Gu's manor, Southeast Asia.

It was surprisingly hot at noon.

Gu Yongzhi's bedroom is on the second floor. Outside the window is a tall palm tree.

While she was taking a nap, there was a buzzing sound of cicadas from the palm trees outside the window.

Gu Yongzhi was already upset and irritable. As soon as he heard this sound, he turned over and sat up from bed. He casually copied an alarm clock on the head cabinet and threw it out of the window.

Outside the window, soon came the sound of the alarm clock landing.

Gu Yongzhi sat on the bed and still felt suffocated in his chest, like pressing a big stone.

It's almost a month since I came back from Shencheng.

For such a long time, Gu Yong hasn't been out of the door once. He stays at home depressed every day and is about to suffer from depression.

She still remembers that day in the ward, when Lin Zheng looked at her, he asked her with disdainful eyes and sarcastic tone: "is Nezha in your stomach?"

For the first time, she was humiliated and despised like that!

It should have been Gu ruoyi, her half sister, who married the Lin family. After all, Gu ruoyi is the eldest child in the family and her sister. She should give priority to emotion and reason.

However, after all, the Lin family is a wealthy family that is difficult to meet in ancient times, and Lin Zheng is such a young talent, so Gu Yongzhi and his mother, Mrs. Gu, tried every means to exclude Gu ruoyi and won such an opportunity for himself.

Unexpectedly, she spent two or three years, not only failed to marry Lin Zheng, but was so humiliated and calculated by him!

The fake pregnancy was exposed by Lin Zheng on the spot. Gu Yongzhi's father Gu Siming and his mother, Mrs. Gu, also had no light on their faces.

In the ward that day, shortly after Lin Zheng left, Lin Ankang and Tong Siyu also left.

When there were only three of them left in the ward, his father Gu Siming slapped one of Gu Yong and scolded:

"Why did I raise such a shameless and disgraceful thing like you? I've lost all my face for so many years! I knew this. When I went to Wangjing Island, I should have taken ruoyi with me."

If you take Gu ruoyi to Wangjing Island, even if you can't marry the Lin family successfully, according to ruoyi's character, you won't make it so ugly and humiliating!

When her daughter was beaten, Mrs. Gu rushed to save her and cried, "your daughter was bullied and hurt. Instead of making decisions for her, you beat her. Do you deserve to be a father?"

Gu Siming pointed to her and said coldly, "isn't it all her fault to be bullied and hurt? Who let her pester others? Who let her fake pregnancy seduce others? She deserved it!"

Since then, Gu Yongzhi has completely fallen out of favor in front of his father.

Her credit card, vice card and her luxury car are all banned.

Gu Yongzhi lost so badly for the first time. In any case, she can't forget the humiliation and harm brought to her by Lin Zheng and Tong Suo!

The dog men and women dare to do this to me

Gu Yongzhi clenched his fist and trembled when the phone rang.

Take it and have a look. It's Tong wanwan.

Gu Yongzhi saw the number and threw it aside.

Tong wanwan is a waste. Almost all the money Gu Yongzhi spent on her has been wasted. She has never done anything for her at all.

Plus now Gu Yongzhi is in a bad mood, so he doesn't bother to talk to her.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang again soon after hanging up.

She reached for her cell phone and asked coldly, "Tong wanwan, how did you think of calling me?"

Tong wanwan's voice was very light, with a trace of cautious temptation: "Miss Gu, are you... Are you all right now? Are you still in Shencheng?"

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