"You should know me. I really can't get in when I'm drunk, so I'm sober every time I'm with you!"

The second time he was called, soso raised his head and looked at his beautiful and deep eyes.

She didn't expect that Lin Zheng was brave enough to flirt with her in public in front of Lin Ankang, her aunt and a group of servants and bodyguards.

Besides, how can you say such a thing?

Suo Suo Rao was open, but he couldn't help blushing. He buried his head deeply and ignored him.

"And you", Lin Zheng turned to look at Lin Ankang: "you bought my assistant Tang bin with a kidney and asked him to do such a thing for you. It would make people laugh!"

Lin Ankang was stabbed to the pain spot, and his face was red, and he didn't say a word. For a long time, he said, "even so, what happened has already happened. You should be responsible for it!"

Lin Zheng chuckled: "Dad, you're right. Let's ignore whether Gu Yongzhi's pregnancy is true or false. Even if it's true, you and Tang bin should be responsible. If it weren't for you two, Gu Yongzhi wouldn't be pregnant! Although you're not the child's father, you're better than the child's father!"

With that, he stood up and looked at the rope opposite: "get up and go home for dinner!"

As he spoke, he strode towards her, pulled her up and walked out as if there were no one else.

Soso was pulled by him and followed him out like a string puppet.

Behind him, Gu Yongzhi's cry was louder.

Almost at the same time, the tea cup flew over from behind, broke and cracked at sosuo's feet, and the porcelain pieces collapsed all over the ground.

It was thrown by Lin Ankang. Originally, he wanted to throw it on Lin Zheng, but in his anger, he lost his accuracy and threw it at Suo Suo's feet.

Suo was startled and subconsciously approached Lin Zheng.

This move hit Lin Zheng. He simply released her hand and directly took her into his arms. They left Lin Ankang's villa in a very intimate posture.

As soon as the villa door was closed, soso immediately got rid of him and walked towards his car: "I have a job later. I have to go first..."

Before the door was opened, a hand stretched out behind him and closed the door with force: "Suo, you also believe their words, don't you?"

Soso held the car key and his hands trembled slightly.

She didn't believe what they said. She only believed in Lin Zheng. She believed every word he said. She believed that he was calculated and put him in Gu Yongzhi's bed.

However, she was a little afraid that Lin Zheng could not beat his family after all!

Lin Zheng took her to the villa next door.

When the door is opened and closed, there is a world of two.

"How can you believe that I really won't marry Gu Yongzhi?"

Don't turn your head. She doesn't know how to answer the question.

Lin Zheng stretched out his hand and pulled her face. Looking at her stubborn and pretending to be strong, he suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Tong Suo, your expression now is really cute!"

When soso saw him laughing, he suddenly became angry and kicked him on his calf: "you still have the face to laugh!"

This foot was not heavy, and Lin Zheng felt almost no pain. He stroked her curly hair and said, "Tong Suo, are you a little promising?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I said," Lin Zheng raised a few decibels: "I, Lin Zheng, are unmarried so far, and only have a legitimate girlfriend, Tong Suo. Therefore, all the other women who covet me are shameless little three-year-old fox spirits. How about treating them with a decent palace style?"

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