The crystal shoes are just right on Ye Qianzhi's feet.

The clerk took her in the mirror and said, "look, how beautiful?"

"I think it's also very beautiful and suitable for your temperament."

Gu Wanzhou said that she walked towards Sheng Yu, took her chanel bag from Sheng Yu's arms, and handed a bank card to the clerk: "no secret payment."

Ye Qianzhi pressed her hand: "sister Xiaozhou, forget it, it's so expensive..."

"It doesn't matter. This is my first gift for you. I hope you can find your prince charming as soon as you wear it."

Ye Qianzhi bowed his head and smiled shyly: "sister Xiaozhou, don't make fun of me."

"How can it be a joke? We Qianzhi are so beautiful, but the communication surface is too narrow, otherwise we must be a fan!"

After buying shoes, Gu Wanzhou took a fancy to a tiffany bracelet, several thin silver chains, twisted into a rope, with several pearls and diamonds on it.

Gu Wanzhou bought two at once, one for himself and one for ye Qianzhi. He said that good sisters should wear the same bracelet.

When shopping today, Gu Wanzhou pays for everything he consumes.

Sheng Yu has been watching from a distance and has no plan to pay.

He saw that Gu Wanzhou wanted to buy things for ye Qianzhi, so he didn't pay, because whoever spent money was the one who sent it.

After that, he upgraded Gu Wanzhou's credit card to a limit, which is the same.

After shopping, Gu Wanzhou was also tired. Sheng Yu also had to go back to work. The three returned home.

The car drove downstairs to Shengshi. Gu Wanzhou didn't go upstairs with Ye Qianzhi, but continued to drive back to Lanxi bank. He had to send Gu Wanzhou back.

On the way back, Sheng Yu said, "otherwise, I'll transfer Qianzhi to the branch."

"Oh? Why?"

Sheng Yu turned to look at her and smiled, "Mrs. Sheng, you are becoming more and more untrue."

"Why transfer her?"

"Aren't you already paranoid?"

Sheng Yu said and seemed to sigh: "in fact, she was recruited to Shengshi to work because she felt that she was young and it was not easy to find a job outside. She was afraid that she would be deceived. In case something happened, I would be sorry for Jason. So I put her under my nose..."

When it comes to Jason, both of them are silent.

That time, it was clear that they were the targets of the magic knife alliance, but Jason died.

For her and Sheng Yu, Jason is only a very effective staff around her, but for ye Qianzhi, she is her only brother and only relative.

After a pause, Sheng Yu said, "but now, I think she's almost experienced, and she's not as stupid as when she just graduated. If..."

"Forget it," Gu Wanzhou said, "you'd better put it under your own eyes. It's very safe."

She can't imagine what it would be like for her and Sheng Yu if something really happened to Qianzhi.

Simply put it here with Sheng Yu and don't take the risk.

Besides, ye Qianzhi and Sheng Yu have no cross-border behavior at present.

Sheng Yu looked at her while driving: "since you choose to do this, can you prove that you believe me?"

Gu Wanzhou was stunned for a while and said, "it's true."

"Why do you believe me so much?"

"Because ye Qianzhi is Jason's sister, you either don't touch her half. Or you will be responsible if you touch her, which means you change my wife."

Gu Wanzhou smiled: "I don't think you will do this!"

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