he waved his hand and slapped him: "get out of here!"

Her wound had just recovered and her body was weak, but after she was really angry, she still beat Sheng Yu's head to one side.

Sheng Yu was not discouraged, but still stubbornly held her hand: "Xiaozhou, the child in her belly, was conceived by the senior management of LK company in order to win the agency of LK beauty makeup when she attended the fashion week in Paris. It's not my flesh and blood, not at all..."

Gu Wanzhou couldn't help laughing: "yes, anyway, now there are no children in her belly. Whatever you say with your mouth - even if you say he is an alien child, I can't prove it..."

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