"He is not only my biological father, but also Yiyi's biological father?"

Fu yarou was stunned: "you... What did you say?"

"Yiyi, like me, is Shen Siyuan's own daughter." speaking of this, Gu Wanzhou smiled contemptuously: "this matter is almost an open secret in Shen city. Do you think I don't know?"

Gu Wanzhou looked at Fu yarou's panic and continued: "when my mother was still there, Shen Siyuan betrayed her, colluded with you, and gave birth to her illegitimate daughter Shen Yiyi..."

She smiled as she said, "you want to take all your faults on yourself and let me not deal with Shen Siyuan. In this way, your son and daughter can continue to live a life of rich clothes and food under the protection of Shen Siyuan and continue to enjoy the wealth left by my mother..."

Gu Wanzhou couldn't help laughing: "Fu yarou, you've done all the bad things. Why do you think God will care for your children?"


In Shen Siyuan's eyes, there was a kind of guilt and fear after being exposed: "no, it's not like this. I did it. I did everything..."

Gu Wanzhou was too lazy to see her performance and turned away.

"No, Gu Wanzhou, if you hurt my children again, I won't let you go..."

Gu Wanzhou listened to Fu yarou's shrill and miserable voice behind him, smiled coldly and continued to go out.

When she got to the front yard, Gu Wanzhou saw her half brother Shen Pingchuan. He bent down and was looking for something in the lawn.

Gu Wanzhou looked at his little figure and stopped: "Pingchuan."

When Shen Pingchuan raised his head and looked at her, there was a trace of vigilance in his eyes because he heard from his mother and sister that sister Xiaozhou had done this to his family.

But out of politeness, he shouted, "sister Xiaozhou."

Gu Wanzhou looked at his sensible and clever appearance and couldn't help feeling pity:

Although he grew up to live a comfortable life without worries about food and clothing, he was not lucky to have such parents and his stepsister.

She took two steps forward and asked softly, "what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for lucky grass," Shen Pingchuan said seriously. "Lucky grass can bring luck to people. I hope to bring luck to my parents and my sister."

Gu Wanzhou stretched out his hand and said, "come here."

Shen Pingchuan really came over. Gu Wanzhou watched him rummage through the grass for a long time. With some muddy hands, he took out a bag of wet wipes from his bag and cleaned his hands:

"In the past, sister Xiaozhou, like you, believed in the stories in the fairy tale world. But later, sister Xiaozhou took a yacht to sea with her mother, the yacht sank, her mother went to heaven, and sister Xiaozhou was washed into a small town by the sea..."

Shen Pingchuan asked, "does sister Xiaozhou have no parents?"

"When I came to that town, I was adopted by a kind old couple, and they became my parents. But later, they died, so I had no parents."

Shen Pingchuan looked at her. In his childish eyes, he had more pity, and then said, "will I have no mother soon?"

"Your mother loves you very much," Gu Wanzhou said. "But the so-called lucky grass can't bring anyone any luck at all. If you want lucky things to happen to yourself, you have to strive for them yourself. However, don't abandon your conscience at any time."

Shen Pingchuan nodded vaguely

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