Sheng Yu finally raised his head and murmured, "today last year, what I lost was just a Jason?"

Gu Wanzhou stared at him for a while and said softly, "Sheng Yu, you're drunk."

While talking, he held his arm and wanted to help him sit at the head of the bed and have a good rest.

However, Sheng Yu suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled her tightly into his arms.

Gu Wanzhou struggled with both hands and feet, but he stubbornly refused to let go and said to himself:

"Today last year, in addition to Jason, I lost our child, a little child, which has not yet taken shape. It's just a embryonic bud... So you hate me, blame me, treat me neither hot nor cold, and refuse to forgive me..."


Before the words fell, a slap in the face hit him so hard that his head tilted to one side.

He turned his face in a daze, but saw Gu Wanzhou's eyes full of tears.

Originally, Sheng Yu didn't know the existence of the child. Last time, when Gu Wanzhou was assassinated and hospitalized in the cinema, he gave her a physical examination.

As a result, the doctor gave her a physical examination and found that she had a history of abortion.

But Sheng Yu clearly remembered that when they were together at first, she was still a virgin. After that, he rarely let Gu Wanzhou leave his side, let alone let her have the chance to share a room with other men.

He asked the doctor to investigate and roughly estimate the time. The child really ran away when he was attacked by the magic knife alliance.

So she made trouble with him in the hospital last time, not because she mistakenly thought that Vivian was pregnant with his child, but because she thought of her own child.

It was because he didn't trust her, put her under house arrest, but he didn't have the ability to protect her, so the child died prematurely.

"If you don't say it, if everyone doesn't mention it, I won't remember it - why do you say it? Why do you have to mention my sadness? Why?"

After Gu Wanzhou came back from Wangjing Island, he rarely behaved like today. He pushed him desperately, kicked and took medicine at him, and vented his anger, regret and disappointment on him.

At this time last year, he imprisoned her on the yacht, but he didn't know that she had their baby and they had become expectant parents.

But later, when his bodyguard ad took her to the sea, dived eastward and joined his cousin Lin Zheng, the child disappeared.

That day, the sea water around her was cold and piercing. She had abdominal pain, but she couldn't even do it in a coma. She watched the sea water she passed with blood.

Later, she learned that the abdominal pain was actually the pain of the baby being stripped from the mother.

She refused to eat well for a long time. The baby was not well developed and couldn't help the cold sea water, so she abandoned her.

She hardly had the courage to miss the child, but the damn Sheng Yu wanted to expose her scar.

Sheng Yu's body is full of muscle blocks formed by long-term exercise, such as an iron wall, which can't move and takes effort to bite his teeth.

But his arms closed her so tightly that Gu Wanzhou felt a kind of despair.

Unfortunately, at the beginning, she couldn't hold her baby as tightly as he did. If not, she would keep her baby anyway.

She finally gave up her resistance, crying low and weak, but with some reluctance.

For a long time, she heard Sheng Yu's low voice: "I'm sorry for my baby, and I'm sorry for you. I let you eat so much pain..."

He held her, gently kissed the tears on her face, and comforted her gently in his voice: "the baby will have, there will be..."

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