After all, Fu yarou has stayed in the upper class circles for a long time.

She was so close that she decided that she couldn't rush to Japan like a shrew to pick up Ann Xiaoke's clothes and scold her as a bitch.

She didn't act as if she didn't know about it.

After all, now an Xiaoke is in Japan and around Shen Siyuan, it's not so easy to do it.

Moreover, the children in Ann Xiaoke's stomach can't be born in a day or two and can grow big.

As a patient hunter, Fu yarou won't scare the snake.

She pretended as if nothing had happened.

Even on the day Shen Siyuan returned home, she took her children to the airport to pick up the plane. The family looked happy.

Shen Siyuan is also a little homesick.

No matter how beautiful an Xiaoke is, it's just fresh for a while.

He and Fu yarou have been married for many years. Fu yarou and his children can't give him the sense of sureness.

Including his own daughter Gu Wanzhou.

An Xiaoke didn't come back with Shen Siyuan.

She accompanied Shen Siyuan these days and went to places that men like. Now, she still has several large shopping malls, and she is reluctant to come back.

Shen Siyuan just didn't want to appear at the airport with her, so he left her a card and came back by himself.

An Xiaoke came back a week later than Shen Siyuan, and the day after she came back, she asked Gu Wanzhou to go to a private club and said she had brought her a gift.

Gu Wanzhou happily agreed and drove out early to wait for her at the agreed place.

In fact, what she is waiting for is not an Xiaoke's gift, but a good play on an Xiaoke.

Sitting in a private club, Gu Wanzhou looked at the watch on his wrist from time to time.

It's time. Ann hasn't come yet.

Gu Wanzhou called an Xiaoke once. The other end was soon picked up. A strange male voice came:

"Hello, this is Songshan hospital. Are you the family member of the mobile phone user?"

An Xiaoke had a car accident, and the address was near the private club she made an appointment with Gu Wanzhou.

Gu Wanzhou took a deep breath: Fu yarou finally started.

Moreover, as soon as you make a move, you want human life.

Tough enough, vicious enough!

Just like when she treated her mother!

Gu Wanzhou clenched his fist quietly. Don't be complacent too early. Fu yarou, your good days are running out.

Suo advised her: "simply, let Lu Li publicize her affair with Fu yarou. Fu yarou doesn't have Shen Siyuan's protection. It's not how you want to clean up?"

Gu Wanzhou shook his head: "no, even if Fu yarou's story is exposed, Fu yarou is at most driven out of the house. After all, they have two children. Lu Li and Fu yarou haven't done too much now. Shen Siyuan won't be too cruel to Fu yarou."

Moreover, even if he is now driven out of the house, Fu yarou still has a lot of money to spend and a healthy body to enjoy life.

As long as she wants, she can leave Shencheng and go to a place where no one knows her and start a rich and decent life again.

This is obviously not what Gu Wanzhou wants to see.

For this reason, she doesn't mind waiting for so many months. After squeezing Fu yarou's money and completely destroying her body, she will get out of the Shen family in despair.

She will keep Fu yarou alive. It's best to let her live without dignity until she is a hundred years old!

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