At the thought of his mother, Gu Wanzhou sighed, with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

Before Sheng Yu came, Gu Wanzhou didn't bother to go back to the living room, so he sat down on the swing set off by a cluster of roses.

Not far away is the kitchen. You can vaguely see the busy figure of servants in it. From time to time, the aroma of delicious food floats out from there.

Gu Wanzhou sucks her nose greedily. She didn't eat when she came. Now she's really hungry.

Hungry, my eyes couldn't help looking at the kitchen.

Against the window, there is a red sandalwood casserole on the gas stove, stewing a pot of purple ginseng chicken soup——

That is an essential dish on the Shen family table. Shen Siyuan also likes to drink it.

Gu Wanzhou looked at the casserole, and his stomach grunted.

She was about to get up and go to the living room to get some snacks to cushion her stomach. Suddenly, Fu yarou burst into her sight.

Fu yarou came over and explained something to the servant. Then she went to the red sandalwood casserole, lifted the lid and smelled it. Then she got a small paper bag from somewhere and sprinkled some powder into the chicken soup,

As if afraid of being seen, Fu yarou quickly lit the empty paper bag on the gas, stirred it in the casserole with a large spoon, closed the lid and left the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

The whole process from applying medicine to destroying evidence was less than half a minute. It was so fast that Gu Wanzhou didn't even have time to take out his mobile phone and leave evidence.

Her mouth opened, but her heart pounded. What did Fu yarou put in it?

That pot of chicken soup is what all the men, women and children of the Shen family want to drink. Does she want to poison the whole family?


Gu Wanzhou soon denied his idea. The tiger poison doesn't eat her son. How can Fu yarou be willing to poison her son and daughter?

However, she also clearly saw that Fu yarou did put something in the chicken soup.

Gu Wanzhou thought for a long time and didn't come up with any clue.

But one thing is certain, that is, Fu yarou certainly didn't put anything good in the chicken soup.

Of course, Gu Wanzhou's consciousness is not great enough to tell everyone about her discovery. What she wants to protect has never been anyone in the villa.

She doesn't drink chicken soup and can't let Sheng Yu drink that pot of chicken soup. That's enough.

Therefore, Gu Wanzhou soon called Sheng Yu and asked him not to come over.

After that, Gu Wanzhou himself went back to the living room: "Dad, Sheng Yu just called and said it was the company's overtime. I want to see it and pack a simple meal for him."

Shen Siyuan said, "that's just right. I'm cooking at home. Pack one for him. What I do at home is always healthier than what I do outside."

Gu Wanzhou's stomach Fei: I can't tell what good food was cooked in your house.

However, on the surface, Gu Wanzhou still smiled gently and calmly: "no, Dad, Sheng Yu likes to eat Huaiyang food. I know a restaurant is very good. I'll just buy it for him."

Shen Siyuan smiled: "well, you'll come back to dinner with your father next weekend."

"Well, OK, Dad."

At the moment of turning around, Gu Wanzhou glanced at Fu yarou's face, smiled coldly, and then left.

Just sitting in his car, he received a call from Sheng Yu: "Xiaozhou, what are you doing? Why don't you let me go to your house all of a sudden?"

"I can't speak clearly in a few words," Gu Wanzhou said, "Sheng Yu, I'm hungry. Let's find a place to eat first!"

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