Soso took it reluctantly: "last time, don't steal to buy me clothes next time."

"Well, well, for the last time," Gu Wanzhou said, holding her arm affectionately: "let's go. I'll invite you to dinner in the evening."

In the evening, the place where Gu Wanzhou invited soso to dinner is a membership western restaurant.

The reason why I chose here is not because of how well the dishes are cooked, but simply because I like the quiet and convenient chat here.

At dinner, Suo asked her, "you haven't shown Shen Siyuan the photos of Fu yarou's cheating and promiscuity?"

Gu Wanzhou shook his head: "not yet. I've been waiting for an appropriate time."

"When is the right time?"

"When all the upper class in Shencheng are present," Gu Wanzhou said with a smile, "that's the most appropriate time and occasion."

"Therefore, you not only want Fu yarou to be discredited, but also Shen Siyuan to be discredited."

Gu Wanzhou nodded and smiled, "my cousin knows me best."

If he gave the photos to Shen Siyuan now, in order to protect his face, he would only drive Fu yarou out of his house, and then destroy the photos in accordance with the principle of not exposing his family's ugliness.

What Gu Wanzhou has to do is to let Fu yarou put a green hat on Shen Siyuan in front of the upper class society in Shencheng, so as to completely discredit their husband and wife X.

She had to let Shen Siyuan know that losing her mother Lin anzhen and marrying Fu yarou was the most wrong thing in his life.

The more Shen Siyuan wanted to cover his scars, the more Gu Wanzhou wanted to uncover them for everyone to see. Look at this selfish and stupid man. He betrayed his hairy wife who shared joys and sorrows, but married an unscrupulous woman home.

Soso was very satisfied with her sharp wrist: "very good. You think things so thoughtful yourself, so you don't have to bother me to adjust."

Gu Wanzhou was a little distracted. If her mother was like her at the beginning, would she not die today and she could grow up under her mother's protection all the time?

With this idea, the dishes on the plate became dull.

After casually eating some salad, they were ready to check out and leave.

When they came to the hall of the club, they looked at the dressing mirror in the hall to sort out their instruments. At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in the mirror.

Ye Qianzhi!

They were stunned. After looking at each other, they immediately turned around, but only saw Ye Qianzhi's skirt blowing over the corner.

Without hesitation, they got up and caught up.

Soso, in particular, is the best at doing such things, and she is even a little excited - because of her experience as a teenager, she is obsessed with this critical exciting moment.

And ye Qianzhi's speed was also very fast. Soon she ran into the bathroom and quickly locked the door.

Gu Wanzhou is a little excited. This is an opportunity to avenge Jason and his sister. We can't miss it.

She stretched out her hand and twisted the doorknob: "soso, I'll watch here. You go and ask the manager to open the door..."

"Don't look for the manager," soso said, taking a piece of wire from his bag and stretching it into the keyhole.

Gu Wanzhou naturally couldn't understand her technique. She just walked around with both ends of the iron wire, and the door clicked open.

The two pushed the door in and looked at the empty bathroom. Before they recovered, Gu Wanzhou suddenly felt a pain in his ankle: "Oh..."

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